Uploaded by Mona Abu Hussein

WISC-V Assessment Report

Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children- Fifth Edition- (WISC-V)
The WISC-V is an individually administered test of cognitive ability for children ages 6 to 16
years 11 months. A Full Scale IQ score representing general intellectual ability was generated.
In addition, five Primary Index Scores were derived representing intellectual functioning in the
following areas: Verbal Comprehension, Visual Spatial, Fluid Reasoning, Working Memory,
and Processing Speed. The Full Scale IQ and Index Scores have a mean of 100 and a standard
deviation of 15. Individual subtests have scaled scores with a mean of 10 with scores between 8
and 12 within the average range. A summary of Student’s index and subtest scores are listed
Percentile Rank
Qualitative Description
Verbal Comprehension
Visual Spatial
Fluid Reasoning
Working Memory
Processing Speed
Full Scale IQ
Verbal Comprehension Subtest Results
Scaled Score
( )= Comprehension not part of Verbal Comprehension Index Score
Visual Spatial Subtest Results
Scaled Score
Block Design
Visual Puzzles
Fluid Reasoning Subtest Results
Scaled Score
Matrix Reasoning
Figure Weights
( )= Arithmetic not part of Fluid Reasoning Index Score
Working Memory Subtest Results
Student name
Confidential File
Scaled Score
Digit Span
Picture Span
(Letter Number Seq.)
( )=Letter Number Sequencing not part of Working Memory Index Score
Processing Speed Subtest Results
Symbol Search
Scaled Score
On the WISC-V, Student earned a Full Scale IQ of ____ in the ____th percentile and in the_____
range when compared to same age peers. __________performance on each index is described
The Verbal Comprehension Index measures verbal reasoning and concept formation. Student fell
in the _______range with a standard score of _____ in the _____ percentile compared to same
age peers.
The Visual Spatial Index measures a student’s ability to evaluate visual details, analyze part
whole relationships, and understand visual spatial relationships. Student performed within the
_____ range with a standard score of _____ in the ____ percentile.
On the Fluid Reasoning Index, Student performed within the_______ range with a standard score
of ___in the __ percentile compared to same age peers. The Fluid Reasoning Index measures a
student’s ability to detect underlying conceptual relationships among visual objects and use
reasoning to identify and apply these rules. Student performed in the ______range on the Matrix
Reasoning subtest in which he was asked to use abstract visual reasoning skills to fill in a
missing portion of a matrix or puzzle. He performed ______the average range on the Figure
Weights subtest which measures deductive and mathematical reasoning skills. Student’s
performance on the Arithmetic subtest which required him to solve orally presented math
problems was ________ the average range.
On the Working Memory Index which measured Student’s ability to register, maintain, and
manipulate visual and auditory information held in short term memory, Student performed in the
___________range and a standard score of ______in the ______ percentile compared to other
children his age. Working memory tasks require attention, concentration and ability to exert
mental control. Student showed average auditory working memory skills on the Digit Span
subtest. He fell within the _______ range on the Picture Span subtest.
On the Processing Speed Index, Student performed within the______ range with a standard score
of ______ in the _____ percentile and ________range compared to same age peers. The
Student name
Confidential File
Processing Speed subtests measure a child’s short term visual memory, visual scanning ability,
cognitive flexibility, and attention. Processing speed is an indication of a student’s ability to
process routine information without making errors. Learning often involves routine information
processing (such as reading) as well as complex information processing. Student showed
________average scanning and matching ability on the Symbol Search subtest. He also
performed within the ________ range on the Coding subtest which required him to quickly copy
symbols that corresponded with numbers.
WISC-V Ancillary Index
In addition to Primary Index Scores, a number of subtests contributing to Ancillary Index Scores
were administered to Student. The Ancillary Index Scores do not replace the Primary Index
Scores, but are meant to provide additional information about Student’s cognitive profile.
Ancillary Index Scores have a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. Scaled scores have a
mean of 10 with scores between 8 and 12 comprising the Average range.
Auditory Working
General Ability
Cognitive Proficiency
Quantitative Reasoning Subtest Results
Figure Weights
95% Confidence
Scaled Score
Auditory Working Memory Subtest Results
Scaled Score
Digit Span
Letter Number Sequencing
Nonverbal Subtest Results
Block Design
Student name
Confidential File
Scaled Score
Visual Puzzles
Matrix Reasoning
Figure Weights
Picture Span
General Ability Subtest Results
Scaled Score
Block Design
Matrix Reasoning
Figure Weights
Cognitive Proficiency Subtest Results
Scaled Score
Digit Span
Picture Span
Symbol Search
On the Quantitative Reasoning Index, Student performed in the Average range with a standard
score of ______ in the _____ percentile. The Quantitative Reasoning Index measures a student’s
ability to perform mental math operations and comprehend abstract relationships.
Student performed in the ________ range on the Auditory Working Memory Index with a
standard score of ___ in the ____ percentile. This Index Score measures the ability to register,
maintain, and manipulate orally presented information. The Digit Span and Letter-Number
Sequencing subtests that comprise the Auditory Working Memory Index require the child to
listen to numbers and letters presented verbally and then recall or sequence them aloud. Student
performed _________ range on the Letter Number Sequencing subtest and the Digit Span
On the Nonverbal Index, Student performed within ________range with a standard score
of____in the _____ percentile. The Nonverbal Index is comprised of 6 subtests from the 4 out of
the 5 primary cognitive domains that do not require a verbal response.
Student name
Confidential File
On the General Ability Index, Student performed in the ______range with a standard score of
______ in the _____ percentile compared to same age peers. The General Ability Index is a
measure of overall intellectual ability with reduced emphasis on working memory and processing
speed as compared to the Full Scale IQ.
On the Cognitive Proficiency Index, Student performed within the Average range with a standard
score of ____ in the ____ percentile. The Cognitive Proficiency Index is comprised of working
memory and processing speed subtests.
WISC-V Complementary Index and Subtest Scores
Student was administered additional subtests to assess cognitive processing related to learning
and memory and speed of processing. His performance is summarized below.
Naming Speed
Naming Speed Literacy
Naming Speed Quantity
Symbol Translation
Immediate Symbol Translation
Delayed Symbol Translation
Recognition Symbol
Storage and Retrieval
Student’s overall ability to hold information in short and long term memory and retrieve it when
necessary as measured by the Storage and Retrieval Index of the WISC-V was in the _____range
with a standard score of __ in the ____ percentile. The Storage and Retrieval Index is a
combination of Naming Speed and Symbol Translation Indices.
Student’s speed of processing measured by naming letters and numbers on the Naming Speed
Literacy subtest and quantities on the Naming Quantities subtest was within ________ range
(Standard Score=). Student performed in the ________range on the Naming Speed Literacy
subtest. His performance on the Naming Speed Quantities subtest was within the
On the Symbol Translation Index, Student performed within the _________range with a standard
score of _____in the 8____ percentile. The subtests that comprise this index require learning,
storing, retrieval, and recognition of a series of visual-auditory associations. Student was shown
Student name
Confidential File
a series of pictoral representations of words, asked to memorize these rebuses and then use them
to “read” back a sentence or group of sentences immediately and then again following a time
delay. Student performed within the _________ range on both recall and recognition tasks.
Student name
Confidential File