Wanted G g Worry Wall

Worry Wall
Height: 1 inch
Weight: 2 pounds
Disguises: He may disguise himself as a picket fence or change
the colors of his bricks so that he is not noticed.
Be on the lookout for this character. If you find him in your brain, notify Superflex!
Worry Wall’s powers include:
He will make the person worry or feel nervous so much about the people around him or the social
situations that he or she “hits a wall” and stops being able to talk at all to the people nearby.
How Superflex can defeat this character:
t Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and let it out slowly.
Continue to do this until your
body feels relaxed.
t Find a thought that can change how you are feeling. “Johnny is nice. He will help me
with this.”
Appendix E: Additional Superflex and Unthinkable Handouts
Stephanie Madrigal & Michelle Garcia Winner ©2008 www.socialthinking.com