Section: MGT1101 SEC09
Date of Submission: November 29, 2021
Thought Leadership Presentation
Studio Bridge
Mr. Simon Campbell
Members of Management Group 1
Arga, Byron P.
Aliawan, Cyrus Neil
Atendido, Francheska F.
Hernandez, Thalia Gwenyvere O.
Llante, Sandra Day M.
Postolero, Ashley Joy P.
Ruiz, Daniela Marie A.
Overview/Name of the Business
A. Business Name: The Studio Bridge
B. Form of Ownership: Sole proprietorship
C. Form of Business: One person corporation
The company started at the beginning of lockdown last year. The graphic studio was mainly
doing food packaging design, they did not really need local clients because the majority of
their workers were in Australia and the UK. Mr. Campbell created The Studio Bridge
because he felt that his work as an operation director was redundant and he wanted to stay
in the Philippines.
D. Job Position of the Leader: Managing Director and Owner
E. Vision of the Organization
When looking back in time, we aim to realize that we are responsible for the success of our
people and our partners; they, who have embraced change, have grown with us, and had fun
in doing so.
F. Mission of the Organization
To be the key that unlocks the success of our clients, by putting together an esteemed team
who can offer cost-saving, multimedia identity for all businesses with a strong desire to
scale and realize their fullest potentials.
Company Address and Contact Details
A. Address: 17 San Miguel Avenue Unit 1810, Hanston Square Building, Ortigas Center,
Pasig, 1605
B. Contact Details: +63 906 246 0985
C. Website:
Date of Virtual or Online Interview
The virtual interview with Mr. Simon Campbell was held on the 5th of November 2021 at
11:16 in the morning via Zoom.
Resume of the Leader
A. Personal information
Simon Campbell is a 42-year-old Managing Director and Founder of The Studio Bridge, a
graphic design studio in Pasig City, primarily focusing on the food business. Originally, he
was born in the United Kingdom but moved to the Philippines eight years ago. In addition,
he was an Operation Director in his previous company for six years before deciding to start
up his own business.
B. Role and responsibility
Managing Director and Owner
The Studio Bridge
❖ To ensure that the business would meet the assigned budget while ensuring the
quality of the service is good.
❖ To communicate correctly with
the clients
and employees
miscommunications with their roles.
❖ To monitor the Human Resource Department in fulfilling their job responsibilities.
❖ To expand the business in the future.
C. Authority
Mr. Campbell started to earn his authority in the companies he worked for from a low-level
employee to an executive position until becoming the owner of his own business. As the
owner of the Studio Bridge, he has the authority to hire employees based on his preferences
which are talents and character; fire and sanction employees; lead the planning of their
budget and projects for every year, and to manage the business based on his vision and
As a leader, he gives equal opportunity to each of his employees as he prefers promoting
people internally for higher positions than hiring employees externally. Because for him,
each of his employees has their own potentials, talents, and skills that only need to be
practiced, coached, and mentored until they realize their fullest potentials and grow.
Unlike other leaders, he is an outgoing person since his business is a graphic designing firm,
he is into adventures and exploring new ideas that could help in producing a creative output
for his clients. His leadership can be compared to a revolutionary crusader, who challenges
the status quo and is open to new strategies.
Competency Skills
❖ Loyal, analytic, and organized.
His former colleagues and subordinates probably followed him because of his good
leadership and they have already formed a strong work relationship with one another that
influenced his followers to trust and follow him in his own company. This shows their
loyalty to him.
Aside from that, he is analytic and organized in handling the business, as he always wants
everything to be standardized. This strategy helped his business achieve stability and growth
in the Philippines despite the pandemic.
❖ Patient, disciplined, and hardworking.
In starting his own business, Mr. Campbell emphasized the importance of patience and
discipline in the first six months of the business operation, especially in following your
initial business model and budget. Because this is the period where all of the owner’s money
is invested to hire staff and most of the business owners do not receive a salary that is why
as a starting businessman, patience according to Mr. Campbell is important.
❖ Open-minded and humble.
As a leader, Mr. Campbell is open-minded and humble. He knows his weaknesses in
handling a business which influenced him to hire employees who have their potential,
talents, skills, and new ideas that could contribute to the growth and development of the
graphic design firm. Moreover, he is not threatened by the newcomers in the company.
❖ Professionalism.
He is professional when working with his colleague who is also his close friend. According
to him, they are working on a business model but it is not working. Because of it, he decided
to pause on it and tried to show the true situation of the business as the Managing Director
and set aside personal relationships with the business. For him, it is significant to factor
decisions when encountering problems in the entity, especially if you are working with a
colleague that you have a close relationship with.
❖ Adaptive.
Even though he dropped out of high school and did not have a college degree, he was
still able to build his own business. Before, he tried many different jobs in different
places. Therefore, he had to adapt to different cultures, new company systems, and even
the attitudes of his bosses and colleagues.
❖ Coaching, collaborative, and innovative skills.
He is a revolutionist. Instead of working with family members in the business, he preferred
hiring employees with good personalities rather than only skills. Because he believes that
skills can be coached but personality cannot. For him, Filipino family businesses may grow
with their passing of positions within their family but not in the right manner as personal
interests might cause conflict inside the management.
❖ Aside from it, he possesses participative management skills. At the age of 42, managing the
business for the next few years might get difficult for him. Because of this, he decided to
choose only a few people he could trust in handing over the business, which are his
managers who are also his former colleagues. Involving other people and listening to their
insights for the planning and management of the business would be helpful in building
commitment between the leader and the followers. Through this competency skill, a leader
could create a harmonious working environment and relationship for his subordinates.
❖ Tactical planning and project management skills.
In operating a business, planning is one of the crucial parts of its process. It has to be strictly
prepared, calculated, and followed to achieve its desired result. Therefore, Mr. Campbell
always creates long-term plans for the following year. He has a revenue target, a budget,
and a sales pipeline on the transactions that occurred each month. He believes that it is
critical to set your business's revenue level because everything is linked to revenue. He also
conducts monthly reviews and quarterly forecasts. His accountants will provide him with
the paper, and he will compare the budget to the actuals each quarter. Lastly, he has a reef
forecast wherein he reviews it every month and never changes his spending plan.
❖ Fair and unbiased.
When there are problems in the firm, he would always communicate to the entire team to
ensure that everyone will be obtaining the same message and heading in the same direction,
since he claims that if he starts treating one person differently, he will seem to be a foolish
person because he learned from experience that he should recognize everyone evenly,
regardless of who it is.
He also shared his viewpoint on the mentality where men are more capable than women in
handling higher positions. For him, women are stronger than men and most of the employees
he promoted are mixed of both because gender is irrelevant in the business world.
❖ Technological skills.
When the pandemic started, many businesses were unprepared for the sudden closures of
operations as the government announced, leaving their paper works and transactions in their
offices. Fortunately for Studio Bridge, they did not encounter any problems when the
COVID-19 hit the Philippines and instead became beneficial for the business.
