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Hospitality Exam: Food & Beverage, Sustainability, Social Media

TS 208
Name: Kalesi Nasogo
Exam semester 2 2021
a.) Food and Beverage tasks are serving customers, food preparations cleaning
duties in restaurant's, cafeterias, and other eating and drinking establishments.
Heath and safety is the main priority at the Sofitel resort and Spa. All the safe
protocols applies. The Food and Beverage departments is the department that
provides satisfactory to the customers. In every key public areas the sanitize are
provided. Employees are given comprehensive safety and hygiene training. Based
on the research the food and beverage includes the business side of food, for
instance ordering food and inventory, managing budgets and planning costing
 Decor – department – Sofitel Fiji resort and Spa is a leading Fijian resort,
providing guests with uncompromising luxurious experience many system
have been put in place to deliver products from the production location or
factory to the consumer. The main logistics of the deco department is to
meet the customers requirements in a timely cost effective manners.
 Venues for the conference and meetings – along with the Covid -19
pandemic restrictions as the consultant I would prefer a venue that is
outstanding and reliable as well as Covid -19 free. A environment that does
not allow crowds .Practice of all restrictions measures will be strictly
followed as to avoid increase in problems. Sofitel Fiji Resort & Spa is Fiji's
leading resort, offering guests a seamless luxury. This Fiji accommodation
is located on Denarau Island, just 20 minutes from Nadi International
Airport. Sofitel Fiji Resort & Spa is designed with unique Fijian features
spread over 26 hectares of landscaped gardens. It is located on beautiful
Denarau Beach and is close to the world-class Denarau Golf Club.
b.)Inns and resorts can guarantee that economical administration is being
rehearsed to limit carbon impressions and a spotless conditions using sustainable
power, without question, utilizing of environmentally friendly power is the most
proficient way or inns to limit ecological effect. For instance, a recently revamped
resort room with establishment of sunlight powered chargers on the rooftop. In this
moderate manner both the climate and the hotel are helpful . As sustainable power
is a most grounded munitions stockpile device towards staying away from the
increment in a dangerous atmospheric devastation. Establishment of energy
saving innovations it has been assessed that 75% of inns ecological effects can
be straightforwardly identified with be exorbitant utilization, which incorporates
energy utilization. It can take a distinction for both the climate and the lodgings
primary concern. Accepting reusing, another immense effect the cordiality
business has on the climate is the expansion on the measure of waste inns makes.
The time has come to accept reusing in very inns and resort. At the point when
lodgings become environmentally viable, they do less harm and mischief to the
climate, costs are low and furthermore wins altruism from the visitors. For example,
trip-counsel, has a modernized by fostering its ' Green pioneers Program' show
projecting inns with harmless to the ecosystem. Moving towards supportability
implies a decrease in energy and water utilization. Inns are understanding the
advantages of treating the soil food squander rather than tossing it out. In addition
to the fact that it is a famous and notable green drive cap will intrigue your visitors,
it can get a good deal on arranging since treated the soil waste can be utilized as
natural manures . Inns can assist with lessening their effect on the climate by using
sound judgment. The lodging can lessen garbage removal by putting forth the
attempt to purchase just harmless to the ecosystem items, and nearby buys can
likewise diminish the effect on the climate and advantage the local area.
The executions of fuel sources, Hotels have effectively changed over at minimum
a portion of their energy use to elective sources.
As per the Green Hotels and Responsible Tourism Initiative, the Willard
Intercontinental in Washington, D.C. is currently fueled totally by wind energy,
bringing about a 12 percent decrease in energy utilization. Sun based energy is
likewise being utilized by different inns, prominently those in hotter regions, for
signs and water warming. More choices will arise as the market for elective energy
With Covid impediments set up, the travel industry has been struck hard by the
Covid-19 plague, provoking endeavours to stem its spread. To help with the
regulation of the scourge, travel limitations will be lifted, and organizations will
actually want to look for liquidity help. To restore the business, lodgings and resorts
ought to set up an intensive recuperation plan, and they should rehearse all the
more socially capable tasks.
