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Migration Case Studies: Madrid vs. Vancouver

Migration Case Studies
Case Study #1: Madrid, Spain
Madrid is the capital and largest city of Spain, a country on the Iberian Peninsula at the western tip of Europe.
The city is in the center of the country on the Manzanares River. Its population is approximately 3.3 million,
while that of its metropolitan area is about 6.3 million. Madrid is the third-largest city in Europe after London
and Berlin, and its metropolitan area is Europe's third largest as well, after those of London and Paris.
The Spanish Constitution of 1978 ended Catholicism as the official state religion, while recognizing the role it
plays in Spanish society. As a result, there is no official religion and religious freedom is protected in all of
Spain, including Madrid. The city holds democratic elections and recognizes the freedom of speech and the
right to assembly for all groups.
Madrid is one of Europe's largest financial centers and the largest in Spain. In 2008, 72% of Spain’s largest
2,000 companies had their headquarters in Madrid. The city has 17 universities and over 30 research centers.
Although the service industry leads in its economy, Madrid continues to hold the position of Spain's second
industrial center after Barcelona, specializing in high-technology production.
Madrid and its metropolitan area has a Mediterranean climate which changes to a cold semi-arid climate, with
warm summers and relatively cold winters with frequent frosts and occasional snowfalls. A large part of the
country is semiarid, with temperatures that range from extremely cold in the winter to scorching in the
summer. Rainfall, which is often inadequate, tends to be concentrated in two generally brief periods during
the year. Summer droughts occur frequently.
Created by HISD Secondary Social Studies Curriculum. Source: Cybriwsky, Roman Adrian. "Madrid." World Geography: Understanding a Changing World, ABCCLIO, 2018, worldgeography.abc-clio.com/Search/Display/1816459. Accessed 16 Sept. 2018 – HISD Digital Resources.
HISD Social Studies Curriculum 2021
World Geography Studies
Migration Case Studies
Case Study #2: Vancouver, Canada
Vancouver is a major city in western Canada. It is the most populous city in the province of British Columbia
and its metropolitan area is the third most populous in the country. Located on a peninsula between the Coast
Mountains and the Pacific Ocean on the mainland of southwestern British Columbia, the city's unique location
helps explain its past and present as a center of trade, Asian immigration, tourism, and ahead-of-the-curve
environmental policies. More than 578,000 people live in the city, which covers 44.3 square miles; the
surrounding metropolitan area is home to more than 2.1 million people and sprawls across more than 1,110
square miles. The City of Vancouver holds democratic elections and recognizes the freedom of speech and
the right to assembly for all groups, without prejudice.
Vancouver’s economy is one of the strongest economies in Canada. It is Canada's entry to the Pacific Rim, a
major port, and the main western hub of transcontinental highway and rail routes. Major economic activities
include trade, film, technology, tourism, natural resources, and construction. Since the 1990s, the city has also
become North America's third-largest film and TV production center after Los Angeles and New York, earning
the nickname "Hollywood North." With its hosting of the 21st Winter Olympics in February 2010, Vancouver
moved to another level in global recognition.
The climate of Vancouver is a moderate oceanic climate that borders on a warm-summer Mediterranean
climate. Its summer months are typically dry, often resulting in moderate drought conditions, usually in July
and August. In contrast, the rest of the year is rainy, especially between October and March. Thunderstorms in
Vancouver are rare.
Created by HISD Secondary Social Studies Curriculum. Source: "Vancouver, Canada." World Geography: Understanding a Changing World, ABC-CLIO, 2018,
worldgeography.abc-clio.com/Search/Display/1471029. Accessed 16 Sept. 2018 – HISD Digital Resources.
HISD Social Studies Curriculum 2021
World Geography Studies
Migration Case Studies
Part I: Why did this surprise me?
Something I Found Interesting or Surprising
I was surprised to learn that Vancouver Canada is the third
largest film and TV city.
Why Does This Surprise Me?
This surprised me because most of the cities I heard of
where cites and states like California, Florida, Los Angeles,
and New York.
I was shocked when I found out that Madrid is Spain’s
second industrial city.
This shocked me because Madrid mainly only depended
on the service industry compared to Barcelona and their
economy depended on many more things.
I was surprised when I found out that Madrid has droughts This surprised me because I thought the climate in Spain
during the summer and snowfall during the winter.
was warm, but I didn’t expect it to be hot enough to cause
Discussion Starters to use in your conversation:
I was shocked about…
I was surprised when…
I could not believe…
Part II: Push and Pull Factors
HISD Social Studies Curriculum 2021
Pull Factors (+)
This city is located on the Manzanares
Third largest city in Europe
There is no official religion in this city
Recognizes freedom speech and the
right to assemble
Is one of Europe’s largest financial
Has 17 universities and 30 research
Second industrial center
Mediterranean climate
Warm summers
Frequent frosts and occasional
Relatively cold winters
Changes to a cold semi-arid climate
Push Factors (-)
Service industry leads the economy.
