Uploaded by Akshay Gautam

GMAT Study Plan & Strategy

To start with, here is a picture of my wall: You should have this to constantly remind you of
your aim!
III) Strategy Gantt Chartt
Here is the strate
egy as a lot of yo
ou requested. I firmly believe thatt you should havve your own “cusstomized” strateggy as per your neeeds. As you
ccan see there is hardly
any time devoted
to Quan
nt but it may not be true for all, thus
the need fo r a “customized strategy”. You caan definitely
learn from others strategy but sh
hould make your own. And also in the course of your
preparationn journey, be flexxible enough to modify your
sstrategy. For example, in the last leg of my preparration, I was in diire need of someething strong andd therefore after some research o
on internet, I
bought the GMATT verbal Question
n Pack which I thiink was my best investment.
III) Here is a sample of my study plan. I am sure everyone would have it in some form or the
other. I am more of a pen paper highlighter person.
So this is one strategy that I devised and am proud of. So the first past of this strategy involves
thoroughly revising mistakes. I used take snapshots of the wrong questions, search them online
and study their attempt. The second part of the strategy involves re attempting the second test
of each pack (eg: GMAT prep II for Iⅈ GMAT prep IV for III and IV). Because it was a re
attempt, I could see the higher difficulty level questions from each pack which benefitted.
Not only these handouts, when solved again, were helpful in revision later but also helped me
understood my mistakes/ drawbacks better.
This is a sample one and not the filled and practiced (I left the filled one in my husband’s car).
In addition, I also prepared a 4 page notes for the D‐day. Just to go through on the exam day
(ofcourse before the exam) to make myself feel confident and my brain accustomed to verbal