Week 11: Case Example: Family Work Case Situation A: John, Rico, Sophia, Lila, and Lisa John is a 16-year-old male who attends a small private all-male Catholic high school. He is an honor student and plans to attend an Ivy League college. John has two older sisters. John was born in the United States. His parents emigrated from Colombia due to his father’s job eighteen years ago. His family is very involved in their local Catholic church, which has special services for Spanish-speaking families. John attends the youth group at his church. John was referred to you at the local mental health center for family intervention after a serious suicide attempt. John had tried to hang himself. John’s suicide attempt occurred after his parents found alcohol in his car. John was ashamed to have disappointed his parents. His parents, Rico and Sophia, are worried about John and see him not respecting their rules. John has been breaking curfew and getting into verbal fights with his father for the past two years. Sometimes, John takes off after one of the verbal fights and goes to his paternal grandmother’s apartment (two blocks away). John says that his grandmother understands him. His mother says that she is scared that the family is falling apart. John’s two sisters are away at college but want to be involved in the family sessions. John’s oldest sister, Lila, reports that she has problems with her father, too. She finds him too controlling. John’s other sister, Lisa, says that she does not understand why John doesn’t just follow the rules at home. Lisa is upset that John is making their mother anxious all the time and she worries about her. Case Example: Group Work Case Situation B: Peter, Sally, Trey, Tina, and Rich You co-facilitate a group with another colleague that focuses on helping veterans who have recently returned from overseas deployments. The purpose of the group is to provide support and to help group members to address challenges they are having in their day-to-day lives since their return to the U.S. The group is a closed group with only five members. The group meets once a week for two hours, and each group session involves using problem-solving skills to address challenges. Peter, a Mexican American male, is 26 years old. He has been back in the U.S. for one month. He is having difficulty relating to his children, ages two and four years old. His wife reports that he also has anger issues. Sally is a 22-year old Caucasian female. She is single and lives alone. She finds that she is often lonely and has no one to share her life with. She is depressed most days and stays at home. Trey, an African American male, is 24 years old. He was wounded and only recently returned to his family’s home. He is now in a wheelchair and is actively engaged in physical rehab most days. He joined the group because he doesn’t know how to relate to his family anymore and he feels frustrated with all their helpfulness. Tina is a Native American female and is 30 years old. She joined the group because she found herself drinking too much most days and getting into disagreements with coworkers, which resulted in her being fired from her job. She recently broke up with her partner, Cindi. They had been in a relationship for over eight years. Rich, a Caucasian male who is 21 years old, joined the group after completing his physical rehab program. He has lost the use of his right arm, and he limps with his right leg due to war injuries. He is a new father and is worried that he will not be a good father and that no one will want to hire him. He uses several pain medications on a daily basis to cope with his pain.