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1st Quarter Exam English (2021-2022)

Republic of the Philippines
Basic Education
Catbalogan City, Samar
School Year 2020 - 2021
Name: _________________________________________________ Year and Section: __________
Teacher: MS. VEA MARIE M. QUITALIG Date: _______________
Score: _____________
Note: Fill in the necessary information honestly and correctly. As much as possible, answer legibly and AVOID ERASURES.
Directions: Read the following questions below and chose the letter that corresponds to
the correct answer.
1. This refers to the channels of communication which aid the transfer of meaning
from a sender to heterogenous audiences simultaneously.
a. Information
c. Organizer
b. Mass Media
d. Social Media
2. This is a form of Mass Media which are usually found in transportations.
a. Outdoor Media
c. Traditional Media
b. Printed Media
d. Transit Media
3. Social Media platforms such as Facebook, YouTube and the likes belongs to
what kind of Mass Media?
a. Broadcasting Media
c. Outdoor Media
b. New Media
d. Transit Media
4. Which of the following is not an example of electronic or broadcasting Media?
a. Film
c. Television
b. Radio
d. Websites
5. Which is not TRUE about mass media?
a. Mass media affects the society negatively and positively.
b. Mass media is the watchdog of the society.
c. Mass media promotes the understanding of different cultures
d. The intensive use of mass media has pushed people away from each
6. The statement “Mass media creates a global platform to bring people together”
is portrayed in which of the following characteristics of mass media?
a. consists of wide variety of choices
b. constitutes both technical and institutional methods
c. has the power to influence society
d. reaches larger audiences or masses
7. Which is not one of the characteristics of mass media?
a. It constitutes both technical and institutional methods
b. It has the power to influence society
c. It narrows its content which caters only things which are of necessity
d. It reaches larger audience or masses
8. How should an information be considered relevant?
a. It must be timely
b. It must have a predictive or feedback value
c. It should be credible
d. It should be opinionated
Dream. Hope. Forward. Forward.
9. When eliciting information from others, which is best to do?
a. Decide on the questions or topic that you have to ask
b. End the conversation pleasantly.
c. If the person is biased or inaccurate let him/her continue speaking
d. Listen to the person appropriately.
10. These are pedagogic devices that bridge the gap between what learners
already know and what learners need to know.
a. Advance organizer
c. Graphic Organizer
b. Event organizer
d. Thought organizer
11. This is an advance organizer which is presented in a form of story.
a. Expository advance organizer
b. Graphic organizer
c. Narrative advance organizer
d. Skimming
12. This refers to a graphic organizer which shows the potential cause and effect of
a problem.
a. Fishbone diagram
b. Venn diagram
c. Concept Map
d. Comparison and Contrast Chart
13. Which is not a function of a graphic organizer?
a. Compare and contrast ideas
b. Evaluates biases among ideas
c. Illustrate order and process
d. Show relationships among ideas
14. Your teacher has asked you to write down the things you learned about
diagrams, later on she asked you to write down the lessons you wanted to know
more about diagrams. You then proceed to a sort of discussion, then later after
the discussion, your teacher asked you to write down the lessons you’ve learned
about the discussion about diagram. What kind of advance organizer did your
teacher use?
a. Expository Advance Organizer
b. KWL Chart
c. Narrative Advance Organizer
d. Skimming
15. Before proceeding to a discussion on information and Mass Media, your teacher
presented you a story of a person who have experienced defamation due to a
rumor spread about her on social media, the story tackled about how
defamation destroyed her morality and how it should never be normalized
hence be avoided. Which of the advance organizer did your teacher employ?
a. Expository Advance Organizer
b. KWL Chart
c. Narrative Advance Organizer
d. Skimming
16. You wanted to present the similarities and differences between biography and
autobiography as detailed as possible but without giving them the hassle of
reading too much information. What is the right thing to do?
a. Ask your classmates to skim for the information before presenting it
b. Tell them a story of how these two differ
c. Use a KWL chart
d. Use a Venn Diagram in presenting it
Dream. Hope. Forward. Forward.
17. You were scheduled to present a discussion about volcanoes in your science
subject, yet you were sure that your classmates have already forgotten about
certain information you need for them to understand your discussion. What is the
most appropriate thing to do?
a. Give them an activity which will trigger their previous knowledge about
b. Give them key words regarding your discussion
c. Let them skim for the information first before proceeding to the discussion.
d. Use a graphic organizer about volcanoes and post it even before
18. This refers to the reason an author decides to write about a specific topic.
a. Author’s choice
c. Author’s purpose
b. Author’s point of view
d. Author’s signature
19. The following are elements of plot, EXCEPT.
a. Characters
c. Denouement
b. Conflict
d. Introduction
20. The central message of the story or a literary text is called.
a. Character
c. Point of view
b. Conflict
d. Theme
21. Which is not a type of point of view used in writing?
a. First person
b. 2nd person limited
c. Third Person limited
d. Third Person omniscient
22. "She threw the paper airplane. It looped through the trees, under the dog’s belly,
up into the sky and landed in the hot air balloon." The author’s purpose in this
statement is to?
a. To entertain
c. To inform
b. To explain
d. To persuade
23. Which of the following is TRUE about author’s purpose?
a. Author’s purpose depends upon how the character is portrayed
b. Author’s purpose is meant to be discovered
c. Author’s purpose should be attained by the elements in the story
d. The theme holds the message of the author
24. Which of the following is not right about writing a theme?
a. It should be related to the elements
b. It should be written in full statement
c. It should emanate from the reader’s feelings
d. It should highlight the author’s purpose
25. You were asked to deliver a campaign speech for the upcoming SSG Election,
when writing your speech, at which specific purpose would you drive your
a. It should be for the purpose of entertaining them so they would vote for
b. It should be for the purpose of informing them about my platforms so they
would vote for me
c. It should be for the purpose of inspiring them so they would think of me as
a good candidate
d. It should be for the purpose of persuading the students to vote for you
26. This refers to a source of information for somebody, i.e., anything that might
inform a person about something.
a. Information sources
c. Mass Media
b. Library
d. Publication
Dream. Hope. Forward. Forward.
