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Hotel Business Performance During COVID-19 in Occidental Mindoro

Republic of the Philippines
Labangan, San Jose, Occidental Mindoro
Website: www.omsc.edu.ph Email address: omsc_9747@yahoo.com
Tele/Fax: (043) 457-0231
College of Business, Administration, and Management
CERT. NO.: 50500643 QM15
Problems Encountered, Strategies, and Performance of Hotel Business in San Jose, Occidental
Mindoro during COVID-19.
I. Researcher (s) Information
6. April Joy Decena
7. Mildred Bugayong
8. Jhomel Embanecido
9. Kimson Gragasin
10. Marck Wendel Lagunoy
Proponents: 1. Russell Cruz
2. Imey Carlos
3. Dominique Sanchez
4. Amy Dela Cruz
5. MJ Dela Cruz
Corresponding author’s email/contact number: 09123456789
II. Rationale
COVID-19 (corona virus disease 2019) is an illness cause by a virus. This virus is a new coronavirus that has spread
throughout the world. It is thought to spread mainly through close contact from person to person. Coronaviruses are large
family of viruses that are known to cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Severe Acute
Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)
The current pandemic situation will definitely have long lasting effects on the hospitality industry worldwide. Millions of
people have already lost their livelihood and many more unfortunately will lose it in the coming months – and by not having
any disposable income necessary for traveling or recreation will result in lowered travel and hospitality demand for an
extended period of time. Major corporate events along with the weddings and family reunions would be postponed or canceled
all together.
Although COVID-19 has impacted most of the hospitality sectors, many of which are still operating up until now like hotel
industry, they tend to fight against the deadly virus just to give service and made their guest feel comfortable, no matter the
III. Statement of the Problem
This research study aims to identify the different problem encountered and the different strategies and techniques business
will use in the time of crisis in San Jose, Occidental Mindoro.
It will specifically seek to answers the following questions:
1. What is the extent of problems encountered of hotels during COVID-19 in terms of:
a. competitors; and
b. shifting customer preference?
2. What is the extent of strategies of hotels during COVID-19 in terms of;
a. promotional activities; and
b. customer relation?
3. What is the level of business performance of hotels during COVID-19 in terms of:
a. guest satisfaction;
b. employee satisfaction?
4. Is there a significant relationship between problems encountered and business performance?
5. Is there a significant relationship between strategies and business performance?
E d u c a t e, E m p o w e r, E x c e l
OMSC-Form-OFC-09 Eff. Date: 02-08-19 Rev 00
Republic of the Philippines
Labangan, San Jose, Occidental Mindoro
Website: www.omsc.edu.ph Email address: omsc_9747@yahoo.com
Tele/Fax: (043) 457-0231
College of Business, Administration, and Management
CERT. NO.: 50500643 QM15
IV. Conceptual Framework
Independent Variable
Problems Encountered:
Shifting Customer Preference
Dependent Variable
Business Performance:
Guest Satisfaction
Employee Satisfaction
Promotional Activities
Customer Relations
V. Methodology
a. Research Design
This paper is descriptive correlational research in nature; therefore, it employed the descriptive method of research
supplemented by statement of the respondents and documents available. It explains the development of every hotels in San Jose,
Occidental Mindoro.
b. Respondents of the Study
The respondents of the study will be employees and managers of hotel management in San Jose, Occidental Mindoro.
VI. References
Policy Statement - Tourism Policies for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth (oecd.org)
Government Tourism Policy & its Challenges
E d u c a t e, E m p o w e r, E x c e l
OMSC-Form-OFC-09 Eff. Date: 02-08-19 Rev 00