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Healthcare Delivery & Nursing Exam Questions

1. A client is seen in an urgent care clinic for a broken leg which was splinted and client
sent home. The client called their primary care health care provider to find out what
should be done after the injury. The doctor directed the client to the emergency room
where an orthopedic surgeon was consulted and performed surgery to place a pin in the
leg. What kind of care was provided to this client when care was transferred from the
emergency room health care provider to the orthopedic surgeon?
A) primary care
B) secondary care
C) tertiary care
D) quaternary care
2. A client has just turned 50 and is persuaded by the spouse to have a complete physical
examination. The client makes an appointment with the family doctor to determine their
current state of health. What level of care is this client seeking?
A) primary care
B) secondary care
C) tertiary care
D) quaternary care
3. A customer purchases a plane ticket and flies overseas to Germany. While in Germany,
the individual becomes ill and travels back to the United States to be seen by primary
E.COMhealth care provider, the client is
care health care provider. Once
placed in isolation at a nearby hospital. Which challenge of the health care delivery
system correlates with this situation?
A) ensuring access to care for all human beings
B) providing both preventive and curative services
C) responding to actual and future epidemics
D) enabling optimal health essential to high quality of life
4. A 95-year-old client is admitted to the hospital with dehydration secondary to a fall that
occurred 3 days prior to admission. The client's adult child found the client on the floor.
The client was unable to reach a phone to call for help. At the hospital, health care
providers stated that the client was not a candidate for surgery due to the client's age and
anticipated quality of life. Which challenge of the health care delivery system correlates
with the situation?
A) allowing consumer participation in the provision of health care services
B) determining the optimal balance between illness treatment and quality of life
C) providing both preventive and curative services
D) attaining an effective system using governmental support and private resources
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5. A 25-year-old adult graduates from college and obtains a job working for a bank that
offers a good salary, good hours, and medical and dental benefits. Which type of health
care funding model would best describe the medical benefits provided by the employee
and employer?
A) The national health service model
B) The mandated insurance model
C) The Medicaid insurance model
D) The entrepreneurial insurance model
6. A 45-year-old individual has been transferred to Japan for work and has elected to
utilize Japan's national health service model as insurance. Where does the national
health service model get funding?
A) general tax revenues
B) nonprofit insurance funds
C) individual purchase
D) income tax revenues
7. A worker in Brazil utilizes the mandated health insurance model for health care
insurance. When describing the mandated health insurance model to an American
friend, the worker will discuss the funding occurs through which revenue source?
A) income tax revenues
B) nonprofit insurance funds
C) individual purchase
D) general tax revenues
8. A nursing student is reviewing the history of the American health care system. He reads
about the scientific advancements in the mid-to-late 1800s and is impressed with the use
of the thermometer, laryngoscope, and the ophthalmoscope in the 1860s. What other
scientific advancement occurred during this timeframe that advanced the health care
providers diagnostic ability?
A) anesthesia
B) antisepsis
C) x-ray
D) hospital hygiene
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9. A Canadian student is seen by a health care provider for a routine screening before
going to college. The student's family is covered by the Canadian plan. Which principle
of the Canadian health care system is evident for this student?
A) Each insurance plan covers all residents for uniform services.
B) A public for-profit authority administers the plan.
C) Canadians do not have coverage when they travel across provinces.
D) Care can be denied for inability to pay for coverage.
10. A student nurse graduates from a university with a bachelor's degree in nursing. After
successfully passing the state boards, the nurse decides to pursue employment at a local
hospital on medical-surgical unit. There are many openings due to the current nursing
shortage. Which factor is contributing to the current global nursing shortage?
A) low turnover rates so that jobs are hard to find
B) nursing faculty shortage limiting the number of students accepted into nursing
C) overstaffing in acute- and extended-care settings
D) reduced number of persons entering the profession
11. A nurse arrives to the unit and learns that a colleague has called out sick so the nurse
will be responsible for at least 10 clients for the shift. Several clients have returned from
surgery and require close monitoring. Several other clients are older adults and in need
COMIVs and IV medications to be
of dressing changes and treatments.
administered throughout the shift. What is the most prevalent ethical dilemma this nurse
is facing, in light of the responsibility that the nurse needs to undertake?
