Uploaded by Naqeeb khan

short keys

Ctrl +A
For Select All Documents
Ctrl +B
For Bold Text
Ctrl +C
For Copy the Select Text
Ctrl +D
For Fonts Style Size
Ctrl +E
For Center Writing
Ctrl +F
For Find A Word
Ctrl +G
For Go To
Ctrl +H
For Replace A Word With Another Word
Ctrl +I
For Italic Writing
Ctrl +J
For Justify The Documents
Ctrl +K
For Hyperlink
Ctrl +L
For Left Side Writing
Ctrl +M
For Tab Or Increase The Paragraph Space
Ctrl +N
For New Page
Ctrl +O
For Open Documents
Ctrl +P
For Print The Documents
Ctrl +Q
For Remove Paragraph Formatting
Ctrl +R
For Right Side Writing
Ctrl +S
For Save The Documents
Ctrl +T
For Create A Hanging Indent Or Tab
Ctrl +U
For Under Line Writing
Ctrl +V
For Paste
Ctrl +W
For Close The Documents
Ctrl +X
For Cut The Selected Text
Ctrl +Y
For Redo
Ctrl +Z
For Undo
Ctrl +F4
For Close A Document
Ctrl +F10
Maximize Or Restore A Selected Window
Ctrl +Arrow Left
Jump One Word To The Left
Ctrl +Arrow Right
Jump One Word To The Right
Ctrl +Arrow Up
Jump One Paragraph Up
Ctrl +Arrow Down
Jump One Paragraph Down
Ctrl +Page Down
Go To The Top Of Next Page
Ctrl +Page UP
Go To The Top Of Previous Page
Ctrl +End
To The End Of The Documents
Ctrl +Home
To The Beginning Of Documents
Ctrl +Backspace
Delete One Word To The Left
Ctrl +Delete
Delete One Word To The Right
Ctrl +[
Increase The Fonts Size
Ctrl +]
Decrease The Fonts Size
Ctrl +1
Single Space Line
Ctrl +2
Double Space Line
Ctrl +5
Set 1.5 Line Spacing
Ctrl +0
Add Or Remove One Line Space In A Paragraph
Ctrl +F2
Print Preview
Alt +F4
Exit/close The Program
Alt +F5
Restore The Program Window Size
Arrow Up
Up One Line
Arrow Down
Down One Line
Go To The End of A Line
Go To The Beginning of line
Alt + Shift + Arrow Up
Move Selected Paragraphs up
Alt + Shift + Arrow Down
Move Selected Paragraphs Down
Delete One Character to The Left
Delete One Character To The Right
Shift + Arrow Right
Extend The Selection Of One Character To The right Side
Shift + Arrow Left
Extend the Selection Of One Character To the Left Side
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Right
Extend A Selection To Right Side
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Left
Extend A Selection To Left Side Word
Shift+ End
Extend A Selection To The End Of Line
Shift + Home
Extend A Selection To The Beginning Of A Line
Shift + Arrow Down
Extend A Selection One Line Down
Shift + Arrow Up
Extend A Selection One Line Up
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Up
Extend A Selection To The Beginning Of A Paragraph
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Down
Extend A Selection
Shift + Page Down
Extend A Selection
Shift + Page Up
Extend A Selection
Ctrl + Shift + End
Extend A Selection
Ctrl + Shift + Home
Extend A Selection
Alt+Ctrl+Shift +Page Down
Extend A Selection
Ctrl + Alt + V
Ctrl + Shift + C
Ctrl + Shift + V