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Final Paper Leadership and Decision Making

Easy Access Incorporation
Maximo V. Alberto Jr.
Group Average Ranger Members:
Alberto, Ma. Khershey Denize R
Cuyoca, Mercy O.
Drame, Jeffrey Allan P.
Mengote, Robi Rodd
Syjongtian, Allison V.
Tongco, Honey Laurence D.
MGT1101- Section 1
November 8, 2021
Table of Contents
Overview …………………………………………………………………………………1
Company Directory ………………………………………………………………………2
Resume …………………………………………………………………………………...3
Questionnaire Template …………………………………………………………………..4
Transcript of the Interview ……………………………………………………………….5
Photo Documentation …………………………………………………………………….6
Individual Reflection Paper …………………………………………................................7
Group Synthesis …………………………………………………………………………..8
Easy Access Inc.
Easy Access Incorporation is located at Room 218, AIC Burgundy Empire Towe, ADB Avenue
corner Sapphire & Garnet, Ortigas Center, Pasig City, Metro Manila. The company can be
contacted by calling them at (02) 7980 1573 or on its official Facebook page EasyAccess Inc.
Janitorial, Disinfection and Manpower Service Contractor.
Date of Virtual or Online Interview
The face to face interview with Mr. Maximo V. Alberto was conducted on November 6, 2021, at
exactly 10:30 PM. The chosen date and time of interview was during the weekend and in night
time as it is the available time of the leader. We have conducted our interview with his full consent.
Resume of Person Interviewed
Maximo V. Alberto Jr. is a human-resource manager for the company, Easy Access
Incorporation. He studied his secondary education at Mapua Institute of Technology from 1975 to
1980 and took his higher education at Far Eastern University from 1980 to 1985, finishing a degree
in Bachelor of Science in Commerce Management.
His leadership attributes and characteristics are first being loyal to the company he’s
working with through its ups and downs, second, decisive since, he primarily resolves any conflicts
that are being faced by the company and within the organization to promote harmony in the
company as well. Lastly he is trustworthy since he keeps confidential information securely and
values respect to other people, which is why most in the organization easily trusts him.
His skills that are bound to him are the ability to communicate effectively using any
medium as means of communication, demonstrates excellent administrative skills and high
analytical reasoning ability, establishes performance targets and its goals for improvements,
exercises complete devotion to superiors and the organization, recognizes the critical roles of
accountability, authority and responsibility, develops organizational competencies and integrates
objectives effectively, and proposes action plans that are timely, practical and optimistic.
Questionnaire Template
● Engaging in business entails a lot of investments in terms of money, time, and sacrifices.
And despite all these investments, still many have failed in their business ventures. Based
on your personal observation as a businessperson, is it a reality that not everyone is destined
to be a successful entrepreneur?
_____ AGREE
_____ AGREE with comments:
Comments here:
_____ DISAGREE with comments:
Comments here:
● Entrepreneurs or business-minded person do business because of:
_____ Passion for life
_____ Recognition
_____ Primarily to make a living
_____ This is what my family has been doing since I was a child
Note: You may choose 1 or you may rank the choices according to your preference.
● Which of the following types of business would you like to do as a businessman/woman?
_____ Sole proprietor
_____ Partnership with your relatives
_____ Corporation
● As a businessperson do you prefer to:
_____ Manage the business by yourself
_____ Manage the business by yourself and by family members
_____ Manage the business by yourself and hire employees
Note: You may choose one answer or more than one.
● As a business man/woman, do you consider yourself successful? Why or why not?
● In life as well as in business, nothing is certain or future proof? Do you plan to obtain or
have obtained insurance security for your business?
_____ YES, I plan insurance security for my business
_____ YES, I already obtained insurance security for my business
_____ NO, I have no plan of obtaining an insurance security for my business
● In our university, we have core values of Fortitude, Excellence and Uprightness, do you
also have certain values that follow and observe in your business operation?
_____ YES, I have, and these are:
_____ NO, I do not have
● What words would you use to describe your management style?
