Uploaded by Hannah Lei Fabiano


This part describes the business name, form of ownership, form of business and job position of the
hand-picked leader. The organization vision and mission may be indicated here.
Decathlon is a sports equipment retailer based in France. It is the world's largest retailer, with
over 1647 stores in about 1000 cities throughout 57 countries and regions (Jan 2020). The
company manages in-house product research, design, production, logistics, and distribution;
collaborates with global suppliers; and sells their own products directly to customers through
Decathlon-branded big-box shops.
International. Sports enthusiasts. Members of a team. Every religion. All ages are welcome. All
races are represented. All skin tones. All skill levels are welcome. Together, we are stronger. We're
all sports fans who have turned our passion into a career. We are a worldwide community of semipros, casual players, and total novices from all over the world. We know you want to win for your
local team, get your training started, and compete to the best of your ability because we do as well.
Sport, we feel, is for everyone. We're on your side, creating, manufacturing, and selling the gear
and equipment that we'll all use on the field, park, court, water, and track. We are Decathlon, and
we are stronger when we work together.
HEALTH. We promote a mindful way of living through sports.
TranSPORT. Enables clean and healthy transport.
LOCAL LIVING. 100% Local living oriented, and globally connected.
REGENERATIVE. Strives for responsible growth that benefits both the people and the planet,
acting within a regenerative economy.
INCLUSIVE. Fully inclusive and open to all, we reflect the society that we want to be a part of.
“To sustainably make the pleasure and benefits of sports accessible to the many.”
This section of the paper should tell us about the successful leader. The role, authority,
responsibility, and competency (skills) as a leader are briefly discussed. An in-depth background
of the leader is presented here.
Mr. Carlos Miguel Manalang has been with Decathlon for 2 years and 6 months now. He’s based
in Decathlon Pasig in which he started as an OSL in which that’s the entry level of the job positions
in Decathlon. Decathlon handles different departments. And currently, he is the team sport leader
for the running department. Mr. Manalang has stated that he shares the same values with the
company, which are vitality, responsibility, generosity, and authenticity. He also revealed that he
was an athlete before in Ateneo De Manila University and De La Salle University. Doing sports is
one of his passions, and entering into a company that is sports related, he felt that connection
somehow which inspired him to do even more.
As a team sport leader, he’s one of those leaders whose very balance. He’s more of a kind and
demanding type of leader. He always listens to his teammates, and he never failed to ask for
feedback from them as well. A leader that demands for the betterment of the company.
Resiliency, Respect, and Empowering others are three of the values that are most important to him
as a leader, especially now that pandemic has been a big problem in the world in which it hits most
of our economy and different businesses. Decathlon is one of those companies who struggled upon
the start of this pandemic, and a leader who values resiliency and respect is definitely what the
companies need, and Mr. Manalang definitely possess that kind of trait.
He is a collaborator and a good communicator; one strength of his is the ability to work with
different people, with different personal style and approaches. He has 12 teammates under him
and all of them have different personalities and he knows how to differentiate his approach with
This section documents the location and communication details of the identified successful
Decathlon PH has three branches here in the Philippines. One in Pasig, one in Alabang, and one
in Masinag. Our selected leader is based in Pasig, located in Pets and Garden, L2 Tiendesitas,
Ortigas Ave, cor Eulogio Amang Rodriguez Ave, Pasig, 1604 Metro Manila with the company
contact number of 8921 3738.
The specific date and time of actual interview is indicated in this section. It expresses when the
actual conversation performed. Please observe the Data Privacy Act when conducting the
Three of the members of the group volunteered to be the interviewer for our selected leader – Mr.
Manalang. The Zoom interview happened last October 29, 2021 (Friday) at exactly 2:00 PM. 2:00
pm was the best time for the conducting of this interview because our selected leader was free at
that time. The conversation between the members and the leader lasted for less than 20 minutes.
The members used their respective gadgets as there instrument for the interview.
This part contains open-ended questions and closed-ended questions. A total of ten (10) questions,
which will provide in gathering the necessary data and information. Before conducting the Virtual
or Online Interview.
The following questions are made with the possible answers in terms of experiences, leadership,
and leadership styles. Most of the questions provided are “What?”, and “How?”. This questions
was also used to elicit more information from our selected team leader about the total quality,
business advices, and leadership in general that perceived as a consequence of their prior
leadership experiences.
1.) What’s one thing that you enjoy most of the business/job
2.) How would you describe your leadership skills/style?
3.) What is the biggest factor that has helped you to become a successful leader?
4.) What values are most important to you as a leader?
5.) What are your strengths and weaknesses as a leader?
6.) How would you motivate your team?
