Anacelia Aguilar 1001516343 Halloween extra credit Pyramid Scheme: Pyramid Scheme was used by describing the global economy to unreachable pyramid scheme because it depends on people that will never be born. Stagflation: Stagflation is used by describing what Chinas economy is soon going to reach if they don’t change something. Money Illusion: Money illusion is used in the article to describe the way people think about money. Wildcat Strike: Wildcat strike is used by describing the type of strike the McDonalds workers are having. Bracket Creep: Bracket creep is used to what is happing due to the new tax code. Triple Witching Hour: The article describe what triple witching hors is and how it effects people. Voodoo Economics: Voodoo economics is being used by saying that it will cost the people nothing but in reality it is the people spending that is helping, so it is not costing the people nothing.