electronics Article A High-Accuracy Ultra-Low-Power Offset-Cancelation On-Off Bandgap Reference for Implantable Medical Electronics Jiangtao Xu 1 , Yawei Wang 1 , Minshun Wu 1 , Ruizhi Zhang 1 , Sufen Wei 1,2 , Guohe Zhang 1, * and Cheng-Fu Yang 3, * 1 2 3 * School of Microelectronics, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China School of Information and Engineering, Jimei University, Fujian 361021, China Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, National University of Kaohsiung, No. 700, Kaohsiung University Rd., Nan-Tzu District, Kaohsiung 811, Taiwan Correspondence: zhangguohe@mail.xjtu.edu.cn (G.Z.); cfyang@nuk.edu.tw (C.-F.Y.) Received: 11 June 2019; Accepted: 19 July 2019; Published: 21 July 2019 Abstract: An ultra-low-power and high-accuracy on-off bandgap reference (BGR) is demonstrated in this paper for implantable medical electronics. The proposed BGR shows an average current consumption of 78 nA under 2.8 V supply and an output voltage of 1.17 V with an untrimmed accuracy of 0.69%. The on-off bandgap combined with sample-and-hold switched-RC filter is developed to reduce power consumption and noise. The on-off mechanism allows a relatively higher current in the sample phase to alleviate the process variation of bipolar transistors. To compensate the error caused by operational amplifier offset, the correlated double sampling strategy is adopted in the BGR. The proposed BGR is implemented in 0.35 µm standard CMOS process and occupies a total area of 0.063 mm2 . Measurement results show that the circuit works properly in the supply voltage range of 1.8–3.2 V and achieves a line regulation of 0.59 mV/V. When the temperature varies from −20 to 80 ◦ C, an average temperature coefficient of 19.6 ppm/◦ C is achieved. Keywords: bandgap reference; ultra-low power; high accuracy; switched-RC; correlated double sampling 1. Introduction Along with the continuous development of modern society and growing demand for high-quality life, implantable medical electronics are increasingly adopted in healthcare medical devices such as cardiac pacemakers [1–3]. These devices are usually battery powered and need to have ultra-low power consumption of a few microwatts or less [4–8]. Since they would probably be placed where they are not easily removed or recharged, they have to continue working for a relatively long time. A number of important analog circuits for high-precision signal processing, such as voltage regulators, analog to digital converters (ADCs) and digital to analog converters (DACs), are used in almost every biomedical system. All of them demand an accurate bandgap reference (BGR) [9]. In these devices, BGRs provide the voltage references for other important functional blocks and are supposed to be working all the time. Thus, the required average current dissipation of BGR is in the range of several tens of nano-ampere [10–12]. To meet the requirement for low power, subthreshold voltage references without bipolar transistors have been developed and used widely [10–12]. However, these VTH -based references often suffer from degraded performance in accuracy since the threshold voltage (VTH ) of MOSFET changes too much (about 50–100mV) with process variation. Trimming is usually employed to solve this issue. However, the temperature coefficient would be worse after trimming [12]. A conventional bipolar junction transistor (BJT)-based BGR can provide a fairly precise reference voltage, but it requests Electronics 2019, 8, 814; doi:10.3390/electronics8070814 www.mdpi.com/journal/electronics Electronics 2019, 8, 814 2 of 11 larger power consumption. When we try to budget a lower current consumption for BJT-based BGR, resistors with very large values are needed, and the VBE of BJT also varies dramatically. VBE variation introduces large fluctuations to the output reference voltage. Even for relatively larger budgeted power consumption, trimming is still generally required for BJT-based BGR because of the existence of mismatch and offset [13]. In this paper, an ultra-low power, high accuracy BGR is presented. The proposed reference provides a 1.17 V output under 2.8 V supply voltage with 78 nA average current consumption. An on-off bandgap combined with sample-and-hold switched-RC filter is developed to reduce power consumption and noise. The on-off mechanism increases the working current of the BJT-based BGR during the sample period, which decreases VBE spread. A correlated double sampling (CDS) strategy is adopted to cancel the offset of the operational amplifier (Opamp), which is fulfilled by a sampling capacitor block combined with chopper mechanism. The conflict between low power