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Superflex Social Skills Worksheet

to Defeat
Rock Brain
Makes people get stuck on
their ideas.
Wants others to do what
he wants
Doesn't allow for
Repeatedly tries solutions
that don't work
Causes someone to be
rule-bound or rigid
Only sees one solution to
a problem
Notice that what you are doing
is not working
Try to solve the problem
another way
Take a deep breath
Remember that being part of a
group means that you can't
always do things your way
Self talk: "Not a problem. I will
get to do this later or another
Body Snatcher
Makes people move their
body away from the group.
Gets people to wander
away from others
Causes people to leave
the group they are in
Causes a person to turn
their body away from the
group, not realizing the
message it sends to
Energy Hare-y
Gives people too much
Makes the person fidgety
Makes a person move
without thinking about
what others around him
need or feel about him
Sometimes pairs up with
Glass Man
Makes people have HUGE
Causes a person to get
upset very quickly
Causes a person to get
very upset over tiny
problems (Difficulty
matching size of reaction
to size of problem)
Makes a person think
things are usually unfair
Use your eyes to think about
where your group is
Use your eyes to think about
who is talking to you
Point your shoulders to the
Self talk: "Where should my
body be?"
Use whole body listening
(keep your whole body quiet)
Try to match the body
behaviors of the rest of the
Take a few deep breaths to
calm your body
Identify the size of the problem
on a 1-10 scale
Try to find the expected
reaction to match the size of
the problem
Self talk: "I am starting to get
mad. I need to move away
and take a breath or tighten all
the muscles in my body and
then relax them."
Puts people in grumpy
Makes the person think
the worst - always sees
the negative or bad in
Causes the person to
think that others are
always unkind, even if
others are trying to be
Causes the person not to
understand how their
emotions spread and
make others unhappy
Mean Jean
Gets people to act mean and
Causes a person to insult
or criticize others.
Causes a person to take
things away from others
Causes a person to try to
move the attention away
from others and onto
One-Sided Sid
Gets people to only talk
about themselves.
Causes a person to only
talk about their own set of
topics, plans, or interests.
Causes a person to
interrupt others while they
are talking
Think about how the other
person is treating you
Try to judge whether others
are being friendly or mean
Self talk: "I am being negative.
What could be a positive way
to think about this?"
Think about what you are
going to say or do before you
say or do it.
Keep bragging, bossy, or
hurtful thoughts in your own
Self talk: "Will this hurt
someone's feelings?"
Think about what you know
about other people.
Ask questions to find out more
about other people's
experiences, interests, or
Use your eyes to figure out the
other person's plan. If they
look busy, save your question
or statement for another time.
Look for clues that others are
not interested:
looking away
bored look
trying to change the topic
Space Invader
Gets people to invade other's
personal space.
Will move into another
person's space when they
do not expect or want it.
Does not realize how
uncomfortable it makes
others feel.
Topic Twister
Makes people jump off topic.
Keeps people from thinking
about others.
Gets a person to twist the
topic around to what
he/she wants to talk
Causes a person to go off
on tangents, going on
and on about a topic not
realizing that others are
not interested.
Stops a person from
showing interest in others
or thinking about what
they want to do
Keeps a person from
asking questions about
others or contributing
their own ideas to an
Use the one-arm rule to
determine if you are too close
to someone.
Look at other people's faces.
How are they feeling about
your closeness?
If you are making others
uncomfortable, move your
body away from them.
Check-in with those around
you. Does it look like they are
interested in what you are
Ask questions about what
others want to talk about.
Look at the person who is
talking to let them know that
you are thinking about them
and what they are saying.
Remember the wh-questions
(who, what, where, when, &
why) and use them to find out
more about other's interests or
Create mental files of the
things you know about certain
Gets people to use humor at
the wrong times.
Causes a person to use a
lot of humor without
realizing that it wears out
quickly or sometimes isn't
even funny at all.
Causes a person to have
difficulty recognizing
appropriate times for
Causes a person to use
laughter inappropriately
Worry Wall
Makes people worry too
Makes a person worry or
feel so nervous that they
can't participate in an
activity or be part of the
Brain Eater
Distracts people.
Makes it hard for a
person to focus on what
is going on.
Causes a person to get
distracted with their own
thoughts or the things
around them.
Use the one-time rule: Only
say the word or joke once.
Look around to see if others
are laughing too.
Look at the faces of others.
Are you making them
Self talk: "Is now a silly
moment or a serious
Close your eyes, take a deep
breath, and let it out slowly.
Continue to do this until your
body feels relaxed.
Find a thought that can change
how you are feeling or help
you solve the problem.
Turn your body and eyes away
from what is distracting you.
Think about the person talking
Try to notice when your brain
is thinking about something
else and get it to refocus on
the group.
Destroyer of
Makes people too
Causes someone to insist
on going first.
Makes people only play
what they want to play.
Causes people to refuse
to compromise or think
about how others feel.
Makes a person bend the
rules to influence the
outcome of a game.
Causes someone to take
the fun out of playing with
Look at the faces of the other
people playing. Are they
having fun? Will they want to
play with me again?
Gauge the size of your
discomfort. If it is a tiny
problem, you will still get a turn
or might win another time.