Seminar 1 – Morphemic structure of the word 1) Write a synopsis according to the following plan: 1 The word and the morpheme. 2 Traditional classification of morphemes. 3 Allo-emic theory in morphology. 4 Distributional classification of morphemes. 2) Dwell on the following points in details: Word and morpheme, their relative status in the structure of language. The problem of definition of the word. Word as a nominative unit of language and the central unit of morphology. Morpheme as the smallest meaningful part of the word. Traditional classification of morphemes. Root and affixes - suffixes, prefixes, inflexions. Lexical and grammatical morphemes. Outer and inner inflexion. The notion of zero morpheme. Allo-emic theory in morphology. Notions of morph, allo-morph and morpheme. Types of morpheme distributions: contrastive, non-contrastive, complementary. Distributional classification of morphemes. Free, bound, overt, covert, segmental, suprasegmental, continuous, discontinuous morphemes. Complementary character of the two classifications. Literature 1. Blokh М.У. A Course in Theoretical English Grammar. - M., 1983, ch.II. - p. 17-26. 2. Иванова И.П., Бурлакова В.В., Почепцов Г.Г. Теоретическая грамматика современного английского языка, § 1.0.1.- 1.0.2. - М., 1981, - C.49.