Revamping the travel industry objections, encouraging development and venture,
and re-examining the travel industry economy. Inns and lodgings are regions
where there is a high danger of guest and representative mix. The food and
refreshment benefits in lodgings, just as cleaning, exercises, and associations, all
require exceptional consideration. The establishment of essential preventive
measures can help lodgings and resorts become all the more socially dependable.
The supervisory crew of the lodging foster a thorough procedure to adjust to Covid19 pandemic circumstance. Counsel with nearby well-being specialists, inn, café,
providing food and organization to set up activity designs that ought to customized
alongside the circumstance carried out as per the neighbourhood government
proposals to forestall Covid-19 transmission.
c.) Online media stage is one of the most vital lodging showcasing devices for
business advancement and particularly for notice. The primary explanation online
media is the picked stages like Facebook, Instagram in light of the fact that it
uncover property more than ever. As an advisor to work with the occasion
supervisor, the imaginative of development computerized insight to advance
properties elements and administrations just as cooperation with visitors and
potential visitors through different various diverts to win the drawn out dedication
of the ad of the occasion. Online media stages permits brands to discuss
straightforwardly with visitors to advance the occasion in this manner the
relationship with advancing of occasions is fabricate intentional. The primary
justification behind the utilization of web-based media stages to advance the
occasion is that it makes a voice for the advancing of occasion is that it makes a
voice for the advancing of occasion and it talks the particular visitor segment. It
likewise support publicizing efforts, additionally it advances item, administrations ,
uncommon offers and challenges. Making shareable substance via web-based
media stages is a workmanship. In this manner getting into the psyche of the crowd
and captivate and rouse them to need to venture out to the objections. Sharing of
video to the media stages to advance the occasion in this manner visual setting
functions admirably via web-based media particularly is great for commanding
people groups notice. Making social page of the inn. Having an inventive page via
web-based media most certainly draws in more individuals to the destinations and
convert them into the clients, adding lodging sites on friendly page builds rank in
internet searcher. It likewise permits huge measure of traffic to move from online
media channels to the lodgings introduced sites. Brands may connect
straightforwardly with visitors through online media channels, permitting them to
shape significant connections. Since movement is a particularly close to home
insight, people are normally attracted to share and look for motivational photos,
recordings, travel hashtags, and tributes. Therefore, online media is the best
setting to help and advance this rich material. Roughly 1,000,000 travel-related
hashtags were looked through week after week by American explorers in the preCovid time (Wex, 2019). Brands will construct novel advanced encounters to
accomplish long haul unwaveringness in 2021, as indicated by a survey of online
media subject matter experts (Hootsuite, 2021).
Inns might even build association and grow their crowd by paying visitors who
advance their organization via online media. You can likewise give clients on
location prizes to following your page, for example, free beverages or markdown
coupons. Along these lines, you may grow your social after, yet additionally
encourage your supporters to visit your retreat. In the event that you as of now
have a reliability program set up, you can utilize the well known chain's new
Instagram account. Organize challenges on different stages, draw in with a more
noteworthy level of your customer base by holding challenges on various stages.
Using numerous stages likewise helps with the formation of client created content
that is bound to be shared. Since informal advertising is an amazing promoting
system, it can assist you with extending your crowd and social after.
Furthermore, by joining individuals in a challenge, you have the chance to foster a
more close to home relationship with them. Organizations and properties are
progressively going to web-based media powerhouses, or people with a huge
online media following and individual brand, to advance their items .Influencers are
chiefly non-VIPs who are viewed as brand supporters and individuals who share
certifiable encounters by their after. Hashtags for promotion can essentially build
your essence across various stages. You can make your web-based media
postings more accessible and more straightforward for expected visitors to find by
deliberately adding go hashtags to your substance. Find travel hashtags that are
identified with your image and will help your property stand apart by doing some
examination and exploring a portion of your rivals.