and high accuracy is preliminarily settled. The theoretical foundation and specific circuit design are described in Section 2. Section 3 presents the simulation and measurement results as well as a performance comparison. Electronicsconclusions 2019, 8, x FORare PEER REVIEW 2 of 11 Finally, summarized in Section 4. junction transistor (BJT)-based 2. Proposed Bandgap ReferenceBGR can provide a fairly precise reference voltage, but it requests larger power consumption. When we try to budget a lower current consumption for BJT-based BGR, 2.1. Errorwith Analysis the BJT-Based BGR resistors veryoflarge values are needed, and the VBE of BJT also varies dramatically. VBE variation introduces large fluctuations to the voltage. relativelycorrelated larger budgeted The key point of this paper is tooutput utilizereference the techniques of Even offsetfor cancelling, double power consumption, trimming is still generally required for BJT-based BGR because of the existence sampling and switched-RC to improve the accuracy of the raw BGRs under stringent power of mismatch and offset [13]. A conventional BJT-based BGR is employed here for demonstration. consumption constraints. In this paper, an BJT-based ultra-low BGR power, high accuracy is presented. The proposed reference The core circuit of the is shown in FigureBGR 1. The reference voltage generated by it is provides given by: a 1.17 V output under 2.8 V supply voltage with 78 nA average current consumption. An R2 on-off bandgap combined with sample-and-hold switched-RC filter is developed to reduce power VREF = VBE2 + ∆VBE . (1) R1 the working current of the BJT-based BGR consumption and noise. The on-off mechanism increases duringconsidering the sample period, which decreases VBE spread. A correlated double sampling (CDS) When non-ideal factors relevant with VBE and Opamp offset, Equation (1)strategy can be is adopted to cancel the offset of the operational amplifier (Opamp), which is fulfilled by a sampling approximately rewritten as capacitor block combined with chopper mechanism. R2 The conflict between low power and high VREF 0 = VBE2 0 + (∆VBE + Vos ) (2) accuracy is preliminarily settled. The theoretical foundation and specific circuit design are described R1 in Section II. Section 0III presents simulation and measurement as wellof asMOS a performance where the superscript denotes thethe erroneous quantity. High mismatchresults characteristic transistors comparison. Finally, conclusions are summarized in Section IV. can introduce considerate offsets to Opamp especially under extreme low power consumption. The V BE spread is also critical because it directly translates an error in VREF . The proposed circuit concentrates 2. Proposed Bandgap Reference on canceling these two sources of errors which have large magnitudes of effects on the accuracy of BGR output voltage. 2.1. Error Analysis of the BJT-based BGR Figure bandgap reference reference (BGR) (BGR) Figure 1. 1. The The basic basic topology topology of of the the bipolar bipolar junction junction transistor transistor (BJT)-based (BJT)-based bandgap core circuit. core circuit. The key point of this paper is to utilize the techniques of offset cancelling, correlated double sampling and switched-RC to improve the accuracy of the raw BGRs under stringent power consumption constraints. A conventional BJT-based BGR is employed here for demonstration. The core circuit of the BJT-based BGR is shown in Figure 1. The reference voltage generated by it is given by: Electronics 2019, 8, 814 3 of 11 Electronics 2019, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 11 2.2. Architecture of the Proposed BGR Circuit 2.2. Architecture of the Proposed BGR Circuit The systematic architecture of the proposed BGR is shown in Figure 2, which consists of an architecture of the proposed aBGR is shown in Figure 2, which of an onon-offThe VBEsystematic -based BGR with chopper mechanism, sampling-capacitor block, and a consists sample-and-hold off VBE-based filter. BGR with a sampling-capacitor block, and aclocks sample-and-hold switched-RC Also,chopper there is amechanism, digital block to generate the low-duty-cycle used in the switched-RC filter. Also, there is a digital block to generate the low-duty-cycle clocks used in the onon-off BGR, which is manually designed as the analog circuits to reduce the turnover rate of the clocks off BGR, which is manually designed as the analog circuits to reduce the turnover rate of the clocks and thus save power. The on-off BGR takes advantages of the conventional VBE -based BGR topology. and thus save power. Theofon-off BGR takes advantages of the conventional VBE-based BGR topology. When