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Seating Arrangement Practice Questions

Seating Arrangement 01
Directions for Q 1 to 3.
P, Q, R, S, T, U, V & W are eight friends sitting around a circle facing towards the centre.
i) W is to the immediate left of P but is not the neighbour of T and S.
ii) U is to the immediate right of Q and V is neighbour of T.
iii) R is between T and U
1. What is the position of V?
a. To the immediate right of W
b. Between T and R
c. Third to the right of U
d. Second to the left of S
e. None of these
2. What is the position of S?
a. Between Q and U
b. To the immediate left of P
c. Second to the right of U
d. To the immediate left of Q
e. None of these
3. Which of the following statements is
a. U is the neighbour of V
b. V is between W and T
c. W is between P and S
d. T is between U and Q
e. None of these
Directions for Q 4 to Q 8.
Study the following information carefully to answer these questions
Eight friends P, M, R, T, Q, U, V& W are sitting in two opposite rows, facing each other. Each
row has 4 persons. P is between U and V and is facing North. W is opposite to Q who is to the
immediate left of M. R is between T and M. W is to the immediate right of V.
Q4. Who is to the immediate right of R?
a. M
b. U
c. M or T
d. Cannot be determined
e. None of these
Q5. Which of the following pairs has the
person sitting opposite each other?
a. MV
b. RV
c. TV
d. UR
e. None of these
Q6. Four of the following five are alike in a
certain way on the basis of their positions
and so form a group. Which is the one that
does not belong to the group?
a. TP
b. RV
c. QP
d. QV
e. MW
Q7. Which of the following pairs of persons
has second person sitting to the immediate
left of the first person?
a. UP
b. VP
c. QM
d. RT
e. None of these
Q8. Who is sitting opposite of R?
a. U
b. Q
c. V
d. P
e. None of these
Q 9. Six friends A, B, C, D, E and D, E and F are sitting along the sides of a hexagonal table for
playing a game. ‘F’ who is sitting exactly opposite of A, is to the immediate right of ‘B’.‘D’ is
between A and B and is exactly opposite of C.
A is sitting between which of the following pairs opersons?
1) B and C
2) D and E
3) B and E
4) none of these
Directions for Q 10 to Q 13.
A,B,C,D,E,F,G and H are sitting around a square table facing the centre in such a way that four
of them sit at four corners of the square while four sit in the middle of each of the four sides.
i)A sits second to the right of F.F sits in the middle of one of the sides of the table.
ii)G who does not sit at any of the corners of the table sits second to the right of D.
iii)only two people sit between D and B.(taken from one side)
iv)C is not an immediate neighbour of G.
v)H sits second to the left of B.
vi)E is not an immediate neighbour of G or F.
Q10.Who sits exactly between F and A?
e)none of these
Q11.How many persons sit between A and H when counted in anti-clockwise direction from A?
Q12.Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their sitting positions in the
above arrangement and so form a group.Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
Q13.What is the position of F with respect to C?
a)Third to the left
b)immediate to the right
c)second to the left
d)third to the right
e)immediate to the left
Directions for Q 14 to Q 18.
Eight persons E,F,G,H,I,J,K and L are seated around a square table-two on each side.There are
three lady members and they are not seated next to each other.J is between L and F.G is
between I and F.H,a lady member is second to the left of J.F,a male member is seated opposite
to E,a lady member.There is a lady member between F and I.
Q14.Who among the following are the three lady members?
a)E,H and J
b)E,G and J
c)G,H and E d)cnd
e)none of these
Q15.Which of the following is true about J?
a)J is a male member
b)J is a female member
c)gender of J cannot be determined
d)Position of J cannot be determined
e)none of the above
Q16.Who among the following is seated between E and H?
e)none of the above
Q17.Who among the following is to the immediate left of H?
e)none of these
Q18.How many persons are seated between K and F?
e)none of these