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Health Benefits of Orthodontic Treatment and Its Cost in Gurgaon

Health Benefits of Orthodontic Treatment and Its Cost
in Gurgaon
Teeth play a very important role in human body as they help people chew and digest food,
speak clearly, keep the jawline intact, and help them achieve a confident, attractive smile.
As everyone relies on teeth daily for eating, their proper care is foremost. Some people have
teeth that are not as straightforward or properly aligned as they would like to have.
Misaligned teeth are harder to brush and floss and can lead to gradual wearing of tooth
enamel that requires expensive and extensive dental procedures. Orthodontic treatment
performed in Gurgaon at AK Global Dent can help in regaining the self-confidence of the
What is Orthodontic Treatment?
Orthodontics is one of the branches of dentistry that relates to the development of dentition
and occlusion, facial growth, and prevention as well as correction of occlusion anomalies
(i.e. improperly positioned teeth and jaws). There are various orthodontic appliances like
braces, Invisalign, headgear, retainers, etc. (both removable and fixed) offered at AK Global
Dent, dental clinic in Gurgaon that people can choose from. They all work on the same
concept i.e. to apply gentle pressure on the jaws and teeth so that they can slowly realign
into a better position.
An orthodontic treatment ensures that the teeth function properly and provide an
aesthetically pleasing smile. It is a complex biological process that can fix the dental issues
over time by making changes in the facial bones, jawbones, and soft tissues whilst the teeth
take their new positions in the mouth.
Who Undergoes Orthodontic Treatment?
One can consult an orthodontist in Gurgaon if they are suffering from the following
 Bite problems like overbite/ buck teeth (upper jaw sticks out over the lower teeth),
underbite (a bulldog appearance when the upper teeth are too far back), crossbite
(when upper teeth are not slightly down in front of the lower teeth), and open bite
(which leaves space between the biting surfaces of side or/and front teeth) that results
in speech, bite, and chewing difficulties.
 Teeth misalignment
 Teeth clenching or grinding
Protruding teeth that are prone to injuries
Facial asymmetry or imbalance
Gaps or spaces between teeth, normally due to tooth loss
Crowded mouth because of excessive teeth on the dental ridge
Jaws that are recessed, shift, make sounds or protrude
Mouth breathing
Late or an early loss of baby teeth
Bad oral habits like sucking of fingers or thumb
How does Health Benefit from Orthodontic Treatment?
Aside from having a boost of self-esteem and confidence due to the aesthetic appearance of
teeth, orthodontic treatment offers many health benefits. These include:
 Reduced possibility of Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) disorders- TMJ disorder
develops when there is excessive strain on the joints of the jaws due to misaligned
teeth. This results in troubled closing or opening of the mouth and may also lead to
headaches, facial pain, and jaw clicking.
 Fewer chances of having tooth decay- People who have crooked or crowded teeth
have difficulty cleaning them. As teeth are not kept clean, food particles can get
lodged in between the teeth which further can cause the growth of acid-producing
bacteria leading to tooth decay. Orthodontics can treat such teeth and minimize the
possibility of plaque formation that causes tooth decay.
 Reduced risk of Gum disease: With straight aligned teeth, there is less possibility of
plaque build-up and a decreased possibility of having sore, inflamed, or bleeding
 Proper digestion of food: After any orthodontic treatment, the ability to chew and
bite any food item is considerably improved. This allows individuals to have better
digestion of what they eat and get the required nutrients from the food that is
important for maintaining their overall health.
 Better oral hygiene: Orthodontic treatment can provide a lifetime improvement of
dental health. As the teeth become properly aligned, oral hygiene can be made better
as flossing, brushing, and rinsing becomes easy. This decreases the possibility of
having dental caries or cavities and gaps in between the teeth. Oral health is
promoted that acts as the window for general health.
To know more about Orthodontic Treatment Cost in Gurgaon and their benefits, pay a visit
at AK Global Dent.
Main Content Source: https://bit.ly/3lQwspj