consuming dozens microampere (µA), the conventional VBE -based BGR operates reliably and When consuming dozens of microampere (μA), the conventional V BE-based BGR operates reliably has little process variation spread. During the hold period, the on-off BGR is turned off to save power. and sampling-capacitor has little process variation During the hold of period, the on-off BGR is turned off to save The block isspread. based on the technique correlated double sampling (CDS), which power. The sampling-capacitor block is based on the technique of correlated double sampling (CDS), samples twice in a working (on) period, before and after the conversion of the chopper connection whichinsamples twice a working (on) period, after the conversion of the chopper state the on-off BGR,inrespectively. Therefore, thebefore offset and of the Opamp Vos is cancelled out. When connection state in the on-off BGR, respectively. Therefore, the offset of the Opamp V os is cancelled the BGR block entered the off state, the switched-RC filter takes the average of the last twice sampled out. Whenholds the BGR block entered the(on) off state, filter takes the average of the last voltages, it until next working state, the andswitched-RC gets rid of the out-of-band noise through the twice sampled voltages, holds it until next working (on) state, and gets rid of the out-of-band noise function of filtering. through the function of filtering. C1 VREF ON-OFF BGR (Chopper machenism ) CLK_1 CLK_3 CLK_2 CLK_3 Rs C0 C2 Sampling-Capacator Sample-and-hold Switched-RC Filter Figure 2. Block diagram of the proposed BGR. 2.3. Chopper Mechanism and Correlated Double Sampling 2.3. Chopper Mechanism and Correlated Double Sampling Figure 3 shows the implementation of the on-off BGR which employs chopper mechanism. Figure 3 shows the implementation of the on-off BGR which employs chopper mechanism. A A near-zero power consumption start-up structure is adopted. The parameter values of the main near-zero power consumption start-up structure is adopted. The parameter values of the main components in the BGR core circuit are as follows. The emitter area of Q1 and Q2 is 2 × 2 µm. components in the BGR core circuit are as follows. The emitter area of Q1 and Q2 is 2 × 2 μm. R1 = 10 R1 = 10 kΩ and R2 = 80 kΩ. The size of MP1/2 is 8 µm/16 µm × 6 while the size of the switch transistors kΩ and R2 = 80 kΩ. The size of MP1/2 is 8 μm/16 μm × 6 while the size of the switch transistors is is 4 µm/1 µm × 1. The sizes of the transistors are designed to be large for good matching and low flicker 4μm/1μm × 1. The sizes of the transistors are designed to be large for good matching and low noise. Considering the low speed characteristic of the designed circuit, the lengths of the transistors flicker noise. Considering the low speed characteristic of the designed circuit, the lengths of the are selected at least 3 times of the 350 nm minimum channel length for lower static leakage current. transistors are selected at least 3 times of the 350 nm minimum channel length for lower static leakage Under phase Φ1 and Φ2 , the BGR power cycle is controlled by the clock ON/OFF CLK as shown current. in Figure 3b. With the duty cycle D = 0.25% (TON = 250 us, TON + TOFF = 100 ms), a working current Under phase Φ1 and Φ2, the BGR power cycle is controlled by the clock ON/OFF CLK as shown of 16 uA is budgeted for the BGR block to achieve an average power consumption as low as 40 nA. in Figure 3b. With the duty cycle D = 0.25% (TON = 250 us, TON + TOFF = 100 ms), a working current of The base-emitter voltage of transistor Q2 is given by 16 uA is budgeted for the BGR block to achieve an average power consumption as low as 40 nA. The base-emitter voltage of transistor Q2 is given by I VBE2 = VT ln( C ), (3) JISCA VBE 2 = VT ln( ), (3) JS A where IC and JS are the working collector current and reverse saturation current per unit area of the transistor, respectively, and A iscollector the emitter area.and Wereverse assumesaturation the current variation is IX .area Then where IC and JS are the working current current per unit of the relative error can be deduced as in Equation (5). transistor, respectively, and A is the emitter area. We assume the current variation is IX. Then the relative error can be deduced as in Equation (5). I + IX VBE2 0 = VT ln( C ) I C J+S A IX ' VBE 2 = VT ln( I +I JS A (4) (4) ) ln( CJ AX ) VBE 0 − VBE 1 IX D S ε= = −1 ≈ · , IC IA VBE IA I(C + I)X ln ( ) ln J A ln( J A ) V ' − VBE = ε = BE VBE S (5) S JS A I D 1 −1 ≈ ⋅ X , IC IA IA ln( ) ln( ) JS A JS A (5) 2019, 8, 8, 814 x FOR PEER REVIEW Electronics 2019, 44 of of 11 where ε represents the relative error, and IA = IC. D is the average current. When the working collector where the relative error, duty and IAcycle = ICof . D0.25%, is the average current. theofworking collector currentε Irepresents C is increased by an on/off the relative errorWhen spread VBE is 400 times current I is increased by an on/off duty cycle of 0.25%, the relative error spread of V is 400 times less. C BE less. The are controlled controlled by 10Hz CH_CLK CH_CLK to cancel the the offset offset of the Opamp Opamp under under The chopper chopper blocks blocks are by the the 10Hz to cancel of the phases Φ and Φ . In the middle of the on-phase of BGR, the chopper blocks convert connection phases Φ33 and Φ4.4In the middle of the on-phase of BGR, the chopper blocks convert connection status status from (XX to (XX1 —A, theon-phase, next on-phase, the connection changes 2 —A, 1 —B) 2 —B). from (X 2---A, 1---B)Xto (X1---A, 2---B).XIn the In next the connection status status changes back. back. Another chopper block is introduced in the signal path of the designed Opamp to assure that Another chopper block is introduced in the signal path of the designed Opamp to assure that aa negative negative feedback feedback loop loop be be formed formed according according to to the the chopper chopper status status in in the the on-off on-offBGR. BGR. VBIAS Φ2 Φ1 Φ1 MP1 MP2 x3 VREF Φ3 x Φ4 1 Φ2 Φ4 A R1 Φ2 x1 R2 Φ3 x2 Φ3 Φ4 Φ4 Φ3 x3 B x2 N=8 N=1 Q1 Start-up Q2 Core Circuit Designed Opamp (a) (b) Figure (a) Proposed Proposed on-off on-off BGR Figure 3. 3. (a) BGR with with chopper chopper mechanism; mechanism; (b) (b) Control Control clocks clocks for for BGR BGR power power cycle cycle and chopper blocks. and chopper blocks. Figure shows the the sampling-capacitor sampling-capacitor circuit technique of of correlated correlated double double sampling sampling Figure 44 shows circuit using using the the technique (CDS) [14,15]. The values of the sampling capacitors are selected as C = C = C = 40 µm 40 (1.6 µm (CDS) [14,15]. The values of the sampling capacitors are selected as C11= C2 =2 C0 = 040 μm × 40×μm (1.6 In the control of double sampling clocks CLK_1 andCLK_2, CLK_2,whose whoseclock clocktimings timingsare are shown shown in in pF).pF). In the control of double sampling clocks CLK_1 and Figure 4b, C and C sample the output of the on-off BGR V before and after the chopper connection 1 2 REF Figure 4b, C1 and C2 sample the output of the on-off BGR VREF before and after the chopper connection state and TS2,, respectively, respectively, in in aa working state conversion conversion during during T TS1 S1 and TS2 working (on) (on) period. period. C C00 samples samples during during the the interval T and sums up the two sampled voltages in it. Using Equation (2), only the Opamp offset S interval TS and sums up the two sampled voltages in it. Using Equation (2), only the Opamp offset is is considered, considered, R2 R V1 0 = VBE2 + (∆VBE + Vos ) = Vdes + 2 Vos (6) R2 R1 R1 R2 ' V1 = VBE2 + (ΔVBE + Vos ) = Vdes + Vos (6) R1 R R2 R1 2 0 V2 = VBE2 + (∆VBE − Vos ) = Vdes − Vos (7) R1 R1 V2 ' = VBE2 + V1 0 C + V2 0 C + V0 C = V00 ∗ 3C R2 R ( ΔVBE − Vos ) = Vdes − 20 Vos V1 0 + V 0 2 R1 If, V00 = V0 So, V R10 = = Vdes , 2 (7) (8) Electronics 2019, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 11 Electronics 2019, 8, 814 ' ' ' 0 If, V = V0 ' 0 V1 C + V2 C + V0 C = V * 3C ' ' So, V = V1 + V 2 = Vdes , 2 5 of 11 ' 0 (8) where C1 = C2 = C0 = C, V 1 is the voltage on C1 which is sampled before the connection state where C1 = CV 2 = 0C0 = C, V1’ is the voltage on C1 which is sampled before the connection state conversion, conversion, 2 is the voltage on C2 sampled after the conversion, V 0 is the current voltage on C0 and V 2’ 0is the voltage on C2 sampled after the conversion, V0 is the current voltage on C0 and V0’ is the sample V 0 is the sample voltage in next cycle on C0 . Eventually, Vdes is the original design value of VREF . voltage in next cycle on C0. Eventually, des is the original design value of the stable condition 0 VREF. When 0 When the stable condition is reached,VV 0 is the average value of V 1 and V 2 , canceling the error of is reached, V 0 is the average value of V1’ and V2’, canceling the error of VREF caused by the Opamp offset. V caused by the Opamp offset. 0 REF Double Sampling-Clocks TS1 C1 CLK_1 CLK_1 V1’ Rs VREF CLK_2 TS2 CLK_3 CLK_2 TS CLK_3 V2’ CLK_3 C0 ON/OFF CLK(Ф2) C2 CH_CLK (Ф3) SamplingCapacitor Switched-RC Filter (a) (b) Figure sampling-capacitorcircuit circuitalong alongwith withswitched-RC switched-RC block; Control clocks Figure 4. (a) (a) Proposed sampling-capacitor block; (b)(b) Control clocks for for sampling switches. sampling switches. 