Uploaded by Krisha Sumugat

TENTATIVE-final-requirement (2)

Course Code
and Title:
MGT1101 Leadership and
Decision Making
2021 - 2022
Requirement: (100% equivalent to Final Exam)
1st Semester
Doc Status:
Final Requirement
Debban Flores
Herbal Cigarette Industry
In Partial Fulfillment
To the Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (ENTMNGT)
Submitted by:
Solis, Beetee shaigne
Balbona, Andrea Nicole
Tordecilla, Vanness
Sumugat, Krisha neil
Tapales, Alfred
Aggabao, Lanhz
Bongato, Marjorie
Table of Contents
Overview/Name of the business
a. Company address and Contact Details
b. Date of Virtual or Online Interview
Resume of Person Interviewed
Questionnaire Template
Transcript of the Interview
Photo Documentation
Individual Reflection Paper/Personal Plan
Overview/ Name of the business
COSMO BLUNT is a sole proprietorship business running through different online
platforms such as Facebook. Instagram, TikTok, and online shops such as shopee. The name
COSMO BLUNT is derived from combining the words “cosmo” which means everything and
“blunt” which means roll. Mr. Debban Flores, a sole entrepreneur, is both the founder and owner
of this business, and as a sole entrepreneur, he is in charge of everything inside the business. The
vision of the business is expressed through its name, it seeks to give options and alternatives for
chain-smokers to benefit from. As their products are given herbal, they are not only giving health
benefits to chain-smokers moreover promote a safer environment free from nicotine and the danger
from second-hand smoke.
Company Address and Contact Details
Cosmo Blunt was located in San Dionisio Paranaque and Sun Valley Sta. Ana Paranaque.
The brand has a Facebook and a Shoppee account for purchasing, and here are the contact details
for the brand: 09298644989 and 09267262937.
Date of Virtual or Online Interview
The meeting or the interview took place on Tuesday, November 9, 2021, at 4 pm in the
afternoon. We used Microsoft Teams to conduct the interview and to record the interview.
Resume of Person Interviewed
Flores, Allan Debban B.
Phone: +63 - 929 - 864 - 4989
Email: debbanf@gmail.com
Address: Bukid area 1 Sun Valley Paranaque City
Birthday: October 2 1997
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Religion: Roman Catholic
I am seeking a job that best fits my knowledge, skills and ability that can fully achieve the
expectations of the company to excel in this field with hard work, perseverance and dedication and
improves my individual characteristic.
Highly organized and efficient
Ability to work independently or as an individual or part of a team
Proven leadership skills and ability to motivate
Effective written and verbal communication skills
Writing clearly and concisely
Computer Skills
Bachelor of Science in Information technology (2014-2015)
AMA Computer College Paranaque
8262 Dr. A. Santos Ave. San Isidro, Paranaque City
Work History
 Snr New York Style Pizza (New Port) – Production staff
 PLDT Costumer Experience Management (Bicutan) – Project callout
 NTSNW Clothing Co. – Owner
 Unbothered Clothing Co. – Sales manager & Co-owner
 Cosmo Blunt – Owner
Questionnaire Template
A great amount of confidence is required while starting a business. It's all about the risks you're willing
to take in terms of money, time, and effort in business. Do you believe that business is not for everyone,
based on your personal experiences and observations throughout your line of work?
___ Agree
___ Disagree
2. As an experienced business leader, if you were given the chance what advice would you give to
someone who is starting a business and is having trouble becoming a leader?
Is there a story or explanation why you come up with your current business (or businesses)?
4. As a business owner, did you ever have a difficult time with your business and almost give up on it? If
it's the case, how did you overcome it and continue to manage the business?
What are the challenges you encountered that helped your company grow more?
6. Do you take your competitors as a threat?
7. Can you tell us some challenges that you’ve experienced and you will never forget before starting this
8. What comes first to your mind when you hear the word “leader”?
How much time did it take for your company to earn a profit?
