Executive coaching impacts leader behaviour Leader behaviour impacts employee wellbeing leadership development changes leader behaviour [and impacts subordinate wellbeing] Exec coaching is a leadership development intervention Therefore executive coaching should impact employee well-being and this is what my research will focus on. Measure the indirect impact of executive coaching on subordinate well-being Linking EC as a leadership development intervention impacting employee well-being Executive coaching has been defined as “an experiential, individualised, leadership development process that builds a leader’s capability to achieve short and long-term organisational goals – and is driven by the objectives, the needs and the preferences of the executive and organisation”. (Ennis et al, 2003). It may entail any or all of the following: changing attitudes and habits; developing skills; preparing and developing for future assignments; defining and implementing one’s leadership style, business goals, and strategies. (Stern, 2004). To support and add credibility to its part in the booming coaching industry with an estimated total global revenue of US$2.85 bn (ICF: Global Coaching Study, 2020), a growing base of empirical and theoretical literature investigates a number of different measures of success and outcomes for executive coaching. The majority of these have tended to focus on executive-specific outcomes such as leader performance (A. M. Grant et al., 2009; Linley et al., 2010; Theeboom et al., 2014), leadership behaviour and style (Anthony, 2017; Cerni et al., 2010; Kampa-Kokesch & Anderson, 2001; MacKie, 2015; Sonesh et al., 2015), leadership development (Kombarakaran et al., 2008; Walker-Fraser, 2011), relationships in the workplace (Kombarakaran et al., 2008) or workplace well-being and job satisfaction (A. M. Grant et al., 2009; Linley et al., 2010; Theeboom et al., 2014). Alongside this body of coaching research, there is a wealth of occupational health and occupational psychology research pertaining to the impact of leader behaviour on employee well-being (Arnold, 2017; Bono et al., 2007; Inceoglu et al., 2018; K. Kelloway et al., 2013; K. E. Kelloway & Barling, 2010) and support the argument that leadership interventions result in enhanced leadership (Avolio et al 2009), which in turn enhance employee well-being (Kelloway & Barling 2010) – although employee well-being understood as the employees’ actual and perceived work environment or well-being in the workplace (Christian et al 2011, Kelloway and Barling 2010, Bigio & Cortese 2013) employee well-being is well-documented in organisational studies there is no clear agreement on the concept itself or a universal definition (Zheng et al., 2015, Page & VellaBrodrick 2009). Although employee well-being is considered a multi-dimensional construct (Juniper et al., 2011; Zheng et al., 2015) studies on employee well-being have primarily focused on specific elements such as job satisfaction (Weiss, 2002), employee engagement (Knight et al., 2017), psychological well-being (PWB) (Wright, 2009), work attitude (Leavitt et al., 2011), Flow (Ceja & Navarro, 2011) or adverse elements such as negative affect (Panaccio & Vandenberghe, 2012), burnout and stress (Demerouti et al., 2001) rather than employee well-being in a broader sense. Employee well-being and that as well as an leadership ‘development process’ executive coaching is also a leadership development intervention. a targeted, purposeful, intervention like Executive coaching can help executives develop and maintain positive change in their personal development and leadership behaviour (Grant, 2012a) Difference in leadership development objectives and executive coaching objectives, Leadership development focus is on changing the leaders in order to change employees (K. E. Kelloway & Barling, 2010) ie the indirect effect of the intervention is of most interest. whereas the focus of executive coaching is a goal-focused intervention aimed toward helping executives improve their performance and consequently the performance of the overall organization (R. R. Kilburg, 1996c). Subordinate benefit is rarely taken into consideration – and where it is Focus of my study is to look at the mluti-level effects of coaching beyond the executive and its potential on the impact on subordinates rather than the intervention participants themselves. rickdown effects of changes in clients leadership behaviours on subordinates' job attitudes, performance and retention. (Ely, Boyce et al) And following this rationale it is reasonable to assume that executive coaching is a leadership development intervention, that can impact employee well-being. A few studies do exist that mention elements of employee wellbeing as an outcome for executive coaching eg Talboom (1999) looked at the impact of coaching on subordinate absence rates, Anderson (2001) considered employee satisfaction as a positive benefit of executive coaching and Parker‐Wilkins (2006) found 54% of leaders cited subordinate satisfaction being impacted by changes in their leader behaviours that resulted from their coaching. However it was reported from the coachee perspective, rather than from the subordinate. One study (O’Connor & Cavanagh, 2013) looked at the broader level impact and wider network effect of how coaching can improve psychological well-being across an organisation, therefore this empirical