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Earth Layers Worksheet: Apple Analogy

Layers of the Earth OECD (AKS 2f)
The figure above shows the parts of an apple.
Question 1:
How is an apple similar to the layers of the Earth?
Question 2:
If you were drilling for oil what would be the farthest layer you would be able to drill through and
why? Consider you are a worm traveling through an apple to help guide you through this
Question 3:
What is the densest layer of the apple and how does it compare to the densest layer of the
Question 4: Scan the statements before looking at the table. Place a check next to each statement
(Strongly agree, Agree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree). Make sure to describe your thoughts to support
your answer choice.
Strongly Agree
The composition of
the lithosphere is
indirectly related to
the heat from the
inner core.
__ My thoughts:
__ My thoughts:
__ My thoughts:
__ My thoughts:
The mantle is
closer to the center
of the earth than
the asthenosphere.
__ My thoughts:
__ My thoughts:
__ My thoughts:
__ My thoughts:
The layers are in
(increasing) order
of temperature;
mantle, inner core,
outer core,
asthenosphere, and
__ My thoughts:
__ My thoughts:
__ My thoughts:
__ My thoughts:
Scoring Guide
Question 1: Layers of the Earth (AKS 2F)
Full credit:
Responses referring to how the apple is similar to the layers of the earth.
● The skin of the apple represents the crust of the earth.
● The flesh of the apple represents the mantle of the earth.
● The core of the apple represents the outer mantle of the earth.
● The seeds of the apple represents the inner mantle of the earth.
**Students may include information about composition and density**
For example: the mantle is thick and hard to get through; flesh is not.
Half credit: Students provide half of the responses referring to the layers of the apple/earth
(Information already provided)
No credit: Students provide none of the responses referring to the layers of the apple/earth
(information already provided)
Question 2: Layers of the Earth (AKS 2F)
Full credit:
Responses referring to drilling through the crust of the earth.
● You would only be able to drill through the crust of the earth because the crust is
composed of granite, basalt, and other elements.
● The mantle is too hot to drill through and the composition of the mantle is molten
● The crust thickness is about 5 km thick.
Half credit: Students provide half of the responses referring to drilling the crust of the earth.
(information already provided)
No credit: Students provide none of the responses referring to the drilling of the earth.
(information already provided)
Question 3: Layers of the Earth (AKS 2F)
Full credit:
Responses referring to the densest layer of the apple.
● The seeds would represent the densest layer of the apple.
● The densest layer of the earth is the inner core.
Both are at the center- the seeds at the center of the apple and the inner core at the
center of the earth.
They are both solid- the seeds in the apple and the inner core of the earth.
Half credit: Students provide half of the responses referring to the densest layer of the apple.
(information already provided)
No credit: Students provide none of the responses referring to the densest layer of the apple.
(information already provided)