Mr. Campbell was able to begin his business in 2020 and already prepared the needed
documents and plans on a cloud-based platform wherein his employees could work remotely
wherever they are. Because of this, the costs of purchasing laptops are eliminated and their
operation still continues.
❖ Mentoring skills.
He served as a mentor for a few leaders. In his previous job, he promoted and elevated many
rank-and-file employees. His biggest challenge in mentoring them is communication.
According to Mr. Campbell, those employees perform well on email, but when they met for
a meeting with the senior employees, they found it hard to communicate. However, he
believes that through better coaching, mentoring, and English training, they would improve.
As a mentor, he always encourages and compliments them on their performance. Lastly,
when his employees experience problems with the customers and the management, he
ensures that he will defend them if they are in the right. Because of these, they grew as a
great leader themselves.
❖ Situation awareness
The business uses Key Performance Indicator Management which tracks every employee’s
productivity rate. If they achieve 85 percent in a quarter they will receive a bonus. Mr.
Campbell believes that it is all about money which is also good as it would encourage the
people to grow and improve their job performances. Also, in this matrix, the employees
would understand their deficiencies, and all of them are treated fairly.
❖ Passion and commitment.
This is one of the most important qualities of being a leader. Even though it is not a direct
ompetency skill, it is linked with other competencies such as job knowledge and result
orientation. Because of his passion and commitment to pursue a job in the creative industry,
he did not stop learning. Management training helped him to become knowledgeable on the
job he has which further extended the things he knows. Because of it, he became a country
manager in Singapore, Managing Director in the Philippines, until he decided to open his
own studio firm.
In conclusion, being a successful leader does not only depend on a person's formal education or
college degree. Instead, successful leadership is the union of process, values, and purpose.
In the aspect of the process, other leaders like Mr. Campbell do not have a degree related to business
or entrepreneurship and worked as low-ranking employees in their first years in the corporate
industry. However, because of Mr. Campbell's determination and commitment to extend his
knowledge and skills in business management, he became the country manager in Singapore and
the Philippines until he decided to stay in the country and open a business. On the other hand, being
a successful leader does not end here because one will need his followers in the business and
collaborate with them effectively and maintain positive relationships to achieve common goals.
Moreover, one of its positive outcomes was when Mr. Campbell's previous colleagues and clients
followed him on The Studio Bridge.
Second, along his journey from being an employee into a leader, he acquired and developed values
and skills that positively contributed to his current career. In this paper, it has four categories:
internal motivation for excellence such as passion and commitment; hard skills such as being
analytical, organized, professional, tactical, and technological literate; controlling values such as
patience, disciplined, and hardworking; modern thinker such as open-mindedness, humbleness,
adaptiveness, collaborative, and innovative. Through these values and skills, his business did not
encounter any significant financial problems during this pandemic, unlike other businesses that
filed for bankruptcy, minimized internal management conflicts, and continued to grow its
organization with talented people for the last years.
Lastly, one of the factors that aid Mr. Campbell towards the verge of success is knowing his crucial
role in managing a multi-talented team that will unlock their client's victory through the high quality
yet cost-saving graphic design services they provide. With these visions and missions, a leader will
lead his organization to achieve its common goals.
Questionnaire template
1. Engaging in business entails a lot of investments in terms of money, time, and sacrifices.
And despite all these investments, still many have failed in their business ventures. Based
on your personal observation as a businessperson, is it a reality that not everyone is destined
to be a successful entrepreneur? Why or why not?
2. On a scale of 1 as the top reason and 4 as the least, rank the following factors that influenced
you to do business:
___ passion for life.
___ recognition.
___ primarily to make a living.
___ this is what my family has been doing since I was a child.
3. Entrepreneurship requires a variety of tasks such as marketing, accounting, customer
service, and more. Entrepreneurship requires a variety of tasks in operating a business such
as marketing, accounting, customer care, and others. When you started your business
Sir/Ma’am, have you earned any of the following in preparation for the business:
_____ YES, I have earned a college degree in business or entrepreneurship?
_____ NO, I have not earned a college degree in business or entrepreneurship but attended
business training and seminars
_____ Others
4. In handling the business, which do you prefer? Managing it by yourself, working with
family members, or hiring employees? Why?
5. Do you conduct regular planning? Can you share when and how you conduct it and why it
is important to do it?
6. What are the common problems that you encounter in managing your business particularly
in handling your employees, especially that each of them has different attitudes? How are
you able to solve it?
7. Have you ever served as a mentor to a young leader? If yes, what was your one big challenge
as a mentor?
8. What strategies do you use to encourage your employees' productivity?
9. In our university, we have the core values of Fortitude, Excellence, and Uprightness. Do
you also have certain values you follow and observe in your workplace?
______ Yes, I have. These are: ____________________________
______ No, I do not.
10. Looking back from the time you started working or starting your business, can you say that
you are successful now? If yes, what are the experiences that help you to be a great and
successful leader? Can you give some advice to the younger generation who are interested
in starting their business?
Transcript of the Interview
Ms. Llante:
Okay sir, Good morning Sir Campbell! Before we head to the main question, can you share
with us your backgrounds such as name, age, and the company you are working for?
Mr. Campbell:
Okay, yeah! So, my name is Simon, and I'm 42, originally from the UK, and I moved to the
Philippines about eight years ago. And then, I started up my own business at the very
beginning of lockdown last year. So, it was April, and we are a graphic design studio, mainly
doing food packaging design, uhm, we don't need local clients yet. The majority of our
workers are in Australia and the UK. So I had it before last year, and I was heading up the
design studio in Manila, with a headcount of around 300 people, and I was an operations
director there for six years, and on the business model change. So I got made redundant, and
that's why I started my own company. I want to stay in the Philippines.
Ms. Llante:
Okay Sir. Can you share with us the overview of the company you're working for such as
the form of ownership, a form of business, your job position, and the vision and mission of
the business?
Mr. Campbell:
Good question! Good questions! And yeah, it is a one-person corporation, [inaudible
sound], and I'm the managing director [inaudible sound]. So the mission for the company
is, I think it's significant for a business to have a mission, vision, and core values because I
feel that if you don't have those three items, you don't get the staff to understand the business
that they are in. So it took us quite a while to come up with these, and the way that we're in
business today, so we followed the core values correctly. There are lots of successes for our
clients. I've put together a team that's been a cost-saving multimedia identity for all
businesses with strong desires to scale, and what that means is, with the way the world is
now, companies would challenge growth, and more business in cost models that are in
Europe, Australia, and America. The cost is very high and so, the mystery of [inaudible
sound]. So, the vision is if you look back in time responsible for the success of our people
and our partners. You have to embrace changes, so again it's going back to embracing
changes. And then, our core values are probably a bit strange because it's not—we're not a
corporate business, and so, the first one is from the summit. What I mean by that is, you
think big, and stay positive, and have fun while doing your work. Next is creativity, the
business that we're in is a creative company, so I always want my stuff like, you have to
be adventurous, creative, and very automatic because the business changes day by day. The
third one is quality, because no matter what we do, no matter what business you're in, you
have to achieve the desired quality. Teamwork, teamwork is a big one for us, you know
outback, updated it on my own, I hire the right people, and, you know, we do it all together.