Temperatures that range from
extremely cold in the winter to
scorching in the summer.
Summer droughts occur frequently.
World Geography Studies
Migration Case Studies
Vancouver is a major city.
Located on a peninsula between the
Coast Mountains and the Pacific
holds democratic elections and
recognizes the freedom of speech
and the right to assembly for all
groups, without prejudice.
One of the strongest economies
in Canada.
Major port
Main western hub of transcontinental
highway and rail routes.
Economic activities include trade,
film, technology, tourism, natural
resources, and construction.
City has also become North America's
third-largest film and TV production
Its hosting of the 21st
Winter Olympics in February 2010.
A moderate oceanic climate.
Warm summer Mediterranean
Rest of the year is rainy
Thunderstorms in Vancouver are rare.
Third most populous in the country.
Its summer months are typically dry.
Resulting in
moderate drought conditions.
Part III: ACES Individual Thinking Sheet
Which location would be a better place for Person X to migrate—Madrid, Spain or Vancouver, Canada?
Individual Thesis Statement: Migration tends to follow a certain pattern all the time and people tend to
migrate to places where they would live a better life in. In economic, location, transportation, weather,
climate, and resources Vancouver, Canada is better than Madrid, Spain in every aspect. Between Madrid,
Spain and Vancouver, Canada people would want to move to Vancouver, Canada instead of Madrid, Spain.
Anyone even I would want to live in Vancouver, Canada instead of Madrid, Spain.
HISD Social Studies Curriculum 2021
World Geography Studies
Migration Case Studies
Individual Evidence: In the text “Service industry leads the economy.” It shows that Madrid’s economy relies
mostly on service that people give it. But Vancouver relies on mammy other things than just the service
people give it as stated in " Major economic activities include trade, film, technology, tourism, natural
resources, and construction.” This means that Vancouver’s economy has more things to rely on which is better
for the economy because it is more diverse. Vancouver’s location is also in a better place as it is said in
“Located on a peninsula between the Coast Mountains and the Pacific Ocean.” But in comparison “The city is
in the center of the country on the Manzanares River.” Madrid is located on a good place but not as good as
Vancouver where there are higher chances of fertile soil because of the mountains. As stated in
“Temperatures that range from extremely cold in the winter to scorching in the summer.” Madrid’s weather is
more severe than Vancouver’s weather which is not as bad as its stated in “Warm summer Mediterranean
climate.” Showing that Vancouver as good weather. Having rain is good for the soil and it helps make it more
fertile for growing crops. In Vancouver the amount of rain is just perfect as sated in “rest of the year is rainy”
and “Thunderstorms in Vancouver are rare.” This shows that it rains in Vancouver, but it doesn’t have many
thunderstorms which could be bad for soil since too much water is bad for soil and crops, not only that but
thunderstorms could cause flooding’s and sometimes cause disasters. In “City has also become North
America's third-largest film and TV production center” it tells us information that could also attract young
people to move to Vancouver. People who are interested in working in the entertainment industry have high
chances of finding a job in Vancouver compared to Spain. Not only that but “Its hosting of the 21st
Winter Olympics in February 2010” tells us that Vancouver is a well-known place and was acknowledge
internationally by the Olympics which might also be a reason that could attract people to want to move there.
Vancouver also has a great amount of transportation as it is said in “Main western hub of transcontinental
highway and rail routes” that help with trading and helps the economy, which is also something that Madid
doesn’t have. “Canada's entry to the Pacific Rim, a major port” Vancouver also has aa major port that is one of
the reasons why many trades happen in Vancouver which help the economy and gives opportunities for jobs
and share bonds with other countries and states in which the trading is happening with. Vancouver also
overall as moderate warm climate with rain it doesn’t have too much or too little of the weather. But Madrid’s
weather isn’t something that people would be attracted to as it is said in “Frequent frosts and occasional
snowfalls” meaning it is cold a lot of the time.
Individual Explanation of Reasoning: Money and opportunities is something that people are always attracted
to. People tend to move to places where they have opportunities for jobs and earning money. Not only that
people want perfect weather, meaning a warm and cold weather that isn’t too hot or too cold. A cities
economy is important because it means higher salaries and more jobs. Cities with transportation, technology,
and growth of crops are more developed with economy and tend not to struggle with economy. Both Madrid
and Vancouver have these things, but both also lack some. But out of Vancouver and Madrid, Vancouver has
more factors that make it a much better city that Madrid.
HISD Social Studies Curriculum 2021
World Geography Studies
Migration Case Studies
Summary Sentence: As a result, more people would want to move to Vancouver than Madrid. Anyone who
had to choose between Vancouver and Madrid would choose Vancouver because it has more opportunities
and in the sense of geography it is better in weather and location.
HISD Social Studies Curriculum 2021
World Geography Studies