study will look to explore the direct impact of executive coaching on a leader’s immediate subordinates. However, despite this growing body of research adding credibility very few researchers or organisations have looked at the impact of executive/leadership coaching and its potential impact on employee well-being. Leader behaviour impacts employee well-being Leadership development interventions are one way to enhance individual well-being (Kelloway and Barline 2010) Executive Coaching is a goal-focused intervention that supports individuals by establishing clearly defined goals and using a systematic process that is solution focused. It may result in behaviour changes, enhance development, provide the learner with skills/tools primarily used for improving interpersonal relations, and facilitate continued learning. Leadership development is slightly different as focuses on changing leaders in order to change employees ie the indirect effect of the intervention is of most interest. Direct focus is to enhance an individual's leadership behaviours - and these changes must be perceived by employees in order to achieve the indirect effect of employee change. (Page & Vella-Brodrick, 2009)proposed a three-dimensional EWB construct comprising PWB, SWB, work-related wellbeing and in 2013 expanded to include affective well-being. However no scale was developed or empirical study conducted to the validity of this theory. Zheng et al (2015) developed an 18-item scale to measure dimensions of life well-being, workplace well-being and PWB, based on qualitiative research to determine how EWB is evaluated. A quantitative survey was then developed, with reliability and validity tested in a Chinese context with a measurement invariance analysis conducted across Chinese and American cultures. In 2019 (Pradhan & Hati, 2019) expanded this survey to develop a 31item employee well-being survey , which added a fourth dimension of social well-being. In the the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, which is still ongoing and is likely to continue to have profound socio-psychological03/12/2021 19:59:00, physical, and technical implications for employees as they continue to work in drastically altered work environments (Carnevale & Hatak, 2020) it feels like the most comprehensive and relevant measure of employee well-being available. However as it was developed and validated in India, we should note that the cultural differences that distinguish well-being between collectivist cultures like India and the individualistic culture of the UK, might impact its validity in a western study. However may be called into question. However there is a need to develop and test models which consider the combined influence of multiple factors of well-being in the workplace (Gratwich et al, 2006) Cultural differences between East and West tend to lead to differences in beliefs about wellbeing (Zheng et al., 2015) where went emphasises environmental mastery, autonomy and personal emotions in well-being, Eastern emphasises harmony and social values (Gao, Zheng, Yan 2010) although across both cultural domains employee well-being has two crucial elements – feeling good and functioning well (Pradhan & Hati, 2019). All the aforementioned research pre-dates Like many other psychological or health constructs, employee well-being is a multi-faceted concept with no universal definition. While many organisations and managers tend to think of employee well-being with a narrow standpoint such as job satisfaction there is an abundance of research that looks at the psychological wellbeing or affective processes that include negative outcomes eg stress or burnout or more positive conceptualisations such as positive moods or job engagement. According to the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (#CIPD) “Investing in employee wellbeing can lead to increased resilience, better employee engagement, reduced sickness absence and higher performance and productivity – but wellbeing initiatives often fall short of their potential because they stand alone, isolated from every day business”. can be defined as the comprehensive experience and function of an employee from a p A useful and well-researched framework to improve employee well-being and performance is the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) Model (Bakker & Demerouti, 2007). Originally developed to investigate employee burnout and lack of engagement (Demerouti et al., 2001) the model is now widely used in the wider context of employee well-being. (Bakker & Demerouti, 2007). It purports that all job characteristics - psychological, physical, organisational and social - can be viewed as demands or resources that either positively or negatively affect employee well-being. Job demands are factors that require sustained physical and / or psychological effort from employees e.g., lack of autonomy, and are therefore considered costs, stressors or strains (Bakker & Demerouti, 2007). comprising subjective well-being (life satisfaction plus dispositional affect), workplace wellbeing (job satisfaction plus work-related affect) and psychological well-being (self acceptance, positive relations with others, environmental mastery, autonomy, purpose in life and personal growth), social well-being like other health and well-being constructs, employee well-being is a multi-faced construct. 