We all get our hands dirty, and for the results, we have our KPIs staff again and make sure
that we hit them. And the last one, which is the big one, is respect. So, you have to respect
every person within your business from the cleaner to my level, and yeah! That's it.
Ms. Atendido:
Thank you for that Sir, and here is one of our groupmates po. Miss Thalia Hernandez. So,
for the next question, when did you start the Studio Bridge and how is it performing now?
Mr. Campbell:
As I mentioned I started at the beginning of the pandemic last year, and that was April 10
last year, and you know we're coming into… we are in our second year right now. We're
growing and we're lucky with some of the clients that followed me from my previous
company and they are performing well. I think next... the first two years that we've done it,
we've obviously opened the business, we hired people, and my strategy for next year, it is
all about standardization. So getting processes in place, getting SLPs, getting handbooks,
and then grow—grow a structure makes us all about sales. So today, we're doing well, and
you know, the PNL is good, we’re making money, and for next year, the stability and
growth. That's all.
Ms. Atendido:
For the next question po. As the owner, what are your roles, and responsibility, and authority
in the entity?
Mr. Campbell:
What may I haven't asked? Ours is meeting the budget, making sure the quality is good
going out of the business, and one big thing as well which I found very important is
communication. You have to make sure that the communication throughout the business is
right, and not just in the client, but it certainly. If you don't communicate correctly, you
know, a lot of people can get confused about their roles. And, yesterday, it mainly overseen
the facilities itself, making sure they… of the reality of the HR accounts are all doing the
Ms. Atendido:
Next! If you would assess yourself as a business owner or leader. Can you describe it? What
kind of leader are you to your employees?
Mr. Campbell:
And I'm—I'm a leader that minds to give everybody an opportunity, and I would prefer to
be promoted internally; rather than hired externally. And I'm a very supportive people and
quite easygoing. And yeah, I think in my previous—my previous role I had in a management
team, which came from ranking by level. So, I like to grow people rather than higher. Uhm,
because the talent is always there, right? If you've got somebody with the experience, you
can always coach people. Coaching and mentoring is very important, and you can coach
them to do the job that you need. So quite even quite an easygoing boss, to be honest.
Mr. Campbell:
Did I answer your question?
Ms. Atendido:
Next question is Ashley's… Hello Ashley, are you there? Okay, I will just ask it. Engaging
in business entails a lot of investments in terms of money, time and sacrifices. And despite
all these investments, still many have failed in their business ventures. Based on your
personal observation as a business person, is it a reality that not everyone is destined to be
a successful entrepreneur. Why or why not?
Mr. Campbell:
Well, yeah! I think—I think, when you—when you start a business, you have to have a good
business model and which you follow, and I would say the first six months of business is
the hardest because that's where all your investments are coming from, you’re hiring staff,
and you get in the best stability, and I think people don't succeed because they don't follow
their initial business model. I may spend money, they—they take a big salary, you know,
start a business. Most business owners won't have a salary, so you keep the money within,
within the business itself to invest. And yeah, you just have to be patient, you have to follow
what your initial plan was, and I'm just, yeah, just don't be stupid, follow your budget. It's
so important to follow your budget, you’ve to set a budget for a reason, and I think if you
deviate away from that, there has to be a very valid reason to do it. Uhm, just step by—step
by rules, you have to be disciplined, and work hard.
Ms. Atendido:
Okay po thank you. Next, Ashley, for the next question.
Ms. Postolero:
For the next question. Engaging--
Ms. Atendido:
Uhh, Ashley? I guess he already answered that earlier.
Ms. Postolero:
Oh, Okay. I'm sorry we're on number 2. Okay. For the follow up question, what is your
insight about the misconception of “leaders are born not made”.
Mr. Campbell:
Leaders are born not made?
Ms. Postolero:
Mr. Campbell:
Umm, I—I don't know if I will look at myself as it— as being a leader. 10 years ago I was
a ranking file… it was a manager, but a ranking file manager if I’m not a director. and I
think you have—have it or you don't, you've got to be confident, and you've got to be
humble, you know, don't think you’re above anyone else ‘cause if you… I was thinking, if
you hire people, I always hire people that are better than me, right? And that's what—that's
what leaders do. They don't feel threatened, so I think—I think, to set up next time, I think
you haven't got it or you don't. I don't think it's something that's coachable, to a certain
extent. Uhm, [inaudible sound] some of the managers to hire. [inaudible sound] you’ve got
to give those people an opportunity, and coach them, and guide them in the right direction.
So anyone, anybody can be a leader.
Ms. Postolero:
Next, on a scale of 1 as the top reason and 4 as the least, and explain why you choose the
factor as first. There’s passion for life, recognition, primarily to make a living, and this is
what my family has been doing since I was a child.
Mr. Campbell:
Sorry? Can you say that again?
Ms. Postolero:
The choices?
Mr. Campbell:
Yeah, you said it is 1 to 4, right?
Ms. Postolero:
Ohh yeah, the first one is passion for life, the second one is recognition, third is primarily
to make a living, and last, this is what my family has been doing since I was a child.
Mr. Campbell:
Uhm, [chuckles] probably number 3, probably. You want me to choose 1 to 4, yeah?
Ms. Postolero:
Yeah, you have to rank them from one to the end.
Mr. Campbell:
Ohh, yeah! Okay. Making a living, my family is on the business so follow up, follow step.
What were the other two? Sorry.
Ms. Postolero:
Passion for life and recognition.
Mr. Campbell:
That's—that's a strange choices. Probably, passion for life, and then recognition last.
Ms. Postolero:
Mr. Campbell:
You don't—you don’t start a business for recognition, you don’t. If people do it, they will
fail because you’ve got to be careful about the person who starts the business or it’s about
the business because if it becomes too personal, then, that's what you make a decision. So,
for example, I give you an example, I have a—I have colleagues that I'm working with at
the moment, and we're friends, but the business model isn't working. So I've paused and
peered out altogether, showing the true situation of the business, and we always… if you
take the personal out of the business, you move that, always have to factor it out of it. So,
that’s why recognition is the last one.
Ms. Atendido:
Next question, leadership requires a variety of tasks in operating a business such as
marketing accounting, customer care and others. When you started your business, have
you earned a college degree in business or entrepreneurship or you attended business
training and seminars?
Mr. Campbell:
No! I’ll be completely honest with you. I failed in high school, I didn't go to college, and I
didn't go to university. Umm, I think the way… the certain people, education obviously is
very, very important, but I didn't. I learned my trade on the job, so I joined OJT training.
When I was 15, I actually went to the trader, I mean, now, and entered apprenticeship, four
years of being an apprenticeship, and I learned [the] business from the ground. When I
moved to Asia, that was the highest position I ever had in the business. So I was the country
manager for Singapore, and then, I moved to the Philippines, and I was the country manager
for the Philippines, and to be honest, I—I learned as I was going. And, I did a couple of
management training courses, and I wanna see if I'm growing, and I learned on it too. That's
why I always say you can learn... I... I always say OJT is so important on the job training.
