Portrait Self-Identity RUBRIC Name: ____________________ Make sure you upload an image to Artsonia.com/class too! Directions: 1. Take a good photo of your self-portrait (as straight as possible and not shadows) 2. Insert the picture of your artwork to the right 3. For each row across the page, read the criteria from our project. 4. Decide how many points you have earned (column headers at the top). 5. Type your answer into the “Student Points” column--it’s yellow Note: Mrs. Marsh will provide feedback in the “Teacher Points” column (if it’s empty, your number stands) 6. Answer the questions at the bottom! Upload your image to Artsonia.com/class Here’s the how-to video if you’re not familiar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VSDE1gI 65U Insert artwork image here: Circle the number in pencil that best shows how well you feel that you completed that criterion for the assignment. CATEGORY Criteria 1 – Student idea gathering process - collection of symbols and images Criteria 2 – Overall composition - use of elements and principles of design - suitability of media (aesthetics) Criteria 3 – Reflection on meaning - artists statement (below) Criteria 4 – Effort: took time to develop idea & complete project? 10 (Excellent) 8 (Good) 6 (Average) 4 (Needs Student Improvement) Score 4-1 10 - 9 8-7 6-5 10 - 9 8-7 6-5 10 - 9 8-7 6-5 4-1 10 - 9 8-7 6-5 4-1 4-1 (Didn’t rush.) Good use of class time? Criteria 5 – Craftsmanship – Neat, clean & complete? Skillful use of the art tools & media? 10 - 9 8-7 6-5 4-1 TOTAL Artist’s Statement TYPE HERE ✔ Identify the aspect of this artwork that was the most difficult. ✔ Explain what aspects of this artwork you don’t like and also a few things you do like.