Uploaded by Susanne Eder

European Weather Analysis Worksheet

Current weather in Europe
Visit the English version of Meteocentrale.ch and answer the questions below.
1. Study the Temperature Europe map:
a. Describe the location of the low and high temperature areas in Europe.
b. Explain possible reasons for low or high temperature areas.
2. Study the Clouds-Precipitation Europe map:
a. Describe the movements of the areas of maximum precipitation on the continent
and over the Atlantic.
b. Where does it rain the least?
c. What is the unit for precipitation?
3. Study the Wind Currents Europe map:
a. What does this map show? What do the colours stand for?
b. Which patterns can you identify?
4. Study the Pressure Europe map:
a. Describe the locations of the low and high-pressure areas.
b. What is the time scale for the patterns we see on the map?
c. What is the unit for air pressure?
5. After having analysed these four weather phenomena, can you match your findings
with the current weather map from the BZ newspaper? (see scan on ILIAS)