2.4. Sample-and-Hold Sample-and-HoldSwitched-RC Switched-RC Filter Filter 2.4. Figure 55 shows shows the the circuit Figure circuit implementation implementation of of the thesample-and-hold sample-and-holdswitched-RC switched-RCfilter. filter.AAMOS-R MOSis used to achieve a high RC filtering resistance of 25 MΩ with small chip area. To alleviate the the R is used to achieve a high RC filtering resistance of 25 MΩ with small chip area. To alleviate effect of injection and clock feedthrough, a dummy MOS switch M is added in series with the actual effect of injection and clock feedthrough, a dummy MOS switch M22 is added in series with the actual switch M M11[13]. [13]. switch Since the drain-bulk drain-bulk and and drain-source drain-source leakage leakage is is critical critical to Since the to the the accuracy accuracy and and stability stability of of V VREF REF output, especially during a long hold time of 100 ms, a simple feedback buffer A is used to reduce the 1 output, especially during a long hold time of 100 ms, a simple feedback buffer A1 is used to reduce voltage drop. In the hold phase, thethe bulk and source through M , 1 1are the voltage drop. In the hold phase, bulk and sourcenodes nodesofofMM arebuffered bufferedto toVVREF REF through M77, eliminating charge leakage at C . eliminating charge leakage at CSS. Moreover, the the filter filter emulates emulates aa much much lower lower filter filter pole pole frequency frequency by by pulse-switching pulse-switching them. them. Moreover, Compared to the RC filter in Figure 2, the effective pole frequency in Figure 5 is given by [13]: Compared to the RC filter in Figure 2, the effective pole frequency in Figure 5 is given by [13]: D D fLPFf LPF == 2π RSS C CSS 2πR (9) (9) 0.06% S = 60 us,us, THT+HT+ S =T100 a filter polepole of 0.4 cancan be with with CSS==10 10pF, pF,RRSS==2525MΩ, MΩ,and andDD= = 0.06%(T(T 100 ms), a filter of Hz 0.4 Hz S = 60 S = ms), achieved, which is about two decades lower than the noise integration bandwidth. Consequently, be achieved, which is about two decades lower than the noise integration bandwidth. Consequently, out-of-band out-of-band noise noise could could be be filtered filtered more more thoroughly. thoroughly. Electronics 2019, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 11 Electronics 2019, 8, 814 CLK_3_ Electronics 2019, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW VBUF 6 of 11 6 of 11 A1 VREF1 M5 VREF2 M M5 6 CLK_3_ VREF2 CLK_3 M6 CLK_3_ M1 VBUF M1 Vbias CLK_3 CLK_3 M7 M2 M2 VREF Vbias CLK_3_ M4 A1 CLK_3_ M7 CLK_3_ CLK_3_ VREF1 VBUF CLK_3 CLK_3 M4 CLK_3_ M3 MOS-R M3 CS VREF TS=60us & TS+TH=100ms TS VBUF TH MOS-R CS T =60us & T +T =100ms T S H S Figure 5. Proposed sample-and-hold switched-RCS filter circuit and control clock timing. CLK_3 TH 3. Simulation and Measurement Results Figure 5. Proposed sample-and-hold switched-RC filter circuit and control clock timing. Figure 5. Proposed sample-and-hold switched-RC filter circuit and control clock timing. The Offset-Cancelation Switched-RC Bandgap Reference presented in this paper has been 3. Simulation and Measurement Results applied in an and implanted cardiac pacemaker ASIC, featured with low power, high reliability and low 3. Simulation Measurement Results TheConsequently, Offset-Cancelation Switched-RC Bandgap is Reference presented innot thisadvanced paper hasbut been applied speed. 0.35 μm CMOS technology employed, which is adequately Offset-Cancelation Switched-RC Bandgapwith Reference presented in this paper hasspeed. been inqualified anThe implanted cardiac pacemaker ASIC, low battery power, high areliability and low for such applications [1,2]. Also,featured a lithium-iodine with typical supply voltage of applied in an implanted cardiac pacemaker ASIC, featured with low power, high reliability and low Consequently, 0.35 used µm CMOS technology is employed, which advancedlevel but adequately qualified 2.8V is usually for cardiac pacemakers, which hasis anot sufficient of safety and good speed. 0.35 μm CMOS technology is employed, which is not advanced but adequately for suchConsequently, applications [1,2]. Also, discharging characteristics [4]. a lithium-iodine battery with a typical supply voltage of 2.8 V is qualified for such applications [1,2]. Also, a lithium-iodine battery with a typical supply voltage of usually used forBGRs cardiac pacemakers, which hassettling a sufficient level of safety and good discharging For on-off with small duty cycles, the time for start-up is usually concerned. Figure 2.8V is usually used for cardiac pacemakers, which has a sufficient level of safety and good characteristics [4]. 