Name: Pd. Date: How the Earth Was Made: The San Andreas Fault While watching the movie video, answer the follow questions. # Question 1 When the earthquake hit San Francisco in 1906, besides the obvious building problems, what was the other danger that the people faced? 2 What was the San Andreas fault named after? 3 Why is Mussel Rock important? 4 What is the process called where the Pacific plate was diving under the North American plate? How long is the San Andreas fault? 5 6 7 How long have earthquakes been occurring along the San Andreas? What is the significance of the altered path of the Carrizo Creek? 8 How much has the creek moved? 9 Which town along the fault has never had an earthquake? Why is Parkfield, CA so important? 10 11 Why is serpentenite an important rock where plates move? 12 Why is the data collected in the Coachella Valley so important? 13 How long has it been since there was a large earthquake in the Coachella Valley? About how many people live in the earthquake prone areas in California? 14 15 How many people died in the Northridge earthquake? 16 What was the magnitude of the 1906 earthquake in San Francisco? To what is the shock wave produced by an earthquake compared? 17 Answer Name: KEY Pd. Date: While watching the movie video, answer the follow questions. # Question Answer 1 When the earthquake hit San Francisco in 1906, fires besides the obvious building problems, what was the other danger that the people faced? 2 What was the San Andreas fault named after? a lake – Laguna de San Andreas 3 Why is Mussel Rock important? It marks the spot where the fault comes back on land after being in the sea. It also exposes rock from 2 different plates. 4 What is the process called where the Pacific plate was diving under the North American plate? How long is the San Andreas fault? subduction How long have earthquakes been occurring along the San Andreas? What is the significance of the altered path of the Carrizo Creek? thousands of years 8 How much has the creek moved? 1 inch per year 9 Which town along the fault has never had an earthquake? Why is Parkfield, CA so important? Hollister 11 Why is serpentenite an important rock where plates move? it’s soft (like talc so it moves easily), allowing the plates to move gently without major jolting motions 12 Why is the data collected in the Coachella Valley so important? very regular earthquakes 13 How long has it been since there was a large earthquake in the Coachella Valley? About how many people live in the earthquake prone areas in California? 300 years 15 How many people died in the Northridge earthquake? 72 16 What was the magnitude of the 1906 earthquake in San Francisco? To what is the shock wave produced by an earthquake compared? 7.6 5 6 7 10 14 17 800 miles it crossed the fault and shifted earthquakes occur regularly allowing scientists to study the movement along the fault 11 million sonic boom