~WEHRLE WEHRLE Umwelt GmbH· Bismarckstr. 1-11 • 79312 Emmendingen • Germany PT. Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk. Jl. Raya Pasar Minggu Street, KM 18 1251 0 Jakarta lndonesia Contact person : Kenan Güney Department: Asia & Middle East Phone: +49 7641 585-226 Fax: +49 7641 585-4226 E-Mail: guney@wehrle-umwelt.com Internet: www.wehrle-umwelt.com Date: 2021-10-25 Dear Adhi Karya Team Adhi Karya stated with his emails on 2021 -10-12 and 2021-1 0-25 that seed sludge with maximum 8000 mg/1 bacteria concentration can be found locally in lndonesia. Kindly be aware that seed sludge concentration plays an important role to reach the design sludge (bacteria) concentration in bioreactor. lf the difference between design sludge concentration and the seed sludge concentration gets higher, the commissioning duration will be Ionger due to the need to produce more bacteria to reach the design sludge concentration. Therefore, to shorten commissioning period, seed sludge should have a concentration close to design sludge concentration. We approve that we can start commissioning of the plant with a seed sludge concentration with 8000 mg/1. Kindly note that the seed sludge should be - active (not dead) - pre-filtrated with 1000 !Jm (maximum 2000 !Jm) pore sized filter - has no fibrous or coarse material inside. I would like to inform you that it may be possible to take seed sludge from PT PP ERIC Sidoarjo leachate treatment plant since this plant will be commissioned soon and will have much higher (12000mg/l-17000mg/l) sludge concentration. Kindly contact to PT PP accordingly. i.A. Kenan Güney Project Manager Headquarter Bismarckstraße 1-11 79312 Ernmandingen Germany Managing Directors: Dr.-tng. Bemd Fitzke Heiner Steinberg Phone +49 7641 585-0 Fax +49 7641 585-106 1vww.wehrle-umwelt.com info@wehrle-umwelt.com Commerciel Register Freiburg HRB No. 260817 VAT No. OE 811 798 215 Deutsche Bank AG Freiburg !BAN DE19 6807 0030 0059 2790 00 SWIFT DEUT OE 6 F