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Solar Energy: Benefits, Efficiency & Environmental Impact

Solar Energy
Monyah Salih
What is Solar Energy?
• To put it simply solar energy is
energy that comes from the
sun, it is the light and heat
from the sun that is
harnessed using technologies
like solar panels. Solar energy
is often seen as an alternative
to fossil fuels, as it is
renewable and considered
green energy.
How Solar Energy Works
How Do Solar Panels
• Solar panels, or photovoltaics (PV),
generate an electric current by
catching light particles from the sun
photons. The photons then knock
free the electrons in the panels’
solar cells and produce an electric
current. This current is transferred to
wires that lead to an inverter, which
then converts this energy into AC
power for use in various ways, such
as homes or everyday electricity.
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND
How Efficient
is Solar
• The more efficient the solar panel, the more energy output there will be
per the amount of light energy hitting the panel, most solar panels
provide an energy efficiency rating between 11 and 15 percent of usable
electricity, while there are panels that can convert 40% of the solar
energy, they are not in use much as much as they are more expensive.
There are also a lot of reasons that might hinder energy absorption and
conversions such as:
 The angle in which light is passing through
 Temperature can impact the overall output.
Higher temperatures can reduce output and
lower efficiency.
 Even a small shaded area on solar panels can
greatly reduce their output.
Impact of
Solar Energy
• As mentioned previously, solar
energy is seen as an alternative to
fossil fuels and considered
renewable and green energy. Unlike
fossil fuels, the sun provides an
amazing resource for generating
clean and sustainable electricity
without toxic pollution or global
warming emissions. However, all
things must be considered, like the
fact that solar farms need a lot of
space, resulting in land degradation
and habitat loss.
Summarized Pro’s and Con’s of
Solar Energy
Environmentally friendly
Energy independence
Won’t work at night
Limited energy storage
Low maintenance
Larger areas needed
Available to homeowners
Depends on location
• Solar energy is the light and heat from the sun
that is harnessed using technologies like solar
• Solar panels take the suns light and converts it
into usable energy.
• Most solar panels provide an energy efficiency
rating between 11 and 15 percent of usable
electricity and a lot of factors can affect this
• Takes a lot of space to generate enough energy,
can cause land degradation and habitat loss.
• 4, E. N., Ecohome, & Krull, K. (n.d.). How do solar panels work?
Ecohome. Retrieved October 8, 2021, from
• Environmental impacts of solar power. Union of Concerned
Scientists. (n.d.). Retrieved October 8, 2021, from
• Login, A. (n.d.). Is Solar Power Worth the investment? Empire
Renewable Energy, LLC | Subsidiary of EMPIRE SOUTHWEST,
LLC. Retrieved October 8, 2021, from
• What is solar energy?: Solar defined pros and cons. Just
Energy. (2021, July 13). Retrieved October 8, 2021, from
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