27. Diary, Autobiography and Manuscripts are examples of?
a. Information
c. Secondary sources
b. Primary sources
d. Tertiary sources
28. Which of the following is not an example of a secondary sources of information?
a. Biographies
c. Government reports
b. Encyclopedias
d. Textbooks
29. When comparing and contrasting information from different sources, which of
the following graphic organizer should be used best?
a. Concept Map
c. Story Map
d. Venn Diagram
b. Fish Bone Diagram
30. When using multiple information sources in writing an essay or a research paper,
which should be done first?
a. Comparing and contrasting information
b. Determining the most suitable information resource
c. Preparing an outline of ideas
d. Securing relevant sources
31. When comparing and contrasting information from different sources, at which of
these standards should you NOT base your observations?
a. Credibility of the source
b. Date of publication
c. The number of references used
d. The relevance to the topic chosen
32. Which of the following presents the most appropriate reason for comparing
information from different information sources?
a. To avoid plagiarism
b. To avoid repetition of ideas
c. To eliminate biases
d. To eliminate irrelevant information
33. This refers to one's ability and capacity to carefully and properly analyze,
distinguish, and organize the information listened to.
a. Analytical listening
c. Listening skill
b. Analytical skill
d. Passive Listening
34. This refers to ability to collect and analyze information, problem-solve, and make
a. Analytical skill
c. Listening skill
d. Third Skill
b. Communication skill
35. Which of the following should one develop to be able to develop analytical skill
which is helpful in developing analytical listening skill?
a. Critical thinking
c. Mediocrity
b. Limited listening span
d. Narrow-mindedness
36. Which of the following is TRUE about analytical listening?
a. It asks listeners for focus and feedback
b. It doesn’t require the listeners for any type of interaction
c. It is a passive type of listening
d. It requires the listener to enjoy listening
Dream. Hope. Forward. Forward.
37. Which of the following will surely happen if one will employ analytical listening
a. One will be able to devalue information listened to
b. One will be able to restate or rephrase information to express ideas
regarding the information listened to.
c. One will be assured that the information heard is correct
d. One will be given more reason to value listening.
38. You were asked by your teachers to listen to a dictation for your discussion, how
will you best employ listening in this situation?
a. Make sure to focus on the information alone
b. Carefully pick out important information and provide feedback and
response about it
c. Listen carefully and make sure to enjoy the discussion
d. Passively take in the information and process it afterwards.
39. This refers to a certain instance in which one evaluates evidence to be able to
come up with a fair and unbiased decision.
a. Agreement
c. Criticism
b. Criteria
d. Judgement
40. A set of standards and/or principles for judging a work, output, or performance.
a. Cohesion
c. Judgement
b. Criteria
d. Output
41. The following are common indicators in evaluating a text, EXCEPT.
a. Cohesion
c. Mechanics
b. Content
d. Persuasion
42. “When used effectively Persuasion has the power to change peoples
convictions and behaviors!” Looking at the statement, which of the indicators in
evaluating a text should be applied?
a. Cohesion
c. Grammar
b. Content
d. Mechanics
43. Which of these explanations will satisfy the answer in the previous question?
(Refer to the question above)
a. There is a problem with the idea presented
b. There is a problem with the organization of ideas
c. There is a problem with the structure of the statement
d. There is problem with the use of punctuation and capitalization.
44. In what essence does criteria important to judgement?
a. Its flexibility gives judgement certain limitation
b. Its standards give the evaluators a hard time to think
c. The indicators in a criterion contributes confusion
d. The set standard offers judgement the fairness and objectivity
45. This quality is evident in a spoken text if it uses a language that is fitting or suitable
to the situation or purpose.
a. Articulateness
b. Clarity
c. Grammar
d. Language appropriateness
46. Which of the following punctuation mark is used when a statement indicates a
question or inquiry?
a. Comma (,)
c. Period (.)
b. Exclamation Mark (!)
d. Question Mark (?)
47. When a written or a spoken text is free from spelling and grammar errors, that
text achieves_______.
a. Cohesion
c. Fluency
b. Correctness
d. Tone
Dream. Hope. Forward. Forward.
48. The principal just called to say that our son was in a fight. I can’t believe he
would do that. Identify the tone in this statement.
a. formal
c. informal
b. humorous
d. serious
49. What tone is associated in these lines taken from the poem Lycidas by John
He must not float upon his watery bier
Unwept, and welter to the parching wind,
Without the meed of some melodious tear.
a. formal
c. pessimistic
b. horror
d. sad
50. How is the tone in writing conveyed in words?
a. Through choice of words
b. Through the use of proper capitalizations
c. Through the use of punctuations
d. Through use of varied intonation
Dream. Hope. Forward. Forward.