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Ceramics Plaster Workshop Demo: Technical Instruction

Technical Instruction
CERAMICS 1 ( Plaster Workshop Demo )
Dwight K018
An introduction to the health
& safety, materials and
equipment used in the plaster
Duration ; 2 Hrs
Class Size – Max 15
Pre-requisites - None
Learning Outcomes
A This two part module will deliver a
basic introduction to the materials and
equipment used in the plaster
workshop. Health & Safety information
on the processes used in the plaster
workshop will also be covered.
During the first session, students will
observe an introduction to clay and
plaster relationship in ceramics
including a demonstration of plaster
blending, the preparation of plaster
block and lathe turning. Followed by
production of a one piece drop out
A breif introduction on the safe use of
the band-saw in plaster bat cutting.
n introduction to the health & safety,
materials and equipment used in the
Delivered by ; David Finney
Technical Specialist ( Ceramics )
 Correct use of Plaster to water
ratio blending and pouring
 Hand modelling geometric shapes
and use of profiles.
 Turning plaster models on a lathe.
 Turning plaster models and
moulds on plaster wheel
 Be aware of the materials used in
the plaster workshop
 Be aware of the local Health &
Safety code for ceramic
 Have observed basic bandsaw
Assessment methods
 Attendance
 Observation Technique