So if you got a long summer holiday, when you're not back in class for 2 months, get an
OJT position, you will learn more within that moment on the job than you're in the class
Ms. Atendido:
That's nice po. So next question, we know how common family businesses are in the
Philippines wherein the managerial or executive positions, and the company are the children
or relatives. In handling the business, which do you prefer: managing it by yourself, working
with family…
Mr. Campbell:
Ms. Atendido:
Mr. Campbell:
Sorry. What—what… Can you start, I didn’t hear the beginning…
Ms. Atendido:
Mr. Campbell:
Yeah, sorry.
Ms. Atendido:
We know how common family businesses are in the Philippines wherein the managerial or
executive positions, and the company are the children or relatives. In handling the business,
which do you prefer: managing it by yourself, working with family members or hiring
employees, and why?
Mr. Campbell:
Easy answer. Uhm, I think, if someone is running a business on their own, it's only one
mind, right? So, I always hire, not people based on skill, but based on personality as well,
because you can train them, right? And, I'm going to say, I got 2 managers I hired that I
used to work with. And, eventually, I'm not getting younger, I might be able to find trusted
people that I can hand it over to. So they should be able to look out for the facilities, while
I'm not there, and because as you mentioned, in the Philippines, there's a lot of mama's and
papa's shops where the eldest in the family will run the business, and you know? You—you
don't change in time when you do it that way. There’s one example… There's quite a bit of
company here that is dealing with a mama’s and papa’s shop, and the owner she was, I think
she was probably 70, the owner of it still directs the engineers every day. So she has the
man's side, she will ring them, and got another job. And if you run a business like that, of
course, you will grow but not in the right manner. So, I always believe, hire the people that
you trust, train them, and set them in your own ways. Again—again, it’s gonna be away
from keeping things personal. If you have a family-run business it becomes a bit too
Ms. Atendido:
Yes! So since you mentioned hiring employees, what factors do you value in the resume?
Is it the educational background, or their school or work experience, and why?
Mr. Campbell:
It depends on the position, I'm quite lucky because I've already been here for a long time.
So now, I have a lot of contacts, but I would say education obviously is important. As I say
education, you see this is important but when you leave… For my company, it's not the
same as everyone because in my company it is all about personality. So, you can have the
highest skill person, they come in and you will just click. So, for me, it's all about personality
because if you have chismis or bad blood in the company it causes major issues. So yeah,
education is important, experience is important but, for me personality is number one.
Ms. Llante:
Okay sir for the next question, in business it is important that you have to set your tasks
and deadlines to organize your schedules and visualize what will
happen every month since business is risky. Is it important to conduct planning? Planning?
Do you conduct regular planning? Can you share when and how you conduct it and why is
it important to do it?
Mr. Campbell:
So, yes, for a business level or for a production level? Or overall? Because of the start of
every year, I am doing mine for next year. You set your revenue target, your budget versus
actual, you set your cost target, and obviously, we have a sales pipeline. What we do every
month, and the accountants will give me PNL, where we look at the budget versus actual,
and understand where the aim from it. And as I mentioned, you know, I’ve been working
on this one yesterday, and… So, yeah, it is important to set your business level, your
revenue, because everything is linked to revenue, and we need to understand why we are
not winning late… We do monthly reviews every month, and we have reforecasts every
quarter, so you always have your budget set, and then, you have to reforecast, you will never
change your budget, but you reforecast on how the years are going. I know a lot of company
where they amend their budget which is really crazy, that's why you have a reforecast. So,
yeah, every quarter we have to do a bit of reforecast, and every month we have to review it,
and look for the result.
Ms. Llante:
Okay sir, for the next question, what are the common problems you encounter in managing
the company particularly in handling your employees specially that each of them has a
different attitude, how will you be able to solve it?
Mr. Campbell:
Uhm, specifically, about employees... The contracts that we give to the employees are very
black and white, you know, it is very clear on the compensation, the HMO, and the 13
months to fly back. And I think that’s when we have employees start, we give them
communication, so everybody understands the directions of business when they join, and
you know, we don't speak to individuals. I will always speak to a full team, so they're all
getting the same message, they all get the same direction. If somebody comes to me, asking
for more money for example, which is quite common, you know, we have an annual review,
which is in April every year. Well, if there's something drastic happened, we will keep it to
that, so everybody will know that April every year, we will have annual review, get your 13
month, you get extra amount on holidays blah blah blah it is just about having a common
voice across everybody because if you treat one person different, you won’t like an idea,
and people will not respect it. I've learned that mistake in the past, you have to treat
everybody equal no matter who it is.
Ms. Llante:
Okay sir, for your follow up question now that we are in a pandemic what were the problems
you encountered in handling the business and how did the business overcome it?
Mr. Campbell:
Okay! This is probably a strange answer and you probably are not expecting this. I face no
challenges, the pandemic has been good for me, because I started this business at the start
of the pandemic. If I start the business in December, before the pandemic, I would have
been in trouble. But, I was lucky enough to set everything on cloud base, so people can work
remotely wherever they are. So, I was very, very lucky because if I started it before the
pandemic, I would be in a lot of trouble because I would have to buy everybody a laptop,
and not very lucky. The only challenge I did have was Metrobank, that’s the only challenge
I have joined in the pandemic. I have to open a bank account and it took five months. But
other than that, I’ve been very, very lucky, and the pandemic will be finished this year, so
don’t worry.
Ms. Hernandez:
For the 10th question, have you served as a mentor to a young leader? If yes, what was your
one big challenge as a mentor?
Mr. Campbell:
And yeah, I’ve served as a mentor for quite a few leaders. As I mentioned in my previous
job here, I was promoted, uhm, I promoted a lot of rank-and-file people and brought them
up. The biggest challenge I faced is communication. They were great on email, but actually,
some of the level meetings that I used to attend with are the senior people from the US, and
from the UK, and they would freeze, they would freeze and found it hard to communicate.
But you know, with better coaching and mentoring, and some English training for example,
they were some of the best managers I had was absolutely superb. I think sometimes, you
have to put your arm around people, and just tell them they’re doing well. And you also
have to be their shield. Yeah? So, if they’re getting a lot of hard comments from customers
or from management, you shield them from that, and they will grow.
Ms. Hernandez:
For the 11 question sir, what strategies do you use to encourage your employees’
Mr. Campbell:
Strategies? Hmm. We have a production bonus scheme. Whereas, if they’re, I think it's
85%—85% productivity rate for every job that they work has a time assigned to it. So if
you have one hour or six hours, and we do KPI management so that every operator has got
their KPI's. And if they meet their KPIs on a quarterly basis, they will get a bonus, it’s all
about money. Yeah, and it's good as well because if you don’t meet it, we understand why
and we fix it, and the people grow. So I set KPIs in every single person that has the same
KPI’s, going back to what I mentioned before. If you have a different purpose, then it will
never work, so you have to set KPI per position. You all know what KPIs are, right?
