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IT Research Methods Assignment Criteria

FIT4005/5125/5143 · Research Methods in IT · Assignment 4
HD – mainly D plus two or more
Assignment criteria
N - three or more of the following:
P - mostly the following:
C - mostly the following:
D – mostly the following:
areas at higher standard:
Excellent standard the video is
Inadequate quality, minimal effort
Little quality, minimal effort has been
Good quality of video, the video is
High standard of the quality, the
edited to a high-quality, clips are
put into consistency or production
edited to a reasonable quality, clips
video is edited to a good quality.
trimmed to the right length and
value. Some visuals are not suitable,
are trimmed to the right length.
Good use of visuals, edits, and
visuals are an excellent match to the
edits still require further work.
Some suitable visuals are used.
production output.
edits. Excellent transitions are used,
has been put into consistency or
Production quality of the video
production value. Edits are messy
and non-appropriate visuals are
and stylistic elements are consistent.
The audio is difficult to hear, or
The audio is okay, however some
High standard quality of audio, voice
Good quality of audio, background
Production quality of the audio
background music is too loud. Audio
parts of the video, the audio is
has many artefacts such as noise.
difficult to here.
Excellent standard. The audio is
and background music is easy to
music throughout the video.
high-quality and easy to understand.
Excellent communication. Dialog is
Limited communication. The paper is
Inadequately described. The video
Reasonably described and
Clear, concise, and supported
use throughout to communicate a
considered. Greater detail of the
communication of research. Good
clear and concise summary of the
research paper needs to be
use of dialog throughout to
paper. Clear decisions have been
communicate the paper.
made for communicating with the
communicated, but the video lacks
communicates little, it is hard to
Communicating the research
clarity and is not well matched to the
know what the research is about,
audience, and/or the narrative is not
and there is little dialog.
Video plan
Beats matches video, some
Most beats are not correctly timed.
The beat is either too long or too
Plan and video (Beat length)
Excellent use of contents and beats.
refinement is needed on beat
The plan does not match the video.
Most of the beats match the video.
The beats are well structured.
HD – mainly D plus two or more
Assignment criteria
N - three or more of the following:
P - mostly the following:
C - mostly the following:
D – mostly the following:
areas at higher standard:
No script, or what script there is
The script can be further revised.
The script uses good language for
The script uses good language for
does not match the content for this
Some areas of the script are to
the audience and presumes some
the audience and presumes some
segment. This segment uses
simply and/or complex. This
existing knowledge. This segment
existing knowledge. This segment is
animation or static imagery from the
segment uses static imagery from
uses content of the shelf footage
live-action content created by the
the intent.
from the internet.
The script uses appropriate language
for the audience. This segment is
Use of language and visuals
live-action content created by the
Impact summary
Good impact summary and some
The impact summary is limited in the
Good impact summary and covers
Excellent impact summary and
some areas from IP, Good use of
covers topics areas from IP.
research communication
Excellent research communication
areas from IP can be clearer.
Impact Summary
No impact summary presented.
justifications. Needs major
Research communication can be
Excellent standard and quality of
Major revision is required, and
Significant spelling errors. Most
spelling, grammar and writing must
spelling, punctuation, and grammar
be revise. Difficult to understand
correct allowing reader to progress
though work
Few spelling errors present.
Quality of writing
writing. Quality of the writing is
Quality of writing is at high standard;
Punctuation, grammatical errors, and
outstanding and engaging. No
no distracting spelling errors.
few fragments.
spelling errors or distractions