10. In innovating strategic methods for the company development, what are factors that you have
considered while creating options of strategic methods to be utilized inside the company?
Transcript of the Interview
1. A great amount of confidence is required while starting a business. It's all about the risks
you're willing to take in terms of money, time, and effort in business. Do you believe that
business is not for everyone, based on your personal experiences and observations throughout
your line of work?
Comment: I disagree, Every person has different interests, hobbies, and passions, and
when something sparks your interest, you may feel compelled to establish a business
based on your interests and passions. So I can say that business is for everyone, but it is up
to them to decide what techniques they will use to get started and build their own empire.
2. As an experienced business leader, if you were given the chance what advice would you give
to someone who is starting a business and is having trouble becoming a leader?
Comment: Always keep your mind clear so that it is full of pleasant thoughts. Also, if your
mind is filled with happy ideas, it might influence your decision-making and lead to the
greatest choice. Always check on your team to see whether it's still working or functioning,
and if there is a problem fix it immediately.
Is there a story or explanation why you come up with your current business (or businesses)?
Comment: “So the Cosmos Blunt started because I'm a chain smoker (heavy smoker) and,
of course, as time goes on, we know how bad this benefits the body. So I tried finding an
alternative, because I couldn't immediately quit doing something I've been used to for years,
so I found this herbal cigarette on Instagram. When I first saw this, I just really wanted to be a
consumer for my own benefit, but I thought, why not make it a business at the same time, and
I can also help others like me who want to quit taking nicotine, so that's where I started, and
now I'm glad that in just 3 months, my business has been successful. You just really need to
have a vision, mission, and goal in your business so that you know what you are going to do,
what you want to achieve, and also how you can help your own consumers.”
4. As a business owner, did you ever have a difficult time with your business and almost give up
on it? If it's the case, how did you overcome it and continue to manage the business?
Comment: “Before my current business, I had multiple businesses back then. First it was
a clothing line, then printing services (silkscreen), and in the past, those businesses had almost
given me no income, as in, I was just able to release money, but I didn't have any income or
tangible money for me, so I quit those businesses.”
What are the challenges you encountered that helped your company grow more?
Comment: The challenge that helped us grow our business more is the marketing stage.
Especially because the the product of our business is new and unknown. We had a hard time
finding our target customers. But I didn’t give up and just focused on improving the
weaknesses of our products. At first we only focused on selling with our relatives and friends
and after working hard for some time. I already learned how to deal and market my products
properly by using social media platforms such as Facebook, Tiktok and etc. in order to gain
customers and thankfully that challenge helped our company’s grow more.
6. Do you take your competitors as a threat?
Comment: I do not take my competitors as a threat, for me they are a standard checker of
your business, when it comes to product and service. I always make sure that the product &
service i give to my customers is however the best quality product that I can give in this kind
of industry. That’s why I’m not threatened towards their presence, I’m despite thankful,
because however they helped me to make my business grow and innovate.
7. Can you tell us some challenges that you’ve experienced and you will never forget before
starting this business?
Comment: One of the challenges that we will never forget when we are starting our
business is our friends who are not supporting us just because they're not believing that we
will succeed and they're different because I can understand if they can't support us for a
reason like they are busy for something or have financial problems.
8. What comes first to your mind when you hear the word “leader”?
Comment: A leader is not just being bossy and dictating every word that he/she wants to
happen, When we say leader you must be part of the team and working with them and you
must be a motivation to them.
How much time did it take for your company to earn a profit?
Comment: “The time it takes for me to start earning profit on my current business is 2
months but before my present business, I tried other businesses but it did not succeed. I
tried running it for 1 year but the result is I did not gain profit. I did not give up to my
business because I love what I am doing.”
10. In innovating strategic methods for the company development, what are factors that you have
considered while creating options of strategic methods to be utilized inside the company?
Comment: “When it comes to strategies in business, I considered social media as a way
to promote my business, because I think that social media is the biggest platform we have
for these kinds of things. When it comes to building up a business, creating a business
related to your interests is a factor in developing a good business, because it is something
you like and you are interested in.”