Ms. Atendido:
Uhm, in one of our courses sir in business analytics.
Mr. Campbell:
Ms. Hernandez:
For the 12th question sir, in the corporate world, do you believe that men are more capable
in handling high positions? Why? Why not?
Mr. Campbell:
No, I don’t—I don’t think it matters. I think women are stronger to be honest, as I say the
people that I promoted in the past, it's been men and women. Gender is irrelevant in
Ms. Hernandez:
For the 13 question, in our university, we have core values of fortitude, excellence, and
uprightness. Do you also have certain values to follow and observe in your work?
Mr. Campbell:
Absolutely, core values are very important. What are called core values?
Ms. Hernandez:
Fortitude, excellence, and uprightness.
Mr. Campbell:
So what do they mean? You know, this is what I always do to my staff, you’ve got to
understand your core values. So I’m just turning the interview here, so what core values
Ms. Atendido:
As FEU students po, in everything that we do, we should do our best especially if we are
doing our outputs. And—and since we are in a pandemic, we cannot avoid to, you know, to
cheating, especially plagiarism. So as students, even though we are in our homes, we should
uphold integrity in everything that we do and be sure to apply it when we graduate, and
when we work for other companies in the future. That is how I understood it.
Mr. Campbell:
Okay, that’s good. So yeah, I think core values are very, very, very important, and I think—
I think, maybe, you weren’t here at the start when I was talking about core values. So we
have six core values: quality, creativity, teamwork, results, respect, and the last one is fun
and tonic, right? Because I always believed that you have to enjoy what you are doing.
You have got the right environment and its core values are very,very, very, important to me.
And I think some businesses or some places don’t really think about core values. They will
just put what people want to see, right? So they will have quality, productivity, blah, blah,
blah. When that actually doesn’t—it doesn't follow what their company is, and that is why,
if you look at mine, it's fun and tonic. Well, you have to have fun at work. Right? No chismis
(gossips) no parables and yeah. Very important. Very important.
Ms. Hernandez:
For the 14th question sir, looking back from the time you started working or starting your
business, can you say that you are successful, if yes what are the experiences that help you
to be a great and successful leader? Can you give some advice to the younger generations
who are interested in starting their business?
Mr. Campbell:
I would say I’m not successful yet. I’ll be successful when I’m laying on the beach and not
worrying about anything. I think the best advice is never to stop learning. Yeah, and I think
you got to be humble in what you do, listen to your team, don’t always think you’re right,
because that’s the biggest weakness that you could find with certain leaders, is it that they
will overwrite the staff all the time and if you do that you may as well not have any
managers. So always learn and always keep up with most recent technology. So, when I
was, when I was very young, any new technology that will come out, I do always have my
hand up and learn. So never stop learning, be humble, listen to your teams, trust your teams
and follow your budget, that’s the big thing as well, because if you don’t follow your budget,
you won’t have a business.
Ms. Postolero:
All right! Additional question, given that you are a business leader, for you what is the
difference between Filipino leadership and a foreign business owner?
Mr. Campbell:
Ohh, in the Philippines, going back to one of the core values here, I think the higher you go
up in mama’s and papa’s shops for example, they won't treat everybody equally. Well, I
think if you look at that, I’m from the UK, so in the UK the managing director will speak to
the cleaner. Yeah? Whereas I think here, they don't like this certain level. I think Philippine
leaders... the biggest thing I’ve seen is when a Filipino has worked abroad for maybe five
years, so they will go to Dubai or they’ve been in Hong Kong or in different places. I find
them a lot different as managers versus people who have just stayed in Manila. And what I
mean by that is that they are more open, communications are better and they don’t see this
tier level. So although I’m a managing director, I will speak to everybody and be equal.
Ms. Postolero:
Next, in this time of pandemic, which is more important, which is the most important to
you: passion or money?
Mr. Campbell:
What was the pandemic got to do with the question?
Ms. Atendido:
Come again, sir?
Mr. Campbell:
Passion or… the way you asked it during the pandemic, which is more important, passion
or money, but that’s got nothing to do with the pandemic. That’s life, right? What do you
want to choose, oh I will probably say passion, family, friends stuff, you can always make
money somewhere. We can’t fight, we can’t buy friends, right? Always try to learn, be on
time, be humble, trust your team around you, yeah. Listen to your team because if you try
to do everything yourself, you will look as old as me, here. And that’s not good. Just, just
take your time listening to your team, learn as much as you can. If you are on summer
holidays try to get an OJT position. You will learn so much in the real world, right? And
don’t think about the pandemic. It will finish this year. Alright.
Ms. Atendido:
We hope so.
Ms. Hernandez:
Thank you sir!
Ms. Atendido:
Before we leave this meeting, can we ask for a photo opportunity with you sir for the
documentation of our interview? Yeah. Can we ask someone to take a screenshot?
Ms. Atendido:
Ate Sandra, will you be the one?
Ms. Llante:
It’s already done.
Ms. Atendido:
Okay, okay. Thank you sir and we hope you enjoyed the meeting.
Ms. Llante:
Thank you sir!
Photo documentation
A. Photos
B. Videos
C. Graph and Diagram
Performance Productivity of the Staff
Tasks done
Tasks undone
Figure 1: Performance productivity of the staff requirement for production bonus scheme of Studio
Diagram of a Successful Leadership
Figure 2: Diagram of a successful leadership
Reflection Papers
November 12, 2021
"A leader takes people where they want to go; a great leader takes people where they don't
necessarily want to go, but ought to be," Rosalynn Carter says. An effective leader not only
influences his or her followers to directs them to the right path and give them a place where they
believe they belong.
During the interview and the writing of this paper, four points impacted me: the importance of core
principles, the fact that a leader should not believe they are always correct, the need of listening to
your team, and the importance of never stopping learning. Mr. Campbell's organization placed a
high focus on key principles such as teamwork, innovation, quality, results, respect, and fun. The
company placed great importance on these ideals in order to maintain internal peace and harmony.
I totally agree with the interviewee; core values are essential not only within the institution but also
within the person. Based on my experienced, a person's behavior reflects on their work and
environment, hence having these principles will truly help the firm flourish.
The next idea is that a leader should not believe that he or she is always right. Mr. Campbell believes
that the greatest weakness of a leader is the belief that they are always correct. A leader can learn a
lot from his or her employees, just as an employee can learn a lot from their boss. This realization
made me realize that a leader, whether in a family or in business, does not have to be perfect. You
are a great leader if you can motivate people to do good and teach them from your example. Mr.
