Uploaded by peterpinter01

Body Recomposition Guide: Tracking Weight & Measurements

Body recompisition can occur under these 4 circumstances:
new lifters
detrained lifters
obese individuals
steroid users
Mandatory tools:
Body weight Scale, Measuring Tape, Camera (Progress Photos) and a Food Scale.
For consistency purposes, we recommend tracking your body weight for four-seven days per week at
the same time of day for consistency purposes.
For the most accurate weigh ins, we suggest weighing as soon as you wake up, after using the
bathroom and before drinking any water or eating any food
i am 90 kgs (198,4 lbs) around 15 percent bodyfat, therefore my lbm: 76,5 kg =168,6 lbs. So that i
should eat around 220 g protein per day
Meal plans 231-240