7.) What is the most difficult part of being a leader?
8.) Do you do regular planning for the business? Yes or No?
9.) What is “success” for you?
10.) What is your advice to us, the future leaders?
This part contains information on details of the interview with leader and the learners. Guide
questions are provided as reference.
Interviewers: Hi sir
Interviewee: Alright hi guys
Interviewer: Hello, good afternoon po
Interviewer: Good afternoon po
Interviewer: Good afternoon, sir
Interviewee: You guys can call me Miguel; you don’t have to call me Miguel okay
Interviewer: Good afternoon, Mr. Carlos Miguel Manalang, so how are you po?
Interviewee: Hello guys, I'm good, you guys, how are you?
Interviewer: Were also good sir. I hope you’re doinInterg well also
Interviewer: We're doing good sir
Interviewee: Okay, I'm very sorry I'm not dressed for the interview today. We have an event later
this afternoon so sorry, (inaudible) do you guys do I have to be dressed ba or no naman
Interviewer: No sir no naman it's okay
Interviewer: No naman po
Interviewer: It's totally fine sir
Interviewer: It's totally fine
Interviewee: So probably guys can inter- sorry introduce yourselves and then I can introduce
myself also if that’s okay with you
Interviewee: Okay
Interviewee: It's up to you guys' it's really up to you guys the flow or anything, everything to you
Interviewee: Yes
Interviewer: Okay sir good afternoon, sir I am Justine Joyce Guevarra one of the members of this
group and we are pleased to meet you today Mr. Manalang I would like you to meet my groupmates
ms. Hannah Lei Fabiano and Mr. Juan Miguel Calingasan and--Interviewer: I hope you’re doing well po and I hope you’re safe wherever you are and let’s make
this quick and casual po as possible so because we also understand that you’re a busy person so
before we start po let’s get to know you po---l l let’s get----get to know more you po muna can you
share po some brief description about your job the nature of it the roles and responsibilities po
skills that you possess like anything that you can share po
Interviewee: Alright, first of I am Miguel, you guys can call me Miguel, Miguel Manalang, I've
been working at decathlon for almost two years now actually two years and six months sorry
Interviewer: Wow
Interviewee: I started as an OSL so team sport leader um actually that’s the entry level of the job
positions here in decathlon and then now I'm the team sport leader so I'm the team sport leader for
the running department and the bracket department so let me explain the running department it
consist of seven sport so I think Hannah your Tita Alyssa is—handles walking so in running
department there's seven sports there are five people and the other department bracket twelve
sports and seven people so all in all im handling twelve people with two departments okay?
Interviewer: Okay so just a follow up lang po you’re located po in just one branch, Alabang sir?
Is that correct po?
Interviewee: No, I'm in Tiendesitas, Decathlon Tiendesitas right now
Interviewee: Alabang
Interviewer: Okay so for the first question, What’s one thing that you enjoy most about you
know this job about Decathlon in general?
Interviewee: Okay well, one I really you know I enter this job it’s because of you know I share
the same values with Decathlon so that’s vitality, responsibility, generosity and authenticity and
of course very sports related I was an athlete before for Ateneo and De La Salle University
Interviewer: Wow
Interviewee: So, with the passion of you know- with the passion of sports- you know its related
with you know what I'm doing right know so it’s still connected to it that’s why I like being here
I love being here in this company
Interviewer: Wow so in this kind of field, How would you describe your leadership skills what
are your leadership styles cause as you said po you’re a team sport leader?
Interviewee: Yup, I can say I’m one of those leaders whose very balance I’m more of you know
kind and demanding I always listen to my teammates I always ask- ask feedback from them as
well so you know if you ask me, it’s really a balance of being kind and demanding
Interviewer: So, what is the biggest factor that help you to become a successful leader po is
it because of the influence?
Interviewee: Okay, I cannot say you know that’s a hard question I cannot say that I'm a successful
leader yet okay? Cause I demand a lot from myself as well so it’s more of actually how I say this—
there—actually I don’t call myself yet a successful leader you know it will take time moving
forward if I wanna really to be successful
Interviewer: A leader that demands for the betterment of the company that’s great to hear po so
for the next set of questions po I’ll give the floor to Mr. Juan Miguel Calingasan
Interviewer: Thank you, Ms. Hannah, so sir
Interviewee: I like your name, it’s also Miguel
Interviewer: Yes sir, my question is as you said earlier you and the company share values, so
my question is what values are most important to you as a leader?
