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Electrical & Electronic Engineering Assignment Brief

Higher Nationals
Assignment Brief – BTEC (RQF)
Higher National Diploma in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Student Name /ID Number
Unit Code
Unit Number and Title
Unit 5 Electrical and Electronic Principles
Academic Year
Unit Assessor
Syed Waqad Ali
Assignment Title
Understand the fundamental principle of Electrical and Electronic
circuits and systems
Issue Date
Submission Date
IV Name
Dr. Muhammad Asif
This unit provides an understanding of electrical and electronic principles used in a range of
engineering careers and provides the basis for further study of more specialist areas of
electrical/electronic engineering.
Unit Learning Outcomes:
LO1 Be able to apply electrical and electronic circuit theory
LO2 Be able to apply two-port network models
LO3 Understand the use of complex waves
LO4 Be able to apply transients in R-L-C circuits
Assignment Brief and Guidance:
Assessment 1. Laboratory Portfolio
Each student has to perform series of laboratory work to understand, build and explore a range of
series and parallel RLC circuits. Each experiment includes simulation and analysis of RLC circuits
using various circuit analysis technique such as Thevenin’s and Norton’s theorems, nodel and mesh
analysis, two-port network model and Laplace transform. The activities will include design and study
the transient and steady state analysis of various RLC circuits. Students will note results, analyse,
evaluate, and draw conclusions.
Assessment 2: Written Report on Analysis of Series and Parallel RLC circuits
RLC circuit is an electrical circuit that has a variety of applications in radio and communication
engineering. It also helps to examine the behavior of complex network using the simple electric
circuit. The purpose of this assignment is the in-depth analysis of series and parallel RLC circuits for
different applications.
Write a report that:
 Explain the initial conditions of both RLC circuits.
 Determine the equations that describe the characteristics of the system of both circuits.
 Solve the equations for both circuits and distinguish the operating characteristics as a
function of the circuit element parameters.
 Simulate both circuits using PSpice tool and examine their behavior.
 Measure the output impedance of both circuits using two-port network model.
 Provide the phaser information.
Assessment 3. Time-constrained Assessment
Students will sit in a time-constrained test of 2 hours. This may include a section of multiple-choice
questions, but also questions in which students demonstrate understanding and applications of key
principles of RLC circuits including transient, steady-state analysis and circuit responses, network
model and Symmetrical attenuators. Use of phasor techniques for the solution of steady-state AC
response including voltage, current, power and power factor. The test also includes the analysis of
various periodic and aperiodic waveforms.
Submission Format:
Maintain the standard font size 12 and 1.5 line space spacing. Use Times new roman or Arial font.
The assignment should be submitted in both hard and soft copy. Soft copy is in the form of pdf or
word document. The assignment should be submitted before the last date.
Assignment 1: Laboratory Portfolio
The experimental method, results, analysis, evaluation, and conclusions will be presented in the form
of a portfolio of short technical reports.
Assessment 2: Written Report on Analysis of Series and Parallel RLC circuits
You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs and subsections, as appropriate, and all work
must be supported with research and referenced using the Harvard referencing system. Provide a
bibliography using the Harvard referencing system. The recommended word limit is 1000–1500
words. You will not be penalised for exceeding the total word limit.
Assignment 3: Time-constrained Assessment
A time-constrained test of 120 minutes.
Assessment Information
Grading Criteria
To PASS this unit, learners will need to provide:
LO1 Be able to apply electrical and electronic circuit theory
1.1 calculate the parameters of AC equivalent circuits using transformation theorems
1.2 apply circuit theory techniques to the solution of AC circuit problems
1.3 analyse the operation of magnetically coupled circuits
1.4 use circuit theory to solve problems relating to series and parallel R-L-C tuned circuits
LO2 Be able to apply two-port network models
2.1 apply two-port network model to the solution of practical problems
2.2 design and test symmetrical attenuators against computer models
LO3 Understand the use of complex waves
3.1 calculate the properties of complex periodic waves
3.2 analyse complex periodic waves
LO4 Be able to apply transients in R-L-C circuits
4.1 use Laplace transforms for the transient analysis of networks
4.2 calculate circuit responses to a step input in practical situations.
Resource Materials
1. S. Franco, "Electric Circuits Fundamentals", Oxford University Press, (Latest Edition).
2. V.V. Burg, "Network Analysis”, (Latest Edition)
3. R E Thomas, A. J. Rosa and G. J. Toussaint, "The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits" John
Wiley, 6th Edition, 2009
4. C. Alexander and M. Sadiku, "Fundamentals of Electric Circuits", McGraw- Hill, 4th Edition,
5. J. D. Irwin and R. M. Nelms, "Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis", Wiley, 9th Edition, 2008
6. W. Hayt, J. Kemmerly and S. Durbin, "Engineering Circuit Analysis", McGraw-Hill, 7th Edition,