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TEA MAGIC-converted

1. Seven Chakra Tea blend recipe
Root chakra: Dandelion root, Ginger, elder flower
Sacral chakra: Calendula, hibiscus
Solar plexus: Rosemary,y cinnamon
Heart chakra: rose, jasmine
Throat chakra: Eucalyptus
Third eye: mint, lemon
Crown: lavender
Prepare like nomal tea and consume it or
Add it to your Spirtual bath or
Place the tea granules With you while doing healing process
2. Romance tea spell
Items Required:
pink garden roses and
rose, vanilla or cinnamon incense
Pink or white candles
Picture of your loved one
Cast the circle
Brew your potion with the rose, cinnamon and honey.
Stir the potion in clockwise movement. (6 times)
Light the candle and place the your potion near to candle
Consume the tea by gazing the picture of him/her
3. Harmony tea
1 pink candle (or replace with a white candle)
Chamomile tea (1 tea bag or 1 tbsp loose leaves)
Put the kettle on.
While you wait for the water to boil, light the candle and take 3 deep breaths along with
your partner.
Empty your minds. Before any ritual, it’s important take the time to get into a state of
mental and spiritual clarity, trying to let go of any negative thoughts. You don’t have to be
completely silent, but be in the present moment, enjoying each other’s company.
Once the water has boiled, add the tea and pour the water. Pour theirs first, then yours. Let
it sit for 2 or 3 minutes.
Say the following chant out loud:
May this ritual bring harmony and comfort to the relationship we have. May our bond be forever
warm, as is the water in our cups.
Take the first sip of tea looking at each other in the eye. Enjoy the silence, the candle light, and the
positive energies that surround you now. Slowly drink your tea cups.
Once you’re done, carefully pick up and wash the mugs and teapot. This should be done with respect
and care, as it’s also part of the ritual too.
4. Money tea
Items required:
1/2 teaspoon chamomile or 1 chamomile tea bag
1/2 teaspoon mint or 1 mint tea bag
1 cinnamon stick
steaming hot water
Honey to taste
Steep tea and cinnamon stick in hot water for 3-4 minutes until the desired strength is reached. Add
honey to taste for a touch of sweetness and for its money-drawing power.
5. Good fortune tea
Orange peel
Steep in hot water for 10-15 mts, and stir in clockwise by putting all your intentions. simply drink
6. Meditation
Items required:
2 tsp chamomile
1 tsp rose hips
2 Elder Flower
Before drinking the tea Stir in clockwise directions and focus what you want to gain from the tea.
7. Aura repair tea
Ingredients: (1 tsp dried herb)
Hibiscus flower
Pepper mint
Mug wort
Drink this Tea weekly twice to strengthen your aura
8. Calm tea
1 tsp lemon balm
1tsp lavender
1 tsp chamomile
3 -4 cups of boiling water
Combine all the herbs in large jar or glass teapot. Add boiling water and steep for 5-10 mts.
Seven Chakra Tea
9. Psychic Tea
Items required:
6 tsp rose petals
2 tsp chamomile
1 tsp rose hips
2 Elder Flower
Before starting Divination drink this tea to enhance your psychic ability
Love tea
1teaspoon dried gingercut pieces
1tablespoon dried hibiscus flowers
1/4 teaspoon vanilla bean pieces
1teaspoon dried oat straw
2cups boiling water
Combine herbs into a heat proof dish.
Pour boiling water over herbs.
Stir gently.
Let steep 15 minutes.
Strain herbs from tea and serve. Sweeten if desired.
Healing tea
Chamomile tea
Eucalyptus leaves
Brew a large teapot or saucepan of strong chamomile tea and allow it to cool to a warm
temperature. Leave the tea bags in.
Run a warm bath, pour half of the tea into the water and light your candle.
Once in the bath hold a sprig of eucalyptus (or a handful of leaves) in one hand.
Take the tea and pour it bath water. As you do this, say:
“Thank you for cleansing me and bringing me peace,
that I might sleep well and awaken healed.“
When you finish your bath allow the air to dry you. Scoop the leaves out of the bath and
either bury them or throw them away saying:
“Thank you”
Cleansing tea
Items required:
Chamomile flower/ tea bag
A cup of Chamomile tea prepares the mind and body for magical workings. It can be used to clean
thresholds (such as doors and windows) and keep unwanted energies out. You can also sprinkle
chamomile water on yourself, your clothes or your living spaces for powerful spiritual protection.