CHAPTER 3 INTRODUCTION TO COMPRESSIBLE FLOW 3.1 INTRODUCTION In incompressible flows, the density is constant. Hence, the main variables are (i) velocity (ii) pressure These variables may then be solved with the aid of (i) continuity equation (ii) momentum equation ME 411 GAS DYNAMICS 3. INTRODUCTION TO COMPRESSIBLE FLOW LECTURE 01 - 2/4 In compressible flows, there are appreciable variations in density Compressibility is especially important in high speed flows Large changes in velocity results in large changes in pressure. These pressure changes are accompanied with significant variations in (i) density (ii) temperature Then two more relations are required for the complete solution of the problem. These are (i) energy equation (ii) equation of state ME 411 GAS DYNAMICS 3. INTRODUCTION TO COMPRESSIBLE FLOW LECTURE 01 - 3/4 3.2 WAVE PROPAGATION IN COMPRESSIBLE MEDIA Stationary dV gas When a sudden push is given to the piston, a layer of gas piles up next to the piston and is compressed at the first instant, but the remainder of the gas is unaffected The compression wave created by the piston, moves through the gas and eventually all the gas is able to feel this movement . If the created pressure pulse is infinitesimally small, then this wave is called a sound wave and it moves at the speed of sound. When the medium is incompressible, there will be no piling up of the fluid and all the fluid feels the motion instantaneously. The speed of wave propagation is infinite (speed of sound)water > (speed of sound)air ME 411 GAS DYNAMICS 3. INTRODUCTION TO COMPRESSIBLE FLOW LECTURE 01 - 4/4 3.3 SPEED OF SOUND Pressure wave moving with velocity a dV p + dp + d dV h + dh Stationary pressure wave p a dV a V=0 h Control volume p p + dp + d a dV h + dh a h p p p + dp p + dp p p x x V V dV x (a dV) x a The transformation is a dynamic transformation, since it only affects dynamic properties (velocity, stagnation pressure, stagnation temperature) but does not affect the static properties (static pressure, static temperature) LECTURE 02 - 5/7 ME 411 GAS DYNAMICS 3. INTRODUCTION TO COMPRESSIBLE FLOW a) Continuity Equation Stationary pressure wave a dV p + dp + d a dV h + dh Control volume p a h For steady flow, mass flow rate is constant & = constant m For one-dimensional flow, properties are uniform (constant) over each cross-section. & = ρaA= (ρ + dρ)(a - dV )A m where A is the cross-sectional area of the tube 0 ρaA= ρaA- ρAdV + aAdρ - AdρdV dV = a dρ ρ LECTURE 02 - 6/7 ME 411 GAS DYNAMICS 3. INTRODUCTION TO COMPRESSIBLE FLOW b) Momentum Equation Sum of the external forces acting on the control volume must be balanced by the rate of change of linear momentum across the control volume Control volume Control volume (p + dp)A pA Fx = ( p + dp)A - pA & (a - dV ) m & ma & + (-m & ) (a - dV ) Fx = ma & + (m & ) -(a - dV ) Fx = (p + dp)A - pA Adp = ma & - ma & m & dV pA+ Adp - pA = ma Adp = AVdV dV = 1 dp ρa LECTURE 02 - 7/7 ME 411 GAS DYNAMICS 3. INTRODUCTION TO COMPRESSIBLE FLOW c) Energy Equation Stationary pressure wave p + dp + d a dV h + dh a dV Control volume p a h Across an infinitesimal pressure wave, the frictional effects can be neglected, since the pressure wave is very thin The time is too short for heat transfer so that the process can be considered adiabatic h+ a2 (a - dV )2 = (h + dh ) + 2 2 0 a2 a2 (dV )2 h+ = h + dh + adV 2 2 2 dh = a dV LECTURE 02 - 8/7 ME 411 GAS DYNAMICS 3. INTRODUCTION TO COMPRESSIBLE FLOW d) Second Law of Thermodynamics Momentum equation dV = 1 dp ρa dh = dp ρ dh = a dV Energy equation From thermodynamics, Gibbs relation is Tds = dh - Hence dp ρ ds = 0 Therefore across an infinitesimal pressure wave, the entropy is constant Continuity equation Momentum equation dV = dV = a dρ ρ 1 dp ρa a2 = dp dρ To evaluate a thermodynamic property, the property to be held constant during differentiation should be specified. For the present case, entropy is constant