6 shows the transient output voltage of the proposed circuit at the supply voltage of 2.8 V and discharging characteristics [4]. For on-off BGRs with cycles, thetosettling time forstate. start-up is usually Figure 6 temperature of 27 °C. It small takes duty about 0.6 ms reach steady Monte Carlo concerned. 200 simulation runs For on-off BGRs with small duty cycles, the settling time start-up is usually concerned. Figure shows transient output voltage of the proposed circuit at thefor supply voltage of 2.8 Vand andmismatch. temperature have the been done after layout parasitic extraction, considering the process variation The 6 shows the transient output of the proposed circuit at the voltage of have 2.8 Vbeen and of 27 ◦ C.are It takes aboutin 0.6Figure ms voltage to7a. reach Monte Carlo 200supply simulation runs results presented Thesteady mean state. value (μ) of the proposed BGR is 1.1689 V with the temperature of 27 °C. It takes about 0.6 ms to reach steady state. Monte Carlo 200 simulation runs done after deviation layout parasitic extraction, theofprocess variation and mismatch. The results standard (σ) of 4.6 mV, andconsidering the coefficient variation is calculated to be about 0.39%. The have been done after layout parasitic extraction, considering the process variation and mismatch. The are presented in Figure 7a. The mean value (µ) of the proposed BGR is 1.1689 V with the standard simulated temperature dependence of the output reference voltage VREF is plotted in Figure 7b. The results are(σ)presented Figure 7a. The mean value (μ) calculated of the proposed BGR0.39%. is 1.1689 Vsimulated with the deviation 4.6 mV,inand theofcoefficient of variation be about The temperatureofcoefficient (TC) the proposed BGR is is 9.43 ppm/°Cto with temperature ranging from – standard deviation (σ) of 4.6 mV, and the coefficient of variation is calculated to be about 0.39%. The temperature 20 to 80 °C.dependence of the output reference voltage VREF is plotted in Figure 7b. The temperature simulated temperature dependence of the output reference voltage V REF is plotted in Figure 7b. The coefficient (TC) of the proposed BGR is 9.43 ppm/◦ C with temperature ranging from −20 to 80 ◦ C. temperature coefficient (TC) of the proposed BGR is 9.43 ppm/°C with temperature ranging from – 20 to 80 °C. Figure 6. The output voltage of the proposed circuit. Figure 6. The output voltage of the proposed circuit. Figure 6. The output voltage of the proposed circuit. Electronics 2019, 8, 814 Electronics 2019, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 11 11 7 of (a) (b) Figure 7. (a) 200200 Monte Carlo simulation results. (b) Temperature coefficient simulation at 2.8at V 2.8V supply. Figure 7. (a) Monte Carlo simulation results. (b) Temperature coefficient simulation supply. The proposed BGR circuit is implemented in 0.35 µm standard CMOS process. Figure 8 shows the 2 , which could be optimized BGR micrograph of the die.circuit The core circuit occupies area 0.063 mm The proposed BGR is implemented in an 0.35 μmofstandard CMOS process. Figure 8 shows 2, which after an elaborate layout design. The total current consumption is measured as 78 nA on average frombe the BGR micrograph of the die. The core circuit occupies an area of 0.063 mm could 30optimized samples. The digital clock generation block consumes 26 nA average current, which means thaton after an elaborate layout design. The total current consumption is measured as 78 nA theaverage percentage overhead consumption by block the clock generation is 33.3% or which one from of 30the samples. The power digital clock generation consumes 26 nAblock average current, third. Figure 9 shows the distribution of the measured output voltage in 30 samples with 2.8 V supply means that the percentage of the overhead power consumption by the clock generation block is 33.3% voltage 27 ◦ C.Figure The mean valuethe (µ)distribution is 1.167 V with the measured standard deviation (σ) of 8.1 The proposed or oneatthird. 