Campbell thought that an effective leader is someone who listens to the people, someone who is
willing to hear the voices of his/her subordinates, and someone who is willing to be told and learn
from his/her own people. I completely agree with this concept; I've been a leader countless times,
most notably in school. And I've always thought to myself to listen to my group mates since most
of the time they have better ideas than mine, and if I believe that it will be beneficial to the team,
then we'll do it. If you are a leader who does not think this way, you should remember that you do
not always have the best solutions or the best ideas. Sometimes the best things were there in front
of us. This was the most powerful idea for me: leaders should never stop learning. This is a great
idea because it is applicable to all employees or even individuals, not just leaders. Mr. Campbell
did not complete his studies, but he was able to participate in OJT training, which helped develop
him and his skills. Education should be the first investment we make if we want to become experts
in our fields and have a prosperous life. Education is the most important treasure that you can keep
for life and the thing that you can always be proud of.
In conclusion, listening to and conducting an interview with someone who is inspirational and
successful inspires us, aspiring leaders, to do good and be a decent person in order to be a successful
leader like them. This activity taught me that the most essential thing we can do to be successful is
to invest in our education and learning. And to learn from others who have more experience than
us. As the quote of Solomon Ortiz says “Education is the key to success in life, and teachers make
a lasting impact in the lives of their students.”
November 12, 2021
When I was young, I immediately became aware of the business, so when I got older I already have
a lot of experience when it comes to business. I have sold many products in the market and I am
trying many more businesses because I want to be rich one day, I remember my grandfather telling
me that a diploma is not the basis to get rich whether you finish your studies or not if you have a
strategy in your life you will get rich someday. Since that day I have always been thinking about
what my grandfather said and I have always asked myself how can I get rich? How can I be
successful in the future? what are the steps I can start or take to achieve my goals in the future? will
the course I took help me to be successful in life?
When me and my group interview entrepreneurs and leaders I never wasted the opportunity to ask
them the things I wanted to know about how they became successful in life, I asked many questions
that I could think of. I take their experience in their life and I take that as a lesson for myself, I ask
their wrong decisions in their business and what solution they came up with, and what they learned
from that experience. While we were interviewing different leaders and Entrepreneurs I slowly
realized that it is not easy to be successful, it takes a lot of effort and hard work to become rich and
successful in life.
When we interviewed Simon Campbell the owner of studio bridge I was surprised because he was
the one who confirmed what my grandfather said that is not the basis of the diploma or what level
of education you have completed because what matters is the strategy in life. Mr. Campbell doesn't
have a college or high school degree but he become a successful owner of studio bridge even if he
did not finish his studies. My realization when we interviewed Mr. Campbell is that passion in life
is very important no matter what, if you have a passion don't be afraid to pursue it don't be afraid
to take the risk. It’s okay to fail at least you try and also attitude and respect are 2 important factors
to become a good leader.
I will cherish all the lessons and experiences I have learned in life and the experiences I have learned
from the entrepreneurs I have talked to so that in the future I will make it a guide in achieving my
goals in life. I will make it a motivation to become more eager to pursue my goals and dreams in
life, I am happy because this is my first time I experience talking to entrepreneurs and leaders it is
my pleasure that I talked to them and give me knowledge in the field of business and knowledge
about life experience.
November 12, 2021
Learning by the books provides us knowledge, but the experience will give wisdom. Since
elementary, my classmates have always selected me to lead our group activities because I performed
well in our class. However, for me, being a leader is beyond being book smart. Even though I
always lead our group, I feel and know that I am not a great leader, as I still lack many skills and
experience, but fortunately, the course opened an opportunity to transcend barriers between the
books and the reality of the corporate world which taught me that successful leadership is a union
of process, values, and purpose.
Formal education is vital in guiding us through the professors' principles, theories, and strategies.
However, in reality, to be successful entails going beyond the books, similarly in the case of Mr.
Simon Campbell. Even though he did not graduate from high school, he did not stop learning
through the training and seminars on leadership and management, which helped him expand his
knowledge and skills, achieve high positions abroad, and start his own business. This situation
supports the idea of Hughes et al. (2020) that case studies, role-playing, and training programs are
effective methods to develop leaders' skills in real-life business situations and that success lies in
one's willingness and commitment to learning beyond formal education. As an aspiring accountant,
I agree that limiting oneself to the things I know is not enough to succeed, but taking risks and
learning through experiences will be more effective. According to Temolada (2015), people forget
97% to 98% of what they learned after one month but learning through experiencing the work itself
will retain more. Because of this, one of my goals in college is to join an organization where I can
practice my accounting knowledge and skills in real-life situations, not only on theoretical
Second, to be successful, I should have values to follow. For Mr. Campbel, his core values are
quality, creativity, teamwork, results, respect, fun, and tonic, different from other companies. It
might be because Mr. Campbel was born in 1979, the generation of Gen Xers. According to Hughes
et al. (2020), Zenke found that leaders born in this generation are technological savvy, embrace
change, and work to live, which accurately describes him. It is also essential that one's values align
with their practice field, a creative industry.
On the other hand, I also have values I uphold in everything, such as determination, faith, and
excellence. As a person who is not as intelligent as other people, I achieved my goals in life through
hard work. Especially in my chosen profession, most people said that being an accountant is one of
the most challenging degree programs and jobs. Even though you do not need to be smart to be one,
you should be determined to learn, have faith, and manifest excellence through being ethical.
Third, to work mainly for passion rather than money and recognition. At the end of the interview,
Mr. Campbell chose between passion and money, and for him, passion, family, and friends are more
significant because the latter cannot buy true friends. Moreover, if my only motivation to pursue
my profession in the future is money and recognition, I would probably give up once I did not
achieve those two. Instead, having a purpose in pursuing accountancy is more critical. According
to one of the webinars I attended in Far Eastern University-Manila's Junior Philippine Institute of
Accountants, the alumni shared that they always go whenever they become tired, stressed, and
discouraged in their college and corporate life to the reasons of pursuing accountancy. Therefore,
as a student and a future accountant, I would like to live out the "success" and "significance" of the
four "S" of Moore (2015). In living out success, I ensure that I incorporate personal value on the
goals I want to achieve because, through it, I believe that despite the challenges I will encounter on
my journey, I will not give up but instead go for more. Lastly, is the significance which is relevant
to our society. In August 2021, the Commission on Audit gave a series of red flags on the inaccurate
financial reports of Philippine government agencies in handling the funds during this pandemic.
This news gave me hope that there are still accountants who uphold integrity and excellence in the
government despite the corruption. With this, I want to utilize my knowledge and skills in ensuring
that our government funds are adequately handled and distributed to the rightful beneficiaries of
our country.
Lastly, one of the most exciting parts of Mr. Campbell's story is when his former colleagues
followed him when he started the Studio Bridge. The factors that may have contributed to this are
their similarities of interest, personality, values they uphold. This situation supports the
interactional framework of Fred Fiedler that leadership is the intersection of the leader, follower,
and situation. As a leader and manager, he is outgoing and an expert in the creative field because
of his past work experience and training, which established credibility, comfortability, and loyalty
among his colleagues. No employee will follow a leader in his new company if he has terrible
leadership. From this, I have also realized that it is not enough that I excel as an individual because
the relationship with other people is also essential. Because of this, whenever we have collaborative
work, I always try to communicate with my team and match their personalities. Through this, we
all could have a comfortable and productive environment for learning and achieving our goals.
