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Unbreakable Movie Essay: Strengths, Weaknesses, and Morality

Unbreakable Assignment
By: Lucas Timdale
Unbreakable… a great movie overall. The message was quite a relatable one as everything in
this world suffers from this problem, no one is perfect, and nothing is perfect. But, the main
thing that sets this movie aside from the rest is the fact that the message doesn’t stop there.
Nothing is perfect, but that doesn’t matter, as long as you stick to a righteous path and strive to
help others. Jesus teaches us that same message. To help those in need, the sick, the poor, and
the sinners of the land.
In this movie, the main character is David, a security guard. He finds that he is stronger than
the average person and can see people’s regretful pasts. David clearly does this in a movie
when he sees a random man’s past and discovers there are 3 people near death tied up in a
house. He rescued them without a second thought. Now, even though he is strong, he has a
quite average weakness, his lungs. His lungs are weak and cannot take in water without getting
hurt. Couple that with the fact that he’s not good at swimming and you’ve got a pretty strong
weakness. As for me, my “powers” are being extra kind and supportive. With my power, I can
help people suffering from self doubt and make them proud of who they are. I do have one
weakness as well. My main weakness is anything used as a weapon against me.
In conclusion, the movie Unbreakable was a fun film that taught a serious message, a message
of love and kindness towards others. Although we may struggle along the way with the
“villains” in our lives, we must not be tempted to stray from good. We all have our weaknesses,
we all have our strengths, but the only thing that matters is how we use them. If we are
following the footsteps of Jesus, he will surely lead us to heaven.