Uploaded by Amine Sadok

ANSYS Beam Static Analysis Lab: Stress & Safety Factor

Hands-on Lab Sessions - Using ANSYS
Developed by MMRI team: Amine, Andres, Patrick and Abul
LAB 3 – Static Analysis of a Beam Structure
Problem Definition:
A beam is a principal structural element used in construction and engineering
applications. The beam’s main role is the transfer of weight throughout a structure and
ensuring a building’s foundation is both safe and strong.
There are various types of beam structure. These include cantilever, continous, simply
supported, fixed, and overhanging beams.
Additionally, beams can be manufactured in a variety of shapes. For instance, in most
building frame structures the use of I-Beams is a common beam shape used.
Finally, the purposes of applying a beam structure include the following.
Offset shear forces and momentum
Resist loads
Distribute loads
Unite a structure
The lab will explore how a beam is affected when a distributed load is applied
throughout its whole structure.
Below the assumptions of the problem are described.
For this problem we will work under the following assumptions:
1. The beam that will be evaluated will have the following geometry as shown in the image
2. The load applied on the beam will be directly perpendicular.
Problem Details:
The parameters shown below describe the boundary conditions for this problem.
Material Properties:
Modulus of elasticity: E = 200 GPa
Poisson’s ratio: ν = 0.32
Dimensions as shown in the previous section
Loading Condition:
Distributed load will be applied throughout the whole beam.
Load: 1000 N/m
Coordinate System:
X (mm) Y (mm)
Problem Objective:
The main objective is to perform an FEA analysis on the given beam structure.
Firstly, find the Von-Misses stress the beam is exposed too after the distributed load is applied.
Secondly, find the current safety factor of the design and determine how to improve it.
Finally, modify the design by either:
Changing the geometry: This includes changing dimensions
Selecting different material: Make sure to keep in mind cost, functionality and safety
PART B: Amine’s Section
In part B we go through the tutorial step by step in a video format.
The first video shows you how to design the beam in a 2D format in the design modeler
In the second video we take you through the structural analysis in the Ansys Mechanical
The video makes it straight forward to learn the static structural analysis and how to create
mesh, test conditions and solving the analysis
PART C: Patrick’s Section
In this lab, we will focus on one important design parameter of a beam: the cross-section. Based
on the solutions generated for the beam problem, provide a short discussion on each of the
Rectangular Cross-Section
Describe the results of the deflection solution for the rectangular beam. Where are the locations
of maximum deflection, and describe the overall shape of the deflection? How do these results
compare with the analytical solution?
Describe the results for the minimum and maximum combined stress solutions. What is the
magnitude and direction of these stresses? Perform a factor of safety calculation for the given
material, and comment on what this means for the results of the simulation and the overall
Include figures where appropriate.
New Cross-Section
Given the previous results, design a new cross-section for the beam. Re-run the simulation
using your new cross-section and describe the impact of the new design on the results.
Specifically, comment on changes to the maximum deflection, stresses, safety factor, crosssectional area, and cross-sectional moment of inertia. Is your design an improvement on the
rectangular cross-section? Discuss why and discuss any engineering trade-offs between the
Include updated figures where appropriate.
1. Part A: Beam Definition
2. Part A: Beam Image
3. Part A: Beam Types Image