Interviewee: Okay, there’s actually three no so I can share three it’s being resilient respect and
empathy, so you know if to claim being resilient kasi you know it’s actually listening also listening
to teammates for example you know you’re not there are a lot of changes in the company there are
a lot of hardships let say during this pandemic, right? No one knew that there was going to be a
pandemic you know it--- it hit a lot of businesses but being resilient showing that you’re resilient
to your teammates it helps--- it helps being a leader-- it helps you being a leader another one is is
respect so in respect it comes with a lot empowering others strong communication skills
recognition of employ abilities so actually you---- if you respect someone it will—it will follow
eh vice-versa and then empathy I think that’s one great value if being a you know with being a
leader you really have to again listen to your teammates share their feelings--- share your feelings
with them and share their feelings with you
Interviewer: Okay sir, thank you, for the next question naman po what are your strengths and
weaknesses as a leader?
Interviewee: Okay, another tough question. let’s start with one strength of mine, I could say it’s
probably you know ability to work with different, personal style and approaches. So, you know
there are like I said here, I have 12 people, 12 teammates under me, so you know they have
different personalities and one of my strengths is for me to you know really differentiate my
approach with every one of the teammates and then another the weakness probably is you know
lack of communication when help is needed. I’m a type of person kasi you know personality is if
I can do if I can carry the weight or the problem alone, I’ll do it. I won’t ask help from others.
That’s probably one of my weaknesses that I want to improve on. Is sharing the problems with my
Interviewer: Okay po, sir
Interviewer: So. next question po tayo. How would you motivate your team?
Interviewee: Motivating you know this is very simply communicating with them celebrating small
wins. You know you don’t have to really; our you know wait for the end of the year until you
celebrate. If there’s you know, achievements within the week that are accomplished you know just
simply congratulating them thanking them and once in a while probably we eat together and you
know, drink together. So, yup.
Interviewer: So, the next one, I’ll be giving the floor to Ms. Justine
Interviewee: Okay.
Interviewer: Sir, what is the most difficult part of being a leader?
Interviewee: I can say it’s probably the being demanding, for me being demanding at myself. You
know as a leader kasi you have to be yes demanding at yourself, but again you have to balance it
and for me you know I’m a very competitive person, so I compete with myself that’s probably...
That's probably it.
Interviewer: But do you do regular planning? For the business I mean like... before you’re
going to do something, nag pa-plan ka ahead?
Interviewee: Of course. We have we have (anfimitens?). we clean things with co-managers
Looking at the projections for the following year like right now, this November we have to start
our targets. Now we have to project our targets for next year. So. You do have to plan every you
know every month every step that you will make.
Interviewer: How do you define or what is success for you?
Interviewee: Another (inaudible)… for me success for me is is being able to say you are genuinely
happy with life. Right
Interviewer: okay
Interviewee: It’s easy to say despite achieving something right? But you know success is really
for me being able to see that you are happy with what you have.
Interviewer: Yes Sir... oh this for the last question what is your advice to us? Specially we are
a business student the future leaders what is your advice?
Interviewee: For you guys probably just take your time be patient never stop learning and
experience is always the best teacher everyone has their own timing you know it’s not a (rap??)
race enjoy and celebrate just like what I said early earlier enjoy and celebrate small wins that’s it.
Interviewer: I agree thank you so much sir we really agree
Interviewee: I hope I was able to help you guys you know if you have further questions, you can
always ask me.
This highlights the presentation of the output where photos and video presentation are illustrated
for evaluation.
This is an individual Personal Plan highlighting the student’s experiences, reactions and feedback
regarding the interactive communication with the leader. It is a short essay that expresses learning
of student in the entire process of identifying a leader, doing interview, preparing presentation,
and working in groups. It shares insights, experiences and realizations about the success story of
the leader.
Mr. Manalang is a highly articulate and inspiring individual. I could tell he was an intelligent leader
from the first thing he spoke. I observed his enthusiasm and passion for sports because his
profession and athletic side have been intertwined since his undergraduate days. He previously
stated that he was an athlete before in Ateneo and La Salle. Prior to the interview, I was quite
nervous, and it is a really genuine nerve-wracking moment for me because it is my first time
interviewing someone that has accomplished so much in his life. I am really thankful that we chose
the right leader where we can learn and reflect about life and successes in general.