● How do you handle conflicts between team members professionally?
● I keep a journal or record of my daily business operation?
_____ YES, because it helps me to think for the future of my business.
_____ YES, because I want to have something to share with my employees and family.
_____ NO, I do not keep any journal or record of my daily business operation because it is
not my nature.
_____ NO, I do not keep any journal or record of my daily business operation because I
entrusted it to someone (my employee or member of my family).
● In our current situation that we have now (pandemic), how did you manage your business
despite the challenges and risks?
● As a role model for aspiring entrepreneurs, what message or advice can you give?
Transcript of the Interview
1. Interviewer: Engaging in business entails a lot of investments in terms of money, time,
and sacrifices. And despite all these investments, still many have failed in their business
ventures. Based on your personal observation as a businessperson, is it a reality that not
everyone is destined to be a successful entrepreneur? Do you agree or disagree? And why?
Interviewee: Well the answer to that is I may say yes or no, because most of the
businessmen who have invested on business, the reasons that they don’t success is even
though they give their time, their efforts, and full capital, it’s the know-how of the business
and it is the love for your business, for the kind of business that you have established. It’s
just like what they say in Tagalog, “Masaya ka bang ginagawa ito?” because if you are
happy with the thing that you are doing, by applying this on your business it is most likely
that you will be able to be successful because you will be able to see the in and outs of the
business. You will be able to see the things that ask for more interest. You might see the
weakness; you will know how and what should be done most. Most likely the success of
the business is the know-how to run a business and of course the passion, you should love
what you are doing, and you can apply it to your business. When I say no, I also believe
sometimes that some people are not really destined to be businessmen. Maybe your
intuition can tell if you are bound to some other kinds of directions, maybe you can be
successful in other things, maybe in another kind of business. You just have to search what
are your strong points that you may be able to apply in establishing or building a good
2. Interviewer: Entrepreneurs or business-minded person do business because of:
Passion for life
Primarily to make a living
This is what my family has been doing since I was a child
Interviewee: I would go for the last one. This is what my family has been doing since I was
a child.
3. Interviewer: Which of the following types of business would you like to do as a
Sole Proprietor
Partnership with your relatives
Interviewee: Sole Proprietor.
4. Interviewer: As a businessperson do you prefer to:
Manage the business by yourself
Manage the business by yourself and by family members
Manage the business by yourself and hire employees
Interviewee: I will choose the second and the third which is to manage the business by
myself and by family members or to manage the business by myself and hire employees.
5. Interviewer: As a businessman, do you consider yourself successful? Why or why not?
Interviewee: Well, honestly speaking, not yet because until now I’m still trying to reach
the level of the frame dot. Because you know in the business meron kang tinatarget na
point eh na sinasabi na if you reach that, that certain point, its when you say that you’re
already a successful businessman. As of now, maybe more than half.
6. Interviewer: In life as well as in business, nothing is certain or future proof, so, do you plan
to obtain or have obtained insurance security for you and your business?
First Option: Yes, I plan to have an insurance security for my business
Second Option: Yes, I already obtained insurance security for my business.
Third Option: No, I have no plan of obtaining insurance security for my business.
Interviewee: As I start the business, as it goes well, as it goes bigger, and more successful,
there will be a right time that I might be planning to get insurance for the company. The
main reason is of course security because of the uncertainty of life, uncertainty of what’s
going to happen in the future ahead of you, so, maybe on the latter part, I might be planning
to get insurance for the company.
7. Interviewer: In our university, we have core values of fortitude, excellence and uprightness.
Do you have any certain values that follow and observe in your business operation? Yes or
No? If yes, what are those?
Interviewee: Of Course we have, the most important value that we do is sincerity and
transparency. Sincerity is very important to us because every employee really has to have
this kind of attitude that will make the company more successful. It’s going to make the
company easier to deal with when you’re sincere and you’re really open hearted with each
other. Transparency is very important because through this you will always observe quality
because if you’re transparent, you’re always giving importance to everyone such as certain
chances for them to make themselves better. So, as of now that is what’s important for us,
sincerity and transparency.