In conclusion, I learned that being a successful leader depends not only on the formal education
one has but also on his hunger for learning, ambitions, values, purpose, and passion in pursuing a
profession. Without these, Mr. Campbell would probably still be a low-level employee, but
fortunately, he chose to strive for more, embrace change, and commit to his profession.
Furthermore, from this experience of transcendence, I will instill these learnings in my values and
ethics as a future Certified Public Accountant.
MGT1101 – SEC 9
November 12, 2021
Leadership is described as a process of increasing social influence through the use of others' efforts
to achieve specified goals or visions. It is based on social influence rather than force or authority.
Leaders inspire, persuade, and coach people to adopt a certain image
As I grew in this generation, I began to think and make my own decision, especially my short goals
and long-term goals where I need to achieve no matter what. Just like everybody is a successful
person is everyone's dream to drive. The environment that I grew up in my city always reminds me
that going to school means that it can lead me to a job in the end. However, the meaning of success,
what does it mean to everyone? I'm not sure how I'm going to succeed and how will I go to achieve?
Does being a successful person make one person happy enough, and when will the success end?
Does studying and getting a degree can make me a successful person? And after graduating, the
next will be getting the job; however, does this make me a successful person? This thought has been
running in my mind because of curiosity. The ideas from the interview made me think more about
the inside of the work field where the leaders and the entrepreneurs in the Philippines or even in the
World since the business have a comprehensive platform in the World. His idea made me realize
more about achieving my dream and a goal to be completed in the future. Getting more knowledge
in the field of business made me understand that gaining knowledge and experience does not stop
me from learning but sometimes losing and winning is a big lesson to every person. Being a leader
does not suit me, but listening to the interview made my mind change a little bit that a leader
someday can make me a successful person. Furthermore, I want to build a community where
everyone each other, especially in getting a job. As far as I know, continuing to learn more about
the things that are required in the industry, the comments of Mr. Campbell, our interviewee,
addressed me the lesson of how a firm and its employees should be concerned about enthusiasm,
thoughtfulness, and respect, not only for the consumer but for everyone we engage with. As I
learned to become a leader, one individual must have a leader is someone who can give a group
direction and then mobilize them to achieve that goal. They are not your everyday worker who stays
in their line of employment, just like most successful people, especially those who run their own
businesses. They are leaders that established a need and filled it and produced a dream that people
wanted in the first place.
To sum up, everything that has been stated, I realize that I have learned a lot from the interview,
especially how leaders do their job. In the past, I thought that being a leader was an easy task.
However, as the interview flows it convinced me that being a leader is not easy and needs to be
more careful since as a leader someday we will be carrying a significant burden on our shoulders if
I become a leader one day. On this day, I will keep all the pieces of advice, experience, and lessons
to my future since I have a long way to go being a successful person. It was so pleasing that I
enjoyed the interview, considering that all my questions were answered thanks to the leaders. Just
talking to them online makes me want to be a leader also. I also learn a lot of basic knowledge that
leaders should have. The things that I have learned might be useful in the near future.
November 12, 2021
Each of us has goals and dreams, and to be successful in the profession we have chosen or leader
at work. But how do we achieve them?
I grew up with my parents' teachings to "study hard so you can achieve all your dreams and goals
in life." So I told myself that I would study hard to get a diploma and graduate from college. Like
other people, I also think and visualize what will happen to me in the future. Will I be successful or
The opportunity given to us to be able to interview successful leaders and business owners is a
superb opportunity to inspire and motivate me to study harder and pursue my goal of becoming an
accountant or CPA, and also to have my own business.
In our interview with Mr. Simon Campbell, I discovered that being a leader or business owner
entails a significant amount of responsibility. He stated that you must be open to all perspectives,
suggestions, and beliefs expressed by all members of your firm or staff and you must treat each of
them equally because if you do not, everyone will abandon you. He believes that one of the main
ingredients for a successful company is the employees that assist him along the road. Also, one of
the crucial things he said is that you should love what you are doing or your job because when you
like what you are doing, it is easy for you to progress or be victorious in everything you do. And
lastly, it is critical to comprehend and adhere to your company's mission, vision, and core values.
Becoming a leader is not easy. We need to consider our partners, our employees or staff, and our
clients. Also, based on what I have learned during the interview, a good and successful leader has
these main qualities as integrity, positivity, empathy, accountability, and resilience.
As a result, as an individual who wishes to succeed, I will adopt all of the lessons I acquired from
the speaker to myself since I know it will enable me to improve myself, and everything I do today
and in the future would be aligned. I'm sure I'll run into a lot of challenges along the way, but
because of the knowledge and wisdom I've learned from the Interviewees, I'll be able to solve them
efficiently. Aside from that, always remember to enjoy and love each progress that you produce.
November 12, 2021
I grew up in an environment and a household, knowing that going to school and studying hard can
get me a good job someday. As I became older and started to make life decisions on my own, I
began to think about my long-time life goals. And like any other person, I am dreaming about being
successful someday.
But what is the definition of success? How can I be successful? Does studying hard and finishing
my degree as an accountant and later getting a CPA make me successful? After that, will getting a
job in some accounting firm can help me become successful?
Having the opportunity to interview some leaders and entrepreneurs in the Philippines makes me
ponder more about my life goals and my road to success. It made me realize that I still want to
continue pursuing accounting, get a job and life experience working in an accounting firm, but it
will not just stop right there. I want to become a leader someday, perhaps executive trading as an
accountant and still studying and working hard on developing programs that will help future
accountants with new innovative systems. I also want to build my accounting firm and create jobs
for other people.
In the interview with Simon Campbell, I realized a crucial lesson about Corporate Social
Responsibility and how a company and its people should care about making money and work with
passion, consideration, and respect not only for customers but for everyone and everything in this
Becoming a leader or entrepreneur combines life and work experience, family and personal habits,
passion, genuine feeling of liking to work, growing with other people, and personal education.
Like most successful people we can see on the cover of Forbes magazine, they are not just your
daily worker who stayed in their field of work. They are leaders who created demands and jobs,
invented, and started a trend, and built dreams for themselves and others.
Today, I am starting my newfound journey with my life and career as a future accountant and
entrepreneur. I am taking it one day at a time, ensuring that I will keep all the good life experiences
and lessons I will have along the way. I want to live and have fun with every knowledge I will
acquire through the years to come. I want to know more about myself and what things can motivate
me internally and externally to help me fulfill my dreams. I am so pleased that I could do the
interview and talk to those entrepreneurs and leaders. Just by simply talking to them, I have to learn
some basic recipe for success at least. To work with passion, hard work, grit, perseverance, and
never stop caring and learning with others.
November 12, 2021
“Being a Mentor”
One of the most prevalent topics of discussion at meal times in my family's house seemed to be a
business venture. As well as our upbringing's emphasis on entrepreneurship left an indelible mark
on my siblings and me. 2 of my sisters are entrepreneurs. I am self - assured that if our parents had
worked traditional 8-to-5 jobs, we would all have progressed on to begin our own businesses.