p a2 = ρ s LECTURE 02 - 9/7 ME 411 GAS DYNAMICS 3. INTRODUCTION TO COMPRESSIBLE FLOW In isentropic flow, the density and pressure of a gas is related by p constant ρk Taking logaritms (11.6) lnp - klnρ = ln(constant) Differentiating dp dρ -k =0 ρ ρ a= k p ρ e) Equation of State For a perfect gas p = ρRT a = kRT LECTURE 02 - 10/7 ME 411 GAS DYNAMICS 3. INTRODUCTION TO COMPRESSIBLE FLOW 1.4 MACH NUMBER M= Speed of the fluid V = Local speed of sound a Speed of the fluid V is a measure of directed motion of gas particles and V2 is a measure of kinetic energy per unit mass of the directed flow . Local speed of sound a is proportional to T1/2 which is a measure of random motion of gas particles and a2 is a measure of kinetic energy per unit mass of the random flow . M= V V 2 / 2 Directed kinetic energy per unit mass = = a a 2 / 2 Random kinetic energy per unit mass M<1 Subsonic flow M=1 Sonic flow M>1 Supersonic flow M < 0.3 Incompressible flow 0.9 < M < 1.1 Transonic flow M>5 Hypersonic flow LECTURE 02 - 11/7 ME 411 GAS DYNAMICS 3. INTRODUCTION TO COMPRESSIBLE FLOW 3.4 PRESSURE DISTURBANCES IN A COMPRESSIBLE FLUID Consider a point source, which is emitting instantaneous infinitesimal disturbances. These disturbances propagate in all directions at the speed of sound a. At any time t, the location of the wve front from the disturbance emitted at time t0, will be represented by a sphere with radius a(t – t0), whose center is coincident with the location of the disturbance at time t0. a(3t) a(2t) at S ME 411 GAS DYNAMICS 3. INTRODUCTION TO COMPRESSIBLE FLOW LECTURE 03 - 12/6 3.5.1 Stationary Point Source a(3t) a(2t) Sound wave emited at t = 0 at Sound wave emited at t = t S Sound wave emited at t = 2t Wave pattern at t = 3t The given wave fronts are in the form of concentric spheres. LECTURE 03 - 13/6 ME 411 GAS DYNAMICS 3. INTRODUCTION TO COMPRESSIBLE FLOW 3.5.2 Subsonic Point Source a(3t) a(2t) Sound wave emited at t = 0 at S0 S 1 S 2 S 3 Direction of motion Sound wave emited at t = t Sound wave emited at t = 2t Vt VtVt Wave pattern at t = 3t If a body moves in a compressible fluid with a subsonic speed , the fluid ahead of the body feels the presence of the body. An observer ahead of the body will hear more peaks per unit time as source approaches him then after the source passes over him. This is known as Doppler’s effect. The wave fronts are spherical in shape, but they are no longer concentric. ME 411 GAS DYNAMICS 3. INTRODUCTION TO COMPRESSIBLE FLOW LECTURE 03 - 14/6 3.5.3 Sonic Point Source Mach wave a(3t) a(2t) at S0 S1 S2 S3 Direction of motion Sound wave emited at t = 0 Sound wave emited at t = t Sound wave emited at t = 2t Zone of action Zone of silence Vt Vt Vt Wave pattern at t = 3t An observer in front of the source will not hear any sound. LECTURE 03 - 15/6 ME 411 GAS DYNAMICS 3. INTRODUCTION TO COMPRESSIBLE FLOW 3.5.4 Supersonic Point Source Mach cone Zone of silence Zone of action Mach angle a(3t) a(2t) at S1 S0 Vt S2 Vt S3 Sound wave emited at t = 0 Direction of motion Sound wave emited at t = t Sound wave emited at t = 2t Vt Wave pattern at t = 3t LECTURE 03 - 16/6 ME 411 GAS DYNAMICS 3. INTRODUCTION TO COMPRESSIBLE FLOW (11.10) The effect of pressure changes cannot reach ahead of the body and this is known as rule of forbidden signals The locus of leading surfaces of the wave fronts is a cone with the body at its apex which is known as Mach cone. All disturbances are confined inside the Mach cone and this region is known as the zone of action. The region outside the Mach cone is unaware of the disturbances and is known as zone of silence. The half angle of the Mach cone is known as Mach angle. sinμ = a(3Δt ) a(2Δt ) a(Δt ) 1 = = = V (3Δt ) V (2Δt ) V (Δt ) M The disturbances are concentrated at the neighborhood of the Mach cone and this is known as the rule of concentrated action. LECTURE 03 - 17/6 ME 411 GAS DYNAMICS 3. INTRODUCTION TO COMPRESSIBLE FLOW