In my perspective, he is the type of leader where everybody wants to work with him, including
myself because he’s not just a type of leader who just demands just because he want to; but rather
he is a type of person who demands a lot for the betterment of the company. And the most essential
thing I've heard from him is that he understands how to listen. He knows the art of collaboration
by communicating well with his teammates. Rick Yvanovich once said in his article, TRG
International, that the goal of collaborative leadership is to appreciate teammates' views and
suggestions – allowing everyone to participate in the project. In today's world of constantly altering
and connected business, leaders must have collaborating attitudes and mindsets; they must take
the lead in developing a culture of collaboration inside the company. And that’s one of the things
that Mr. Manalang has been possessing – making the workplace as connected and equal as
To close this personal plan, I’ve had a lot of realizations and insights upon interviewing our chosen
leader – and that’s how we have a lot of things in common. One example is when communication
is missing. One of his flaws, he admits, is a communication gap between him and his colleagues
when difficulties arise. There is also some time in my life where I carry the problem alone – the
sign of independency. And that is also one of the things that I want to improve on because I know
that it’s also a must to ask for help sometimes, especially if your work or your grades as a team is
at stake.
Success is not a race and we never stop learning even if we are in the adulthood. Everyone has its
own timing when it comes to success, as long as the consistency and contentment is there. And
that’s one of the best advice that I’ve heard, coming from the leader itself.
We conducted an interview for our final requirement in this subject. We chose to interview Mr.
Carlos Miguel Manalang of Decathlon Tiendesitas located at Pasay City. He is a Team Sports
Leader in his department. He started working at Decathlon for almost two years and six months.
He started as a team sports leader because he said that it is the entry level on the job that he pursues.
He handles the running department with twelve people with two departments.
Mr. Manalang, in my opinion, is a humble and powerful personality. He talks with his team
members on a regular basis to ensure that the department he supervises runs smoothly and strives
for greatness. He also discussed his personal principles and how he may apply them to his chosen
profession. Vitality, responsibility, generosity, and authenticity are the values he expressed in the
interview. These values aided him in becoming a great department leader. Even if he doesn't
consider himself a successful leader, you can see from the interview that he has accomplished
something in life and that it is due to his hard work and cooperation with his coworkers. All the
questions we provided were answered and explained correctly. In his profession, he also believes
it is important to be resilient, respectful, and have an empathy. According to what he mentioned,
the resilient side of him is communicating to the department he works in to avoid
misunderstandings. You should also have respect and empathy as a person because not everyone
will agree of your actions and will automatically blend in with their colleagues.
As a student, I admire his personality and the ways in which he interacts with others. His answers
and explanations to the questions we have for him are kind and more understandable and I learned
to be humbler and more respectful of others because of him. I am in the midst of studying about
Entrepreneur, I prefer to finish this course so that I can be like him as a successful leader, or even
better than he has attained.
Our group interviewed Mr. Carlos Miguel Manalang, a team sports leader in a retail company
named Decathlon which sells affordable sportswear here in our country. During the interview, Mr.
Miguel answered our questions very thoroughly and shared some of his experience and some
background while working in Decathlon. which for me, is fascinating for he loves and shares the
same values with Decathlon according to him. While listening to Mr. Miguel answer my
groupmates' questions or follow-up questions, I learned many things and tips from him as a
business student. He also gave us some advice that really struck me.
The things I learned from Mr. Miguel about his leadership skills or leadership style is that we can
balance being strict but at the same time a kind leader to our team, which I want to be once I will
also be a leader. I also learned that if we work in the field that we have passion for or connection
with, we would really enjoy working in that company or field which, made me think that in the
future if I would find a job I would also choose a company that I can also do the things I love or
have passion from for it to be not just a work for me but a fun experience that I can meet in the
future. Mr. Miguel also shared his values as a leader which are being resilient, respectful, and
empathetic. And those values that Mr. Miguel shared with us are a good tip for us business students
that we can also learn from so when we also become a leader in the future, we can remember the
three values that he told us for us to be good leaders. Mr. Miguel also shared his strength which is
working with different personality types and approaches. And for his weakness is related to his
personality is which is his lack of communication when help is needed. Which we can learn from.
But during this interview with Mr. Miguel, there are two things that I could not forget which are
his advice for us and how he defines success, which is we should just take our time, be patient,
never stop learning and always remember that experience is the best teacher. And that he defines
success as when we are genuinely happy with life. And I approved of this advice and statement
about success that Mr. Miguel gave us.
As a business student, I should not be impatient with things, and I should not give up on the things
that I want to achieve whatever happens. And I also learned that even if I experienced a terrible
thing in the future, I should still not give up and take that experience as just a reminder for me or
also a lesson. And I also learned how to be a good leader because of the interview we had with
Mr. Carlos Miguel Manalang
This interview teaches us about the leadership styles of a great leader as well as some abilities that
we may need when we go on to the next phase of our lives and would like to be great leaders as
As we ask Mr. Manalang questions about the topics that we will need as business students, our
minds expand as he discusses each point of leadership styles. He just not only answered the
question, but he also elaborated and made his answer more knowledgeable and easier to
comprehend. Business isn't simply something that is basic to conduct or work on, it is also
something that necessitates commitment in order to achieve your goals. In terms of reaching your
objectives in business, you must be bold. Business is not as simple as we assumed, and this is what
I learnt about Mr. Manalang.