A) safety of all the clients
B) enough time to complete responsibilities
C) enough help to do a good job
D) prioritization of needs based on situation
12. A consumer of health care has just been laid off by their employer, thereby losing health
care coverage for themselves and family members. In this situation, which key factor
will contribute to this consumer not being able to afford health care?
A) Access to care
B) Quality to care
C) Cost of care
D) Continuity of care
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13. A client's parent is dying from heart failure and has just been transferred to skilled
nursing facility for end-of-life care. What kind of care is the client's parent receiving
when receiving care for end-of-life issues?
A) primary care
B) secondary care
C) tertiary care
D) quaternary care
14. When reviewing the history of the Civil Rights Movement in a history class, the nursing
students identified which positive belief that encouraged the government to become
more involved in health care?
A) Anesthesia was introduced as a form of pain management following riots.
B) Blood transfusions were discovered as a way to treat blood loss.
C) Vaccines were proven unsafe and discouraged, especially marching in the Civil
Rights Movement.
D) Equal health care should become a basic right among all people.
15. Some nurse managers have enrolled in a healthcare financial class at a local college.
These nurses were asked to prepare a presentation on healthcare cost. The group decided
to divide topics among themselves. Which topics would be appropriate to include in this
presentation? Select all that apply.
A) Percentage of rise in healthcare
to rate of inflation.
B) Impact of limited choice of health care providers willing to see clients with certain
healthcare plans.
C) Disproportion of health insurance cost from entry level worker making low wages
compared to those in upper management.
D) Workers with no health insurance ignoring manifestation of disease until it
becomes life-threatening.
E) Increase use of alternative medical practices rather than seeking care from a health
care provider because of cost differences.
16. While attending a high school career fair, a nurse is asked “Why does no one want to be
a nurse anymore?” Which would be the best reply, based on the health care workforce
2015 report?
A) “Not true. There are thousands of nurses in the U. S.”
B) “The shortage relates only to the fact that more people are living longer and have
more chronic diseases.”
C) “Today's nurses don't want to work the usual 40 hour/week.”
D) “There is not enough people interested in the profession so we attend events like
this career fair to encourage you to considered nursing.”
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17. When asked by a foreign exchange student why health care costs are so high when
compared to their small country, the parents of the American student identifies which
sources to be responsible for the higher cost of health care?
A) American nurses demand higher pay than the nurses in their small country.
B) The increased use of highly technical equipment and expensive medications fuels
rising costs.
C) The internet is utilized by many clients who ultimately demand the most expensive
diagnostic tests, meals, and medications.
D) Overall, the U. S. just takes better care of their people than most other countries.
18. A nurse is explaining to a client about standardized methods for managing their COPD.
The client is not “on board” since they think that more expensive treatment and
medications would make them “better.” Every day this nurse maps out expected
interventions along with discharge planning and instructions. Once the client has
reached the “desired outcome,” this nurse recommends discharge to home. Which
hospital department has this client been working with?
A) social services
B) risk management
C) case management
D) legal department
.COMentitled, “Changing the model of
19. A nursing student (NS) is reading
care delivery: This NS is considering working for an organization after graduation that
will allow them to deliver holistic care so the care the client receives will be coordinated
and not fragmented. Which delivery model is this NS looking for?
A) functional nursing
B) team nursing
C) total patient care nursing
D) modular nursing
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20. When discussing “Obamacare” in a classroom discussion, many students identified
which outcomes as being positive following implementation of the Affordable Care Act
(ACA)? Select all that apply.
A) Young adults (ages 19 to 26 years) were able to stay on the health insurance policy
of their parents.
B) Availability of more free-standing specialty outclient surgery centers resulted in
decreased health care costs.
C) All 50 states expanded Medicaid coverage for persons with incomes up to 400% of
the federal poverty level.
D) Closing smaller healthcare organizations resulting in consolidation of care that was
financially better for their out-of-pocket expenses.
E) No changes were made to the choice of health care providers the client could
choose to go to for care.
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Answer Key
A, C, D
A, B
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