UNIVERSITAS STIKUBANK SEMARANG FAKULTAS BAHASA & ILMU BUDAYA UTS GANJIL TAHUN AKADEMIK 2021-2022 MATA KULIAH WAKTU SIFAT UJIAN DOSEN : Popular Drama :: Open Book : Yulistiyanti, SS., M.Hum. Do the following exercises. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Read Edward Albee’s The Sandbox. What do you think of grandma’s character? What kind of person is she? Where is the setting of The Sandbox? Mention the absurdity of the characters in their actions. What is the relation between the setting of place and the absurd action of the characters? Rewrite one of soliloquy in The Sandbox. What expression or feeling do you find in it? Rewrite one of monologues in The Sandbox. Why is it called monologue?