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Chapter 2 Vocabulary: Varieties of Civilization

Chapter 2 Vocab
Varieties of Civilization
DIRECTIONS: Be sure to read before the key term and after the key term so that you get a
good understanding of what the word really means. DO NOT just copy down what it says after
the key term. If you read your definition and it doesn't make sense, or isn't a complete idea, then
what is the point of writing it?!
Make sure that you take your time and be thoughtful about what your term actually is.
Terms begin on page 51 in your text book. If you are using Google please be careful so that
your terms match closely with the content we are dealing with. If they don’t fit within our context,
they don’t count and will not be scored.
1. Song Dynasty –
2. China's Economic Revolution –
3. Hangzhou –
4. foot binding –
5. Hangul –
6. Chu nom –
7. Bushido 8. Abbasid Caliphate 9. Seljuk Turkic Empire 10. Ottoman Empire 11. al - Andalus 12. Byzantine Empire 13. Constantinople 14. Caesaropapism 15. Eastern Orthodox Christianity 16. Crusades 17. Kievan Rus
18. Western Christendom 19. Roman Catholic Church 20. European Renaissance –
21. Maya Civilization 22. Aztec Empire 23. Inca Empire -