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Data Analysis and Visualization Assignment

Paper Name: Data Analysis and Visualization
Unique Paper Code: 32347507
Q1. Taking Iris data, plot the following with proper legend and axis labels: (Download IRIS
data from: https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/iris or import it from sklearn.datasets).
Interpret each graph in words.
Plot bar chart to show the frequency of each class label in the data.
Draw a scatter plot for Petal width vs sepal width.
Plot the pie chart for the class feature.
Draw histogram for Petal length.
Q2. What do you mean by cor-relation matrix? What does cor-relation coefficient depict?
Explain by giving a suitable example. Also, write a python snippet used to find cor-relation
between any two attributes A and B.
Q3. Explain the following statistical measures by taking a suitable example along with the
relevant Python snippet: Mean, median, mode, quantile, standard deviation
Q4. Write Short notes on the following (Give suitable examples):
a. Frequency Distribution
b. Significance of Data Aggregation and how is it done in Python
a. Normalization in data cleaning
b. Cross- tabulations
Q5. Write a python program:
To find the sum of all items in a dictionary (without using inbuilt function)
To find common rows between two given DataFrames
To remove rows in NumPy array that contains non-numeric values and then find the
sum of remaining numeric values
To find the indices of elements equal to zero in a NumPy array
To find whether a given string is palindrome or not
Q6. Compare and contrast the following data structures in tabular form by giving suitable
examples: list, set, tuple, dictionary.