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2401 Chapter 2 Incomplete Outline SI

2401 Chapter 2 Incomplete Outline SI
1. Three forms of matter are _______, __________, and _______.
2. All matter is composed of_______.
3. Electrons, neutrons, and protons are all ____________ ____________.
4. _____________ cannot be broken down into simpler substances by ordinary processes.
Periodic Table for reference:
5. Elements increase in electronegativity moving from ____to ____ and _____to _____ on the
periodic table.
6. CHONPS is an acronym for the major ___________ on the periodic table, which are also the
most abundant elements in the__________ _______.
7. The atomic number is the same as the ____of _________.
8. The atomic mass of an element comes from its _______ and ________.
9. The subatomic particle responsible for the creation of an isotope is the ________.
10. ____ are formed through either the loss or the gain of electrons.
11. The _____ _____is used to describe electrons seeking to fill out their outermost energy
level, or _______ ____. This usually holds _ electrons.
12. ______ _____ are held together by a force of attraction.
13.________: positively charged ion; _______: negatively charged ion.
14. Elements in columns 1-3 usually _____ their electrons.
15. Elements in columns 5-7 usually _____ electrons.
16. The noble gasses are _______.
17. The left side of the periodic table contains the ________ and are usually _______ in an ionic
18. The right side of the periodic table contains the ___________ and are usually ______ in an
ionic bond.
19. H2CO3 is an example of a __________ formula.
*indicates the number and types of atoms composing a molecule
20. O=C=O is an example of a _________ formula.
*indicates not only the number and types of atoms composing a molecule but also their
defined spatial arrangements.
21. The formula which provides a means for differentiating isomers is the __________ formula.
22. In covalent bonds, electrons are _________.
23. When one of the atoms forming a covalent bond exhibits a high degree of electronegativity,
an unequal attraction for electrons results in unequal sharing of the electrons. This would make
a _________ bond as one element pulls the electron closer to its own nucleus.
24. Molecules that contain both polar and nonpolar components are called _________ (an
example is a phospholipid).
25. An intermolecular attraction between a partially positive hydrogen atom and a partially
negative atom (usually oxygen) that is weak:_________ _____.
Answer Key:
1. solids, liquids, gasses
2. atoms
3. subatomic particles
4. Elements
5. left to right, bottom to top
6. nonmetals, human body
7. # of protons
8. protons, neutrons
9. Neutron
10. Ions
11. octet rule, valence shell, 8
12. Ionic bonds
13. Cations; anions
14. give
15. take
16. Stable
17. metals, cations
18. nonmetals, anions
19. molecular
20. structural
21. structural
22. Shared
23. polar
24. amphipathic
25. hydrogen bond