Constellations Assignment - Constellation Design & Explanation Read the weblink’s white words. Select a constellation to study from the options on this website that are in yellow font. Be able to present your constellation to the class by the end of the first week. Create a constellation of your own. Tell the story of this constellation. What does it represent? What time of the calendar year does it show up in the night time sky? What is its relevance to your life? Assignment – April Evening Sky Using a paper ruler, measure the distances in millimeters (mm) between the paired objects. Record your findings using the following SCALE : 1 millimeter equals 1 Astronomical Unit. Polaris & Nearest Pointer star of URSA MAJOR. ___________________ Polaris & LEO MINOR. _________________________ Polaris & tail of DRACO. ______________________ Polaris & M13 of HERCULES. _____________________ Polaris & LEO’s nose. ___________________ Polaris and Betelgeuse of ORION. ________________ Polaris & Arcturus of BOOTES. ______________ Polaris & Pollux of GEMINI. __________________ Polaris & point of CEPHEUS. _______________ Polaris & middle star of CASSIOPEIA. ______________ Polaris & Sirius of CANIS MAJOR. ________________ Polaris & Vega of LYRA. _________________________ ANTLIA CANIS MAJOR CORONA BOREALIS CAMELOPARDIS CANIS MINOR CORVUS CANCER CENTAURUS CRATER CANES VENATICI COMA BERENCES CYGNUS DRACO LYRA SCORPIUS GEMINI MONOCEROS SERPENS CAPUT HYDRA OPHIUCHUS SEXTANS LEO ORION URSA MAJOR LEO MINOR PERSEUS URSA MINOR LIBRA PUPPIS VELA LYNX PYXIS Assignment – April Evening Sky ←PRINT OFF AN EVENING SKY CHART HERE Using a paper ruler, measure the distances in millimeters (mm) between the paired objects. Record your findings using the following SCALE : 1 millimeter equals 1 Astronomical Unit. Polaris & Nearest Pointer star of URSA MAJOR. ___________________ Polaris & LEO MINOR. _________________________ Polaris & tail of DRACO. ______________________ Polaris & M13 of HERCULES. _____________________ Polaris & LEO’s nose. ___________________ Polaris and Betelgeuse of ORION. ________________ Polaris & Arcturus of BOOTES. ______________ Polaris & Pollux of GEMINI. __________________ Polaris & point of CEPHEUS. _______________ Polaris & middle star of CASSIOPEIA. ______________ Polaris & Sirius of CANIS MAJOR. ________________ Polaris & Vega of LYRA. _________________________ Describe what each of these constellations below represent. Write description next to its name. ANTLIA CYGNUS ORION CAMELOPARDIS DRACO PERSEUS CANCER GEMINI PUPPIS CANES VENATICI HYDRA PYXIS CANIS MAJOR LEO SCORPIUS CANIS MINOR LEO MINOR SERPENS CAPUT CENTAURUS LIBRA SEXTANS COMA BERENCES LYNX URSA MAJOR CORONA BOREALIS LYRA URSA MINOR CORVUS MONOCEROS VELA CRATER OPHIUCHUS Assignment – Stars & Magnitudes Our Sun apparent magnitude of -26.73. Sun would not be as bright if it was 10 parsecs away. At this distance apparent magnitude of 4.6. At 10 parsecs the Sun's magnitude is called the Absolute Magnitude. Sirius apparent magnitude of -1.47. Only lies 2.64 parsecs away so it is relatively close. If it was moved to a standard 10 parsecs away it would be absolute magnitude 1.4, but that’s still 8 times brighter than our Sun at the same distance. 1 AU is equal to 1.4960x10 meters. 11 1 Parsec is equal to 3.26 light years. PARALLAX - Distance = A.U./Parallax Alpha Centauri – Parallax = 0.74 arcseconds (For any object in space.) The formula for calculating Absolute Magnitude within our galaxy is: M=Absolute magnitude; m = apparent magnitude Where D is the distance to the star in parsecs. Example Barnard's Star lays 1.82 parsecs away and has an observed (apparent) magnitude of 9.54. m - M = 5((log10 D)-1) M = 9.54 * 5((log10 1.82)-1) M = 9.54 - (-3.7) M = 13.24 If Barnard's Star were to be moved to a distance of 10 parsecs from the Earth it would then have a magnitude of 13.24. If we already know both Apparent and Absolute magnitudes, it is possible to calculate the distance to the star: d = 100.2(m - M + 5) Using Barnard's Star again, d = 100.2(9.54-13.24+5) d = 100.26 d = 1.82 parsecs Calculate the distance in Parsecs from Polaris to the various locations measure in April Evening Sky Assignment. Calculate the distance in Light Years from Polaris to the various locations measure in April Evening Sky Assignment. SEE ABOVE ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑ 26 Brightest Stars 26 Nearest Stars By Month Astonomical Unit Travel from POLARIS Your employer needs you to deliver some Astro Glue to various locations in the April Evening Sky. Your cargo ship is able to travel 5 A.U.s per liter of rocket fuel. Your ship only uses the special BLUE fuel found at certain locations. Your fuel capacity is 7 gallons. These locations are M13, Leo Minor, Sirius, and Castor. Discover the shortest daily route that you could take to visit all of the ten locations listed in April Evening Sky. Start and End your journey at POLARIS. Document your journey by filling in the table below. Trip # Start End Total AU traveled