9 shows of the output voltage in mV. 30 samples with 2.8 BGR can achieve an accuracy 0.69% in value the measurement. accuracy of 0.69% is achieved without V supply voltage at 27 °C. of The mean (μ) is 1.167 VThe with the standard deviation (σ) of 8.1 mV. trimming and could be considered to be adequate for most implantable biomedical electronics. The low is The proposed BGR can achieve an accuracy of 0.69% in the measurement. The accuracy of 0.69% power feature is obtained due to thecould low duty cycle (D =to 0.25%) operation the on-off BRG. Moreover, achieved without trimming and be considered be adequate forofmost implantable biomedical theelectronics. following correlated double sampler and the switched-RC filter just consume about 12 nA average The low power feature is obtained due to the low duty cycle (D = 0.25%) operation of the 2 chip area of the total 0.063 mm2 chip area, but guaranteed the current and occupy about 0.03 mm on-off BRG. Moreover, the following correlated double sampler and the switched-RC filter just good performance the on-offcurrent BRG. The on-off BGR untrimmed of consume about 12ofnA average and occupy aboutachieves 0.03 mm2an chip area of the measured total 0.063 accuracy mm2 chip area, 0.69%, which is comparable with the accuracy of BGRs with current consumptions of hundreds of but guaranteed the good performance of the on-off BRG. The on-off BGR achieves an untrimmed times larger,accuracy just at aof small price. measured 0.69%, which is comparable with the accuracy of BGRs with current consumptions of hundreds of times larger, just at a small price. Electronics 2019, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW Electronics 2019, 8, 814 Electronics 2019, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 11 8 of 11 8 of 11 Figure 8. Microphotograph of BGR chip. Microphotograph of of BGR BGR chip. chip. Figure 8. Microphotograph Figure 9. Measured results for 30 samples. Figure 9. Measured results for 30 samples. Figure 10 shows VREF versus temperature ranging −20 to 80 ◦ C and the measured TC ranges Figure 9. Measured resultsfrom for 30 samples. ◦ ◦ Figure 10 shows V REF versus temperature ranging from –20 to◦80 and the measured TC ranges from 13.7 ppm/ C to 38.2 ppm/ C with an average TC of 19.6 ppm/ C. °C Figure 11 shows the measured ◦ from 13.7 ppm/°C to 38.2 ppm/°C with an average TC of 19.6 ppm/°C. Figure 11 shows the measured reference voltage versus supply voltage at 27 C. from When–20 thetosupply voltage changes from 1.8 V Figure 10 shows VREFthe versus temperature ranging 80 °C and the measured TC ranges reference voltage versus the supply voltage at 27 °C. When the supply voltage changes from 1.8 V to to 3.213.7 V, the BGR voltage variation is less than 0.83 Theppm/°C. reference voltage can achieve the line from ppm/°C to 38.2 ppm/°C with an average TCmV. of 19.6 Figure 11 shows the measured 3.2 V, the BGR voltage variation is less than 0.83 mV. The reference voltage can achieve the line regulationvoltage of 0.59 versus mV/V. the For supply measurement when the power supply reference voltageconvenience, at 27 °C. When themeasuring supply voltage changes fromrejection 1.8 V to regulation of 0.59 mV/V. For measurement convenience, when measuring the power supply rejection ratioV,(PSRR), thevoltage on-off period is setisatless 10 ms instead of 100The ms,reference which willvoltage not affect authenticity of 3.2 the BGR variation than 0.83 mV. canthe achieve the line ratio (PSRR), the on-off period is set at 10 ms instead of 100 ms, which will not affect the authenticity the measured results. Figure 12 shows the convenience, PSRR results,when whichmeasuring is better than 58.6 dBsupply before rejection 200 kHz. regulation of 0.59 mV/V. For measurement the power of theare measured results. Figure 12 shows thems) PSRR results, which is betterofthan 58.6 dB When beforethe 200 There peaks at multiples of 100 Hz (1/10 due to the characteristic sampling. ratio (PSRR), the on-off period is set at 10 ms instead of 100 ms, which will not affect the authenticity kHz. There at multiples ofsupply 100 Hzis(1/10 ms) due to the characteristic of effect sampling. When the frequency ofare thepeaks fluctuation on the same as the sampling rate,than the of the supply of the measured results. Figure 12 shows the the PSRR results, which is better 58.6 dB before 200 frequency of the fluctuation on the supply is the same as the sampling rate, the effect of the supply fluctuation on the sampled output is alsoms) thedue same during the on phase in every When sampling kHz. There are peaks at multiples ofvoltage 100 Hz (1/10 to the characteristic of sampling. the fluctuation on the sampled output voltage is also the same during the on phase in every sampling period and thus will be attenuated. frequency of the fluctuation on the supply is the same as the sampling rate, the effect of the supply period thus will be Theand performance ofattenuated. theoutput proposed BGRiscircuit is same summarized in Table 1, and are fluctuation on the sampled voltage also the during the on phase in these everyresults sampling The performance of the proposed BGRFrom circuit is summarized in Table 1, and these results are compared with other published references. Table 1, it is observed that this work has the best period and thus will be attenuated. compared with other published references. From