8. Interviewer: What words would you use to describe your management style?
Interviewee: In managing a company and the people under you it is very important that
you show and give them your respect, by giving respect, you also earn your respect from
them, and when your people are being respected and you show concerns to them, they will
make life easy for the company because, they will all be performing to the most that they
can, and they will also learn to love you and learn to love the company that they are working
in. So, you just have to treat them well to make sure that all of them are well taken care of,
you should always make sure that you handle the welfare of your employees properly, by
this the return to you is them, working with you in full honesty and to achieve an overall
good wellbeing of the company.
9. Interviewer: How do you handle conflicts between team members professionally?
Interviewee: In managing a company and the people under you it is very important that
you show and give them your respect, by giving respect, you also earn your respect from
them, and when your people are being respected and you show concerns to them, they will
make life easy for the company because, they will all be performing to the most that they
can, and they will also learn to love you and learn to love the company that they are working
in. So, you just have to treat them well to make sure that all of them are well taken care of,
you should always make sure that you handle the welfare of your employees properly, by
this the return to you is them, working with you in full honesty and to achieve an overall
good wellbeing of the company.
10. Interviewer: I keep a journal or record of my daily business operation?
_____ YES, because it helps me to think for the future of my business.
_____ YES, because I want to have something to share with my employees and family.
_____ NO, I do not keep any journal or record of my daily business operation because it is
not my nature.
_____ NO, I do not keep any journal or record of my daily business operation because I
entrusted it to someone (my employee or member of my family).
Interviewee: I do not keep journals for myself, although records have always been present
in our company every year. I've delegated responsibility to the finance department to take
charge of it, and he or she will be the one to address it with me annually.
11. Interviewer: In our current situation that we have now (pandemic), how did you manage
your business despite the challenges and risks?
Interviewee: In the midst of the pandemic, businesses have been attempting to make a
profit. Because of a lack of consumers and low earnings, companies are having trouble
managing their budgets and personnel. Regardless of the situation, businesses should value
their employees because they are essential in developing a good and successful company.
And I believe it is the best time for the business to reward its workers by raising their wages
and providing the support they need. It is only reasonable to treat their employees this way
because of their hard work, and without them, the company would not be successful. It's
vital to keep an eye on them, especially if there's a pandemic, and never ignore their
12. Interviewer: As a role model for aspiring entrepreneurs, what message or advice can you
Interviewee: In starting a business, the first step is to figure out what type of business you
want to establish. Choose a business you are interested in and passionate about rather than
the one you are just undertaking for the product's popularity and money. It is also important
to understand the ins and outs of the company you'll be investing in. Select the business
you wish to harvest next. You should put in 100 percent of your effort. Remember that
good business is not built overnight, but it is built over time through hard work and, of
course, prayer, which is necessary. You should seek to the heavens for assistance. These
are just the basic ingredients you will need to start and build a good and successful business.
Photo Documentation
Ma. Khershey Denize R. Alberto
As we worked on our research paper, we came to a number of realizations and gained some
important insights that would aid us in our daily lives. When we did our interview, I learned a lot
of valuable things that will benefit not just us students, but also other aspiring leaders. During the
interview, one of the things that jumped out to me was how the leader talked about his failures. It
helped me realize that you can't achieve success unless you've failed at least once. It made me
realize that failures motivate us to strive harder and prove to ourselves that we can achieve more
success if we push ourselves harder. Hearing a successful leader's success and failure tales was
incredibly encouraging because you could feel their sincerity and motivation being conveyed to
you simply by their words of advice.
We also put the recommendations we learned from the leader's interview into practice when
we work in groups. We took some of the ideas he provided with us and began to implement them
with small groups, such as our research team, because he also explained how he handled conflicts
and employee relationships. As a result, we have worked admirably and demonstrated effective
teamwork in completing our individual jobs in order to meet the requirements of our paper.
