22EC207 L 2 Basic electronics knowledge, other physical sciences / engineering background Sensors and Instruments in Electronics T 0 P 2 C 3 Prerequisite: Course Objectives: Working principle of Various measuring instruments. Objective 1 To study different types of sensors and actuators. Objective 2 To gain knowledge on type of sensors to be used for practical applications. Objective 3 To study different types of optical sensors. Objective 4 To study and understand interfacing electronic sensors for various applications. Objective 5 Course Outcome: Choose appropriate measuring instruments for given application. CO1 Select sensors for the measurement of physical variables for real time applications. CO2 Understand and apply actuators for engineering applications. CO3 Use sensors for optoelectronic applications. CO4 Interface different sensors for engineering applications. CO5 Unit 1 MEASUREMENT AND INSTRUMENTATION 9 Type of Electrical and electronic instruments – Classification- Types of indicating Instruments–Principles of Electrical Instruments –Multi-meters, Oscilloscopes- Static and Dynamic Characteristics of Measurement – Errors in Measurement – Transducers - Classification of Transducers: Resistive, Inductive, Capacitive, Thermoelectric, piezoelectric, photoelectric, Hall effect and Mechanical. Unit 2 STRAIN, PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURE 9 Introduction, Stress & Pressure sensors: Resistance strain gauge, piezoelectric strain gauge, characteristics. Fibre-optic sensor, Pressure gauges. Temperature Sensors: Bimetallic strip, thermocouples, Resistance thermometers, thermistors, bolometer, Pyroelectric detector. Unit 3 MOTION SENSORS & ACTUATORS 9 Capacitor plate sensor, Inductive sensors, LVDT Accelerometer systems, rotation sensors drag cup devices, piezoelectric devices, Rotary encoders. Relays, Solenoid drive, Stepper Motors, Voice-Coil actuators, Hydraulic actuators – Variable transformers: synchros, resolvers, Inductosyn. Unit 4 OPTICAL SENSORS 9 Colour temperature, light flux, photo sensors, photomultiplier, photo resistor and photoconductors, photodiodes, phototransistors, photovoltaic devices, fibre optic sensors, electro optic sensors & fibre-optic applications, light transducer, solid-state transducers and liquid crystal devices. Unit 5 INTERFACING ELECTRONIC SENSORS 9 Proximity detectors – Inductive and capacitive, ultrasonic, photo beam detectors Reed switch, smoke sensors. Direct Sensor-Microcontroller Interfacing, intelligent sensors. Total Hours: 45 Lab Experiments 1. Displacement versus output voltage characteristics of a potentiometric transducer. 2. Characteristics of Strain gauge and Load cell. 3. Step response characteristic of RTD and thermocouple. 4. Temperature measurements using RTD with three and four leads. 5. Characteristics of LDR, thermistor and thermocouple (J, K, E types). 10 Hours Text Books: [1] Doebelin E O, Measurement Systems, Application and Design, McGraw Hill, Fifth Edition, 2004. [2] Ian R Sinclair, Sensors and Transducers, Newnes publishers, Third Edition, 2001. Reference Books: [1] Ramon Pallás Areny, John G. Webster, Sensors and Signal conditioning, John Wiley and Sons, Second Edition, 2000. [2] Patranabis D, Sensors and Transducers, Tata McGraw Hill, Seventh Edition, 2003. [3] Jon Wilson, Sensor Technology Handbook, Newnes, First Edition, 2004.