Table 1, it is observed that this work has the best line regulation and temperature coefficient the untrimmed voltage references, it also has The performance of the proposed BGR in circuit is summarized in Table 1, and while these results are line regulation and temperature coefficient in the untrimmed voltage references, while it also has advantageswith in the aspects of current consumption untrimmed accuracy. However, thehas limitations compared other published references. From and Table 1, it is observed that this work the best advantages the aspects of current consumption and untrimmed However, the limitations of such on-offinBGR analyzed as follows. First, small ripplevoltage ataccuracy. the switching exists line regulation and are temperature coefficient in theauntrimmed references,moment while itstill also has of such on-off BGR are analyzed as follows. First, a small ripple at theshould switching moment still exists after switched-RC filtering. For continuous-time applications, this issue be considered. Second, advantages in the aspects of current consumption and untrimmed accuracy. However, the limitations after switched-RC filtering. For continuous-time applications, this issue should be considered. because the BGR output voltage is the acapacitor, it hasatlimited driving ability. of such on-off BGR are analyzed assampled follows. in First, small ripple the switching moment still exists Second, because the BGR output voltage is sampled in the capacitor, it has limited driving ability. after switched-RC filtering. For continuous-time applications, this issue should be considered. Second, because the BGR output voltage is sampled in the capacitor, it has limited driving ability. Electronics 2019, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW Electronics 2019, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 11 9 of 11 Electronics 2019, FOR PEER REVIEW Electronics 2019,8,8,x814 9 of 11 9 of 11 Figure 10. Measured reference voltage versus temperature for 30 samples. Figure 10. Measured reference voltage versus temperature for 30 samples. Figure 10. 10. Measured Measured reference voltage versus temperature for 30for samples. Figure reference voltage versus temperature 30 samples. Figure 11. Measured reference voltage versus the supply voltage. Figure 11. 11. Measured Measured reference voltage versus the the supply voltage. Figure reference voltage versus supply voltage. Figure 11. Measured reference voltage versus the supply voltage. 64 63 64 64 62 63 PSRR (dB) PSRR PSRR (dB)(dB) 63 61 62 62 60 61 61 59 60 60 58 59 59 57 58 58 56 57 57 55 56 1 10 55 56 1 10 2 3 10 10 4 10 5 10 Frequency (Hz) 4 3 5 10 10 10 10 Frequency (Hz) 55 1 2 3 4 5 Figure Measured power ratio (PSRR). 12.12.Measured power supplyrejection rejection ratio (PSRR). 10 Figure 10 10 supply 10 10 Frequency (Hz) Figure 12. Measured power supply rejection ratio (PSRR). 2 Figure 12. Measured power supply rejection ratio (PSRR). 6 10 6 10 6 10 Electronics 2019, 8, 814 10 of 11 Table 1. Comparison table. Parameter [16] [17] [18] [19] This Work Process Publication Year Accuracy (σ/µ) Type TC (ppm/°C) Supply Output Voltage Current Consumption Line regulation 65 nm JSSC 2017 0.39%(T) VTH 5.6(T) 0.8 V 428 mV 16.3 µA 1 mV/V 180 nm TCAS-II 2015 3.9%(UT) VTH 64(T) 0.45 V 120 mV 32.4 nA 1.2 mV/V 130 nm ISSCC 2015 0.67%(UT) VBE 75(UT) 0.5 V 500 mV 64 nA 10 mV/V 180 nm TCAS-II 2017 2%(T),1 VTH 84.5(UT) 0.4 V 212 mV 480 nA 2 mV/V 350 nm 2019 0.69%(UT) VBE 19.6(UT) 2.8 V 1.17 V 78 nA 0.59 mV/V (T) : trimmed. (UT) : untrimmed. 1 : 3σ. 4. Conclusions An ultra-low power, high accuracy BGR designed for implantable medical electronics is presented in this paper. To solve the conflict between low power and high accuracy, an on-off bandgap combined with sample-and-hold switched-RC filter is developed. A higher working current is allowed to alleviate VBE spread, which directly causes error to output voltage, but also keeps the average power consumption as low as 220 nW with the voltage supply of 2.8 V. Furthermore, to improve the accuracy ulteriorly, the error brought by the Opamp offset is eliminated by applying correlated double sampling strategy. As a result, the measured voltage accuracy of 0.69% is achieved without trimming, which is adequate for most implanted medical electronics. The circuit shows a line regulation of 0.59 mV/V in the supply voltage range of 1.8–3.2 V and a TC of 19.6 ppm/◦ C in the temperature ranging from −20 to 80 ◦ C. The proposed BGR circuit meets all the requirements of implantable medical electronics. It is very suitable for application in biomedical systems. 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