Mercy O. Cuyoca
I learned a lot of new knowledge, despite the fact that it was difficult for us to conduct the
interview due to the pandemic. I was also pleased to find that my group mates were all cooperative
and willing to listen to everything our leader had to say. On the other hand, listening to Mr. Alberto
share his professional skills and experiences was enjoyable. He also discussed his work
experiences and how he dealt with them. As we interview him with closed-ended questions, I can
say that Mr. Maximo Alberto is a true leader because he possesses characteristics such as
remaining committed to the firm through its ups and downs, making wise decisions that resolve
underlying conflicts, and being trustworthy enough to keep confidential information secure while
also emphasizing respect for others.
His leadership thoughts, experiences, and realizations were used to outline what an ideal
leader should be in response to a specific question: How do you resolve professional conflicts
between team members? His response gave me the impression that, despite being a strict leader, a
leader should always have this ability to instill discipline in their team. A leader must always treat
them with respect and, as he stated, treat them well so that they are enthusiastic in doing their job.
Also, you should always make sure that you handle the welfare of your employees properly, as
this will result in them working with you in full honesty and achieving the company's overall good
Robi Rodd Mengote
While conducting this interview for our final requirement, I have learned about the
different characteristics, skills, abilities, or attributes of a businessman. Mr. Alberto whom we
interviewed pointed out some guides from his past experiences on how to become a successful
businessman/businesswoman. One thing he said that has been so remarkable to me is “If you are
happy with the thing that you are doing, by applying this on your business, it is most likely that
you will be able to be successful because you will be able to see the in and outs of your business.”
I can relate it to a quote which I have read while browsing the internet that says, “Do what you
love and believe me you will never work a day in your life.”
I also realized that for you to evaluate yourself or know what your strengths and
weaknesses are, you need to have a strong faith in yourself because believe it or not all
businessmen started small with zero experience. Failing at first is part of the process, there is no
shortcut into success. You must work your way up and as years go by you already know what to
do in a certain situation wherein your experience is the one that will matter the most. Always
remember that there are no secrets to success, it is the result of preparation and hard work, and the
learnings from failures.
Jeffrey Allan Drame
It was not new to me in interviewing people, since I’ve also conducted interviews in my
secondary education primarily only for research purposes, but what I’ve experienced now it
became unique in a sense that we’re interviewing a person who has a critical role in an organization
which are experiences far greater than ours since, I was only bound to interview students based on
their fondness on a certain thing in the past. This gave us an opportunity to learn more about our
leader’s experiences, his thoughts about a certain topic that we gave to them with the use of our
questionnaires which I found was really insightful.
I’ve learned more about the values that are needed in being a leader, since being a leader
is no joke, you have to fix problems when they arise and these problems occur randomly, which is
why a leader should also expect what will be happening in the future. I’ve also valued respect more
than before, since it was the value that was highlighted by our leader, which I totally agree on,
because having respect to yourself and to other people you’re working with, will lead to a never
ending positive effect for the organization. Just like what our leader said, that if you respect the
people in the organization, they will adore, trust you and love the organization that they’re part of.
Which is why respect has been the value that I’ve cherished in this interview that we have on our
When we were given an interview like this, it was challenging since finding the right
person to be interviewed was our only issue, but once we’ve already found someone who is willing
to do an interview we’re pretty much set. Overall group effort was up to par since every task that
is being given by our leader is being accomplished and sent at the right time and queries from
members are being answered as soon as possible. We haven’t had any issues other than maybe
time, since most of us are very busy accomplishing other school work.
Allison Syjongtian
As a college student, we were enhanced during our high school when it comes to
interviewing. Our group really did the parts that made our work excellent and complete with the
guidance of each other and I think that also makes us a little leader among ourselves. Now,
knowing that we are about to conduct our interview to someone who is knowledgeable enough in
becoming a leader that someday we will also become one. I am glad enough to have such an
opportunity. Opportunity to listen, learn and grasp things that will surely help me grow in
becoming a CPA and a leader someday.
