Assignment - Adjustments using a photo 1. You may use any photo you have saved or take one with Photobooth. Create 12 images with adjustments Do them in order. When saving the file, include the name of the effect in the title (MrsLogan-Curves1.jpg) 1. 3 images - using Image > Adjustments > Curves (etc.). Note: you can use Curves on top of Curves 2. 1 image - Black and White (don’t start with a black and white or sepia image) 3. 1 image - Hue / Saturation 4. 1 image - Shadow / Highlights 5. 1 image - Channel Mixer 6. 1 image - Gradiant Map 7. 1 image - Invert 8. 2 images – Threshold (different settings) 9. 1 image - Posterize Total 12 images