Consider fostering your own exceptional hashtag and empowering individuals to
utilize it so you can make certifiable, client produced marked substance on your
2.) Restarting the travel industry during pandemic is a stage forward during the
dynamic pandemic. The pandemic has hit the island hard and numerous different
spots across the globe. Individuals needs pay to get by and address their issues
and furthermore to endure the year. As explained by the proprietor of the shop in
the video Inigo Crespo " Things have been working out positively during the high
season, regularly they were 14 to 15 specialists and because of the expansion in
the Covid-19 pandemic as of late their has been just 5 labourers remaining and at
the absolute last time they has been just 2 specialists left behind. The assembled
Nation World Tourism Organization assessed steps to see profit in the worldwide
the travel industry that travel industry has breakdown to 80% and upwards of 20
million positions were lost. The inquiry that remains is that " Will the travel industry
area at any point recuperate?"
restarting the travel industry during a pandemic is conceivable with rules and
guidelines being altered. The standards are changing rapidly relying upon what
you choose. For instance, in France, they had made guidelines that facial
coverings are consistently to be worn and it is necessary in all open regions. At the
point when the Covid lock down has been facilitated individuals start to visit places
and generally sea shores were topped off by individuals from different nations.
Activity of air transport many individuals start their days off despite the fact that it
was as yet unsafe. Swarmed places like air terminals individuals were to keep up
with social separating and following of Covid-19 Protocols. It takes
up to half an hour for the passages in the plane to settle or to exit this is because
of the following of the distancing rules in the plane. In airports their are machines
for dis factoring hands and also distancing at the lines. Travellers should be strictly
and should know the rules for their destinations. Preparedness should be the main
priority while booking because rules changes anytime. In Thailand for instance,
passengers are required to submit a current Covid-19 test, this test is carried out
before the flight. Face masks are compulsory to be worn on board. During the
pandemic the crew had to fill out forms as well as the passages. A total of 3 forms
are to be filled by passages before the destination is being reached. Tourism
industry is based on human to human interaction. Many countries are prone to
economic shocks and to overcome this problems during the pandemic is through
diversifying the economy in other word to shift from tourism to other sectors, like
manufacturing and agriculture, also implementation of some institutional reforms.
2.) https://www.xerostech.com/hydrofinity-blog/10-ways-hotels-can-reduce-theirimpact-on-the-environment
3.) https://www.oecd.org/coronavirus/policy-responses/tourism-policy-responsesto-the-coronavirus-covid-19-6466aa20/
4.) . World Health Organization. Operational considerations for COVID-19
management in the accommodation sector - Interim guidance. Geneva: World
accessed 20 August 2020)
5.) World Health Organization. Q&A on coronavirus. Geneva: World Health
(https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novelcoronavirus-2019/question-andanswers-hub accessed 20 August 2020
(https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novelcoronavirus-2019/advice-forpublic accessed 20 August 2020)
7.) . World Health Organization. Considerations for public health and social
measures in the workplace in the context of COVID-19. Geneva: World Health
Organization; 2020. (https://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/332050 accessed 20
August 2020
11.) World Health Organization. Water, sanitation, hygiene, and waste
management for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Geneva: World
accessed 20 August 2020)
12.) 8. World Health Organization. Contact tracing in the context of COVID-19.
(https://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/332049 accessed 20 August 2020
13.) . World Health Organization. Public health surveillance for COVID-19 Interim
guidance. (https://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/333752 accessed 20 August
14.) World Health Organization. Considerations for public health and social
measures in the workplace in the context of COVID-19. Geneva: World Health
Organization; 2020. (https://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/332050 accessed 20
August 2020
15.) . World Health Organization. Coronavirus disease (COVID19) advice for the
(https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novelcoronavirus-2019/advice-forpublic accessed 20 August 2020)