Growing up in an entrepreneurial family profited me in far more aspects than just igniting my
interest in the business at an early age though this appears to have done as well. I also acquired
valuable actual business perspective long before most of my peers embarked on their
entrepreneurial journey.
Mr. Campbell taught me two important business lessons that I am applying to my organization in
the future. Leadership necessitates resilience; I managed to learn to compartmentalize, to
distinguish my business ambitions from the rest of my life, and to not let missteps emotionally
decimate me. Leadership usually requires perseverance. I learned from hearing Mr. Campbell said
to take it slow, systematic road to victory that if I wanted to be a successful businessman, I needed
to develop compassion. The business world is an endurance race, not a foot race. Aside from
understanding and practicing lessons about perseverance and compassion to my own firm someday,
perhaps the most essential lessons I have learned from Mr. Campbell was about valuing
relationships over all other constraints.
Leadership can be defined with how well you instruct a team toward the targets and strategies you
set. The clarification and reliability of the objectives you set for your adherents also characterize
your authority. To be a leader is not intuitive. A leader isn't somebody to implore everything along
the way. Mr. Campbell admits to having the fortitude and foresight to make tough choices, even if
it means causing serious harm to his adherents, as long as the action is in the best interests of the
organization. Mr. Campbell possesses 3 traits of a good leader. First would be integrity. Take into
account Mr. Campbell, once you see him on meet or listen to one's lectures, he is always brimming
with self-assurance. It is an essential trait that every mentor should possess. If a mentor does not
believe in himself or his decisions, how could he foresee his or her followers to believe in him?
Second, Inspirational. A leader's defining moment can originate from a range of realms and edges
of his or her daily existence, such as their demeanor, backstory, or expertise. Simon Campbell's
followers are inspired by all of the ultimate sacrifice he has made in life. Barack Obama's able to
talk and his humble origins motivate his supporters. Indira Gandhi's fortitude and capacity to make
courageous and powerful choices fascinated her adherents. A mentor should have a USP (Unique
Selling Proposition) to impel his or her subordinates. Lastly, Clarity of Mind. Mr. Campbell has
distinctive clarity of mind. His decisions are based on his motives, aspirations, and desired
outcomes. There may be many obstacles that he must overcome along the way, but he must
maintain their clarity and focus on the goal that he is attempting to achieve. A clearly delineated
clarity will instill confidence in the adherents, leading them to believe that Mr. Campbell knows
what he does. I do want to come to the realization that being a leader is not a simple task. A great
leader or great hero would be someone who goes above and beyond to accomplish what they are
expected to signify. They will not, and must not, lose track of their destination.
First and foremost, we would like to express our sincerest gratitude to the people who guided and
help us in completing this final requirement for the course MGT1101 Leadership and Decision
To Prof. Leonardo F. Cada, Jr, our course professor, for his advice, understanding, support, and
patience while guiding us until the end of this activity.
To Mr. Earl Joseph M. Borgona our dean for his approval and support in this activity.
To Mr. Simon Campbell, our interviewee for his time and for sharing his expertise in leadership
that made this paper possible.
To my group mates who help me manage our final requirement.
To my parents for moral support, as well as their spiritual support throughout the conduct of this
Most of all, to our Almighty God, for giving his endless blessings, skills, and knowledge to make
this good portfolio possible.
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A. Detailed request letters for the generated output
B. Copy of related researched case studies as support to personal plan
Leadership and Decision-Making Approval Form
Group Member Names:
Section 06
Date: October 28, 2021
Arga, Byron P.
Hernandez, Thalia Gwenyvere Postolero, Ashley Joy
Aliawan, Cyrus Neil
Llante, Sandra Day
Ruiz, Daniela Marie
1. Lee Tomlinson
Project Manager
Revision Zero
2. Marichu M. Mabiog
Vice President/Branch Head
Standards Insurance Co., Inc.
3. Simon Campbell
The Studio Bridge
Atendido, Francheska F.
Leader Names
Submitted by: Group 1
Approved by:
(SGD) Prof. Leonardo F.
Cada, Jr.
October 20, 2021
Mr. Simon Campbell
Managing Director and Owner
The Studio Bridge
Dear Mr. Campbell,
Greetings in the name of Fortitude, Excellence, and Uprightness!
We, the First Year-Accountancy Students of Far Eastern University Manila, would like to make an
appointment to conduct an online interview with you about your experiences of being a successful
leader in your field, on your most available date, time, and channel. We believe that you are the
most appropriate resource for this topic specifically in answering the following questions:
1. Engaging in business entails a lot of investments in terms of money, time, and sacrifices.
And despite all these investments, still many have failed in their business ventures. Based
on your personal observation as a businessperson, is it a reality that not everyone is destined
to be a successful entrepreneur? Why or why not?
2. On a scale of 1 as the top reason and 4 as the least, rank the following factors that influenced
you to do business:
___ passion for life.
___ recognition.
___ primarily to make a living.
___ this is what my family is doing since I was a child.
3. Entrepreneurship requires a variety of tasks such as marketing, accounting, customer
service, and more. Entrepreneurship requires a variety of tasks in operating a business such
as marketing, accounting, customer care, and others. When you started your business
Sir/Ma’am, have you earned any of the following in preparation for the business:
_____ YES, I have earned a college degree in business or entrepreneurship?
_____ NO, I have not earned a college degree in business or entrepreneurship but attended
business training and seminars
_____ Others
4. In handling the business, which do you prefer? Managing it by yourself, working with
family members, or hiring employees? Why?
5. Do you conduct regular planning? Can you share when and how you conduct it and why it
is important to do it?
6. What are the common problems that you encounter in managing your business particularly
in handling your employees, especially that each of them has different attitudes? How are
you able solve it?
7. Have you ever served as a mentor to a young leader? If yes, what was your one big challenge
as mentor?
8. What strategies do you use to encourage your employees' productivity?
9. In our university, we have the core values of Fortitude, Excellence, and Uprightness. Do
you also have certain values you follow and observe in your workplace?
______ Yes, I have. These are: ____________________________
______ No, I do not have.
10. Looking back from the time you started working or starting your business, can you say that
you are successful now? If yes, what are the experiences that help you to be a great and
successful leader? Can you give some advice to the younger generation who are interested
in starting their business?
This letter also serves as a consent form which is necessary for us to ensure that you understand
the purpose of your involvement and that you agree to the conditions of your participation in
gathering the data that we need in preparing the paper.
The interview will be recorded and a transcript will be produced. The actual recording will be kept
in the production stage and will be deleted once the final paper is approved.
In advance, we wish to thank you for your generous accommodation to this request. We wish you
and your family God’s richest blessings!
Respectfully Yours,
Byron P. Arga
Cyrus Neil Aliawan
Francheska F. Atendido
Thalia Gwenyvere O. Hernandez
Sandra Day M. Llante
Ashley Joy P. Postolero
Daniela Marie Ruiz
Approved by:
Leonardo Cada Jr.
Leadership and Decision-Making
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