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1936 Berlin Olympics Journal Entry

Point of View Journal Entry Teacher Example
Berlin Games
August 09, 1936
Initially, I didn’t want to go to Berlin because of the leader of the Nazi Party Adolf Hitler had against
anyone that wasn’t considered pure white of the Arian white supremacist ideology. My family, coach,
and Black leaders were depending on me. I felt I was supporting this hatred and some of my people may
think the same thing. Based on the talks with my coach and my family, I knew what I had to do for my
people, my country, and myself. Today, I won my fourth Olympic gold medal, the most honorable thing
that I could have done against adversity. All the anger of being called names, memories of picking
cotton, not having equal rights, being considered less than a man was lifted for this moment. This will let
other people of color know do not let racism, sexism, or classism stop you for standing up for what you
believe in. Fight for justice and for equality. We must never stop. More of us win in areas where we
were never allowed to compete. I know it is more than just a gold model, but it signifies victory for so
many people who are mistreated, discriminated against, and even killed.
What I have done is so significant because…
August 1936
The weight of the world was on my back. Not only did I have to make my race proud, but I now realized
that it was for humanity. Two of my teammates were denied competing in the 400 dash relay because
they were Jewish…