Uploaded by Therese Gallivan

Prehistory Vocabulary Worksheet: World History I

World History I
Match each vocabulary word with its definition.
1.___ harvest
14.___ technology
2.___ landform
15.___ domesticate
3.___ prehistory
16.___ excavation site
4.___ archaeology
5.___ glacier
6.___ surplus
7.___ Paleolithic Age
10.___ carbon dating
11.___ geography
17.___ climate
18.___ culture
a. The study of past cultures through artifacts they left
b.The way in which humans produce the items they use.
c. The technology, language, customs, religion,
traditions, and art of a group of people.
d. To tame wild animals or plants.
e. An extra supply over and above what you need.
f. The study of the relationship between physical
features, climate, and people.
g. An area’s average weather conditions over a long span
of time.
h. An object made by people a long time ago.
i. A huge sheet of ice covering vast amounts of land.
j. A surface feature such as a plateau, hill, mountain,
butte, etc.
k. A place where archaeologists sloooowly dig.
l. To move from one place to another.
m. One who sloooowly uncovers artifacts from the past.
n. Scientists use this method to estimate the age of living
things after they have died.
o. To gather in crops.
p. The long period of time before people developed
q. a person who constantly travels from place to place.
r. The Old Stone Age