We are pleased enough to have Mr. Maximo Alberto agreed to our request in having him
as our role model and be part of our final requirement despite him being a businessman with a
busy schedule. During the interview that we’ve conducted, it somehow opened my mind, wherein
it inspired me in becoming better each day by just him telling us the experiences he had that showed
his ups and downs having a business. Afterall, one thing that marked in me is when he advised us
that in starting up a business, we should be interested and passionate enough rather than aiming
for popularity and money because those two things will just follow if you are passionate. It just
made me realize that without having challenges in a business venture or in anything, there will no
longer be success.
Honey Laurence D. Tongco
Conducting this interview with a manager was indeed a fantastic learning experience for me.
We recently conducted an interview with a human-resources manager at Easy Access
Incorporation. It was an excellent learning opportunity to become acquainted with the manager's
responsibilities and points of view. After hearing his story, I realized that being a manager involves
significant effort, time, expertise, and perseverance. I can say that I was so inspired by listening to
our leader, Mr. Maximo V. Alberto, and it is our pleasure to have a chance to interview him. He
is a good example of a leader based on the way he answers our questions, which is precise and
clear. While conducting research for this research paper, after hearing what Mr. Maximo V.
Alberto said, I realized that leadership is about leading, mentoring, and coaching rather than
informing and commanding. Leadership will always require some amount of telling others what
has to be done. However, the best approach to accomplishing this is to assist others in determining
what needs to be accomplished on their own.
From my perspective, he was an excellent, cheerful, and courteous manager. When it came to
work, he exhibited strong leadership qualities such as optimism, dedication, and a high level of
energy. I suppose I could say he was a genuine leader. He works with enthusiasm and is confident
that he and his team will succeed. When he answers the question: as a role model for aspiring
entrepreneurs, what message or advice can you give? His answer was, "remember that good
business is not built overnight, but it is built over time through hard work and, of course, prayer,
which is necessary," and that motivates me to pursue my dream of becoming a manager of a
company someday and take the advice that I have learned from Mr. Alberto. Because of my
groupmates, I had so much fun conducting this final requirement. They are very cooperative and
responsible for the work that is assigned to them. In making this research paper, it tests our inner
leadership personality.
Group Synthesis
The group agreed that we’ve learned a lot of things about our leader, from his work
experiences, being committed to the firm through its good and worse scenarios, making wise
decisions for the benefit and future of the company, and emphasizing values such as trust and
respect to other people in the workplace. The group also formed a lot of realizations after the
interview, wherein we’ve realized that to be a successful leader, a person should have experience
failures first, since this failure motivates a person to push himself/herself more in being successful,
this also increases a persons’ drive and productivity in achieving success in the future.
Furthermore, the group also realized that despite being a leader a person should always consider
being down to earth with his/her colleagues by exercising the values of respect, trust, sincerity and
transparency, since this will create less tension by minimizing the barrier between a leader and its
colleagues. Which will eventually gain a great relationship between the leader and its colleagues.
As a group, we realized that a leader knows his/her own strengths and weaknesses because
being a leader doesn’t end by just being called a leader, he/she is also a role model to every aspiring
leader. A leader possesses a clear vision, integrity, and humility. He/she believes in teamwork and
focuses on helping his/her team. It is not about who is in charge when it comes to leadership. It's
all about keeping your team focused on the objectives, keeping them motivated, and assisting them
in being the best they can be in order to reach those objectives.
Miller, K. (2020, July 7). 10 characteristics of successful entrepreneurs: HBS Online. Business
Insights. Retrieved December 2, 2021, from https://online.hbs.edu/blog/post/characteristics-ofsuccessful-entrepreneurs.
Gleeson, B. (2016, November 9). 10 unique perspectives on what makes a great leader. Forbes.
Retrieved December 1, 2021, from https://www.forbes.com/sites/brentgleeson/2016/11/09/10unique-perspectives-on-what-makes-a-great-leader/?sh=5d258c3f5dd1.