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Being A Part of the Web Security Solution - Aurora IT

Being A Part of the Web
Security Solution - Aurora IT
Web-based attacks are a close second to phishing when it comes to
common entrance points for hackers. While there are several web security
solutions that we can recommend to minimize the threat of these attacks,
user behavior can also be a factor in preventing attacks. Employees are a
company’s weakest link when it comes to cybersecurity. Proper training,
focused on threats that can arise on the web, is necessary to help every
employee keep cybersecurity top of mind when conducting business.
User behavior that has put companies at cyber risk in the past includes
choosing weak passwords and using those passwords across multiple
websites, users, and accounts. When a password is used across multiple
sites or applications, it puts all those avenues at risk if a data leak occurs.
Other precautions necessary are avoiding links that seem questionable
when browsing the internet. During training, enforce Zero Trust ideas,
encouraging users to never trust a link or a user without verification.
Training is an excellent way to minimize security threats. Still, even when
users are on their best behavior, mistakes can be made, and malicious
actors can gain access to credentials. Web security solutions that can
address these concerns include a web gateway.
What is a Web Gateway?
A web gateway stands between incoming and outgoing data, allowing
only approved users to access secure websites and blocking websites that
do not fit a certain set of criteria. Some malicious websites look so
professional that using common sense is not enough to ensure that
information is safe from being accessed to those malicious websites. This
web security solution enforces an organization's policies by analyzing
web pages that are being accessed in the network. By monitoring website
access, the threat of malware coming from the web is minimized.
Further Addressing User Behavior
Behavioral biometrics is another tool that can help identify a
compromised identity. If an employee's username and password were
compromised in a web-based attack, behavioral biometrics could detect
unusual behavior so that action can be taken. The tool will monitor the
typing patterns and mouse movements of a user, indicating low risk if a
user’s actions matched typical behavior, and indicating high risk if user
behavior differed from typical behavior. This is a powerful tool to enhance
security measures that are in place to further address and authenticate
identity as users browse the network and the web. To learn more about
Aurora’s tools that address security while users navigate the web, visit