Uploaded by Apoorv Chouhan

Cerenity Sanitizer: Marketing Research Case Study

Tata Institute of Social Sciences
V.N. Purav Marg, Deonar, Mumbai 400 088
( A Deemed University under Section 3 of the UGC Act,
Multivariate Predictive Analysis -II
Semester – III
Case study
Cerenity Sanitizer: Marketing Research for New Product
Submitted by
Apoorv Chouhan
Submitted to
Dr. Mansi Awasthi
The article details about the market research conducted prior to the launch of a product, Cerenity, a toilet
seat sanitizer. A product-focused on women’s needs, who happen to use public restrooms frequently. The
pre-launch research was divided into two stages
1) Qualitative study (explorative study) through focus groups, in-depth interviews, and participant
2) Quantitative research by conducting surveys and data collection and evaluating techniques like
regression, conjoint analysis, factor analysis, and cluster analysis.
The study aimed to understand the consumer needs and their attitude towards the product and ultimately
lead finding to develop product acceptance from its end users and establish it as a preferred and
trustworthy brand for use.
From the initial exploratory analysis, the team concluded the following items important in making the
purchase decisions,
Germ killing effectiveness,
Ease of use
Ease of carrying
Time of action
Product form
Product price
Post that, focus groups (user and non-users) surveys (7 points Likert scale) were conducted.
And test interpretations were found to be as:
1) Regression analysis
Analysis revealed that purchasing likelihood had a higher correlation with perceived health issues from
unhygienic toilet seats at the workplace, study areas, and malls, however, the R2 and adjusted R2 value
suggest that some more explanatory factors might be not included or can be included in the performed
2) Conjoint analysis
It was performed to identify the relative attributes of product and probable market price range, form, and
other factors with six attributes and three variables in combinations. (18 combinations)
The mean scores of respective combinations led to a conclusion of optimal product to be as (by optimizing
means scores of all the varieties)
Germ killing capability – 99%
Fragrance lime fresh
Time < 1 minute
Form spray
Price ₹ 150-200
Carry size 50ml
And further, six fragrance variants with optimum size were also extrapolated with the high scoring factor (for
time, form, and germ-killing capability) data with their to be respective market shares for the same product.
3) Cluster Analysis
The team had concluded with two clusters set 1) with outliers data 2) without outliers data … a typical
problem that when we have too much variances in due to the variables, however with the removal of outlier
data the it indicated findings in congruence with conjoint analysis that ease of use, germ killing capacity and
carrying had higher importance in purchase group except for sub premium group (carrying capacity).
However with all the clusters identified the favorability towards the product was found to be high.
4) Factor analysis
The initial hypothesis of the team that the product had to be communicated as the safe and convenient
product that can be used with ease and safety anywhere. The observations in factor analysis revealed
similar findings; as the high loadings were observed for the continence factor and the rest were
explaining effectiveness and use. The same is presented through a simple chart below that how the
underlying factors related with the two dimensions,further, the two dimensions were checked with
regression analysis to find out their degree of weightage for final likelihood to purchase. Which would
ultimately give us direction for the last campaigning focus point during the marketing of the product.
Convenience (D1)
Likelihood to
Effectiveness (D2)
Germ killing
Factor loading pattern after verimax rotation
The regression findings were also consistent with the initial hypothesis of the convenience factor having a
higher coefficients value than effectiveness. Kaiser Meyer olkin was done to check data adequacy Before
performing factor analysis. Further, two regression models were built to analyze usage and overall
performance with underlying price, convenience, and effectiveness factors. The results are presented in the
following tables, showing that the latter two factors have higher significance than the price positioning.
Conclusion: As the ultimate goal of the study was to establish long-term and short-term strategies for
product introduction and establishment as a trusted brand of preference. Thus the marketing campaign
should demonstrate the following features ( in order of priority ) germ-killing effectiveness, ease of use, ease
of carrying, and multiple fragrances(lemongrass as default) as an option. The price range of the product
could be determined with the size of bottling 150 -200 for 75 ml and 100-50 for 50ml and can be divided into
two premium and sub-premium categories in combination with fragrances. With default form as spray and a
comprehensive awareness campaign should be addressed as the point of sales option varied from malls,
chemist, grocery stores, online and offline retail stores in short term strategic decision. However, for longterm decisions, it is essential to observe the responses and feature addition on all the aspects and unit
economics of the product, as the awareness quotient for the said product appears to be low and
questionable without data.