I can tell by the way he speaks what an amazing and competent leader he is because he cares about
his team and knows how to empower them. And being a leader in this role is one of the most
essential as it improves the way employees perform by allowing people to communicate their own
perspectives, abilities, and weaknesses. I have also witnessed their company's collaboration, as the
leader of the group, he has individuals who work under him that have a range of characteristics,
yet he still manages to cooperate and form an efficient team for them; And one way he makes his
staff productive is by recognizing them for even small accomplishments. My knowledge in
business grows as I learn more about how difficult and complicated it is as well as the value of
planning ahead of time rather than rushing, which may lead to conflict.
This interview has broadened my business knowledge, and I will remember each of his statements
on the fundamental qualities required to be a great leader, as well as the skills in which I must
excel in order to improve. It has also inspired me to work harder and never give up on my goals,
because anything is possible if we work hard for it and giving up is not an option.
Mr. Carlos Miguel Manalang, a Decathlon Team Sport Leader, was the person we spoke with
during our interview. He has been there for two and a half years. Once we got to talking and we
began asking questions I can see that he is so calm, humble, polite and a sharp individual. He
answered our questions in the best way that we could thoroughly understand.
Based on the interview, Mr. Manalang is the type of leader who doesn’t let his people down that
he’ll do his best to ensure that they are fine and that is a big factor for the department to run
smoothly. I have learned so many things from him and I really admire his way of thinking. He
shares with us his personal values that he always applies which are: Vitality, Responsibility,
Generosity and Authenticity and these values are what help him to achieve where he is now. For
him success is being genuinely happy with life and with what you have. Even though he said that
he still did not consider himself a successful person he is really doing a great job of making
himself grow. He also told us that it is really his passion to work there at Decathlon and he is
doing what he loves and that is why he stays dedicated to what he is doing, and I believe that he
will achieve the success that he wants, someday.
This interview helped me understand so many things not just in leadership but also in life.
Communication is important and sharing ideas with others will help broaden what we know and
help us to understand things in life. We should not be rushing things, instead we should do our
best and stay committed to it. Our time will come, and it will all be worth our hardworking
I have learned from the interview that being a leader requires various values. Sir Miguel has shared
us his teachings on how to be a good leader. In the interview, he shares the same merit with the
Decathlon Retail company. The values are Resilience, Responsibility, Generosity, Authenticity,
and Vitality. We can also apply this values in our daily lives Resilience; It is the capability of a
strained body to recover its size and shape after deformation caused especially by compressive
stress. Responsibility; It is the quality or state of being responsible such as moral,legal, or mental
accountability. Generosity; It is the quality or fact of being generous e.g. a person of great
generosity. Great generosity of spirit. Authenticity; A worthy of acceptance or belief as
conforming to or based on facts. Conforming to an original so as to reproduce essential features.
A true to one’s own personality, spirit, or character. Vitality; is a lively and animated character,
capacity to live and develop. Being a leader in a group or in a company is not easy for a person
because you need to take time and not to be in a hurry to achieve becoming a successful leader in
present and in the upcoming future. We can experience changes in every situation that may come
whenever we are in a certain group in one community. Not all of us can adjust to the people who
are involved because some have their own right and perspective in life. Being resilient helps you
and your group mates being a good leader. A person having a respect comes a lot like empowering
others having a strong communication skills, ‘’If you respect someone, it will follow you, vice
versa’’. We, business students should never stop learning to have and gain more experience on
what we are doing right now. We need to be contented and have to enjoy and celebrate small
The completion of this final requirement paper could not have been possible without the
participation and cooperation of different people. The contributions are sincerely appreciated and
acknowledged by the members. Moreover, we, the researchers, would like to mention the
following contributors and influencers for this success.
Foremost, we would like to thank the Almighty God for always giving us hope and strength. We
would also like to thank Him for giving us wisdom and perseverance upon the completion of this
final requirement.
The members would also like to give thanks and appreciation to Prof Leonardo Cada Jr., our
Leadership and Decision-making professor, for the patience and guidance he gave to us. We thank
you for always being available and being approachable whenever we have difficulties in
understanding a concept involved in the subject.
And last but not the least, We are very immensely grateful for our selected team leader for this
interview, Mr. Carlos Miguel Manalang for the trust and for encouraging us to keep going and for
supporting by having an effort to give us the materials needed for our final requirement. Thank
you for saying yes in this interview, we have learn so much from you.