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The Great Gatsby Review

'The great Gatsby' by F.S. Fitzgerald - Review
The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, is a classic novel that paints the romantic idea of hope,
despite the unpleasant realities, attracting you with mystery, intrigue, and suspense.
The story begins when Nick Cartawey, the book's narrator, moves into a modest West Egg house on
Long Island, near New York. That's how he gets to know Gatsby, who lives next to him in a luxurious villa,
giving lavish parties almost every night. Nick renews his relationship with his cousin Daisy and her
husband Tom and meets Jordan Baker. He also finds out about Tom's affair with Myrtle Wilson.
Nick finds out that Gatsby was a poor child, running away from home. Then, the narrator discovers
from Jordan that the girl Gatsby had been in love with for 5 years was Daisy. Gatsby asks Nick to invite her
to his house, so he can see her. From that meeting, they begin to see each other in secret.
As for the characters, Scott Fitzgerald manages to make them vivid and real. The main character is
the Great Gatsby, whose character exemplifies sincerity, being a symbol of love in this cruel world. He was a
very hopeful man. Instead, Daisy is a selfish and careless character. What I liked most about this book is the
significance of the green light. This means Gatsby's search for Daisy.
In conclusion, the classic novel The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, made me travel back to
1920, living intensely with the characters all the emotions: sadness, happiness, betrayal and,