1.1 Design of the research: (why have I chosen this design and how it’s similar or different to other studies?) It has been suggested that research design with the highest methodical rigor to assess a training or development intervention is a pre-post, control group design (Cohen, 2005). However there is another school of thought that quasi-experimenta designs are more appriate than true experimental deisng in applied organisational settings (Adkins & Weiss, 2003, Brough & O Driscoll 2010) and in the current climate of potentially either working or being managed remotely, recruiting a control group of employees presents practical challenges. Therefore I have chosen a pre-post designed study as the most appropriate for a coaching evaluation study that can still demonstrate adequate level of methodical rigour – a view that is supported by De Meuse & Dai (2015) and evidenced in a systematic review by Grover & Furnham, (2016) in which the majority of experimental designs of coaching studies used preand post-design measures. My research design will be a quasi-experimental (AB design?) quantitative intervention study where a 6-session coaching intervention will be delivered to a leader/executive within an organisation over a four-month period. Employee wellbeing of the coachee’s subordinates will be measured online before the coaching intervention and one week after the final coaching session, using a 31-item employee well-being scale that measures PWB, Social well-being, Workplace wellbeing and SWB (Pradhan & Hati 2019). The coaching programme will be delivered online by myself, and on completion the executive will be asked to complete a Goal Attainment Survey (GAS), to measure his/her/their perceived success of the programme, since executive coaching is a leadership development intervention. 1.2 Participants: Executive participants – Managers or executives who are interested in the well-being of their subordinates and who also have an interest in their own development will be recruited from different organisations. Location of the organisation is not a limiting factor as the coaching will be delivered online. However, each executive participant should manage a minimum of 5 employees so that a employees cannot be identified through participation or non-participation in the well-being survey. Employee participants - Employees will be recruited from the various executive participants’ teams and this collective number will determine how many executive coachees I need to recruit for the coaching intervention. Assuming a slightly pessimistic dropout rate of 50%, [compared to an average expected rate of X%(REF)), recruiting 40-50 initial employee participants will help ensure significant results for the study. https://www.psychstudio.com/articles/dropout/#dropout 1.3 Recruitment: Executive participants will be recruited from my own business network via LinkedIn notifications and direct emails. Anyone expressing interest in participation will be given a participation invitation letter outlining more specific details of the study and what’s involved. (Appendix 1). Should they wish to proceed, the first step will be to provide a corporate-level authorisation letter to confirm participation. (Appendix 1) Once received, an individual executive participation consent form (Appendix 2) and a coaching contract (Appendix 3) should be signed. On receipt of the executive participation signed documents, individual members within his/her/their teams will then be individually sent/emailed an invitation letter outlining full details of the study and what’s involved, with a consent form to be signed. (Appendix 4) 1.4 Measures, materials or equipment: Mirroring a study by A. Grant, (2003), executives will be asked to identify to identify three goals before the coaching intervention programme. Post intervention, a 4-item Goal Attainment Survey (GAS) will be used to measure his/her/their perceived success of the programme. (Appendix 5) To assess the direct effect of the intervention Add to Appendix Participants were asked to identify three goals. Participants rated each goal for perceived difficulty on a four point scale (1 = very easy, to 4 = very difficult), and also rated their degree of past success in attaining the goals on a scale from 0% (no attainment) to 100% (total attainment). Goal attainment scores were calculated by multiplying the difficulty rating by the degree of success, and dividing by the number of chosen goals to find a mean score. Participants also rated the length of time they had sought to attain these goals. To assess the indirect effect An online 31-item employee well-being survey will be used to measure employee PWB, Social Well-being, Work well-being and SWB before and after the executive’s coaching intervention (Appendix 4). Although employee well-being is a well-researched concept in organisational studies Why I have chosen these form of measurement 1.5 Data collection: (need to give logistical and conceptual reasons as to why I am choosing a quantitative study) Goal Attainment Survey Data will be collected online using Qualtrix. 1.6 Data analysis: The hypothesis is that it employee well-being will improve as a result of the coaching intervention (but not because of it). Data will be analysed statistically using a T-Test. NB! A t-test is a hypothesis test for the difference in means of a single variable. A correlation test is a hypothesis test for a relationship between two variables