Photo Documentation
Start of the interview
End of the interview
Individual Reflection Paper
Alfred Tapales
After interviewing Mr. Debban Flores, I realized many things in life. Putting up a business
is not easy. At first, I thought that managing a business is very easy but after the interview, I
realized managing it is very hard because it needs sacrifice, dedication, effort, time, patience, and
many more.
At first, Mr. Flores failed on his other businesses. He tried to have a clothing line and
printing services but the result is he just lost his money because the profit is not that good and it
seems that there is no patronizing his products and services. He said that he tried those businesses
for 1 year and after that, he realized that he needs to change into another business and the new
business that he ventured is the Cosmo Blunt. The reason why he decided to venture this is because
he uses cigarettes and he wanted to quit on the vice. He searched for an alternative for cigarettes
and he discovered the herbal cigarette. He said that he started earning his profit after 2 months.
The story of Mr. Flores is very inspiring because he did not surrender on finding ways to gain
profit. He stayed consistent throughout and he just focused on what is the goal. He did not treat
his competitors as an enemy, instead he maid them his inspiration and the standards that he must
surpass. He uses his competitors as his motivation be do better in his business. Honestly, I am
inspired to him because it is not a joke to put up a business and the money that you invested in
your business is like 50/50 because you have no assurance if it will be successful in the future or
it will result in bankruptcy. The interview was nice and it is very helpful for us because we are in
a business course and soon to be managing our own business.
Individual Reflection Paper
Andrea Balbona
As I sat in my chair while we interviewed the business owner of the vape shop, Cosmo
Blunt, in MS Teams and asked the questions that we prepared, I’ve learn that the business owner
had tried many businesses like clothing lines, printing services (silkscreens), but all of those had
been failures before succeeding in his current business, the Cosmo Blunt, and at first, the business
owner said that he had a difficult time with the sales for 1 to 2 months after the opening of the
business. During those 2 months, the business owner didn’t give up and advertised first with his
friends who also vape and on social media apps like Facebook, Instagram, etc., and after 3 months,
it became a success, unlike his other businesses before. The business owner also shared his story
about how he came up with this kind of business. It started when he wanted to quit smoking and
vaping, especially cigarettes, because he was a heavy smoker. But quitting something you’ve been
doing for years is hard, so he tried to find an alternative and found this herbal cigarette on
Instagram. At first, he just wanted to be a consumer for his own benefit, but later on, he realized
that he also wanted to help other smokers to stop taking nicotine, and as a business-minded person,
he put his experience into a motivation to help other smokers use herbal cigarettes as a business
idea and started a vape business, the Cosmo Blunt. He also stated that he doesn’t think or look at
his competitor as a competitor, but as a fellow business owner and a motivation for his business.
As we further interview the interviewee, I can feel that he has the vision of a real business owner
that bears a significant amount of responsibility for both success and failure. He shows experience
and motivation in his work because, as he said, having a vision, mission, and goals is a must so
that you know what you are going to do and what you want to achieve.
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Individual Reflection
Beetee Shaigne Solis
It's quite tough to manage online group projects. It takes a lot of work to approach some of
your groupmates and ask them to contribute to the project. We had issues with our internet, which
is one of the challenges we confront in an online interview, making it more difficult for us.
However, as a responsible student, you must deal with and adjust to the situation. The interview
that we performed on November 9, 2021, has had a significant influence on my company concept.
The interview had an impact on me since it provided me with new information and insight. Because
our queries were answered by a business expert in the herbal cigarette sector, it really aided me
and encouraged me to accomplish more and strive for the best.
We spoke with the business leader and owner of Alternative & Holistic Health Service,
and his perspective on our topic as a leader impressed me. As I continued to think about business
problems while listening to Devan Flores, I realized that you must have the courage to take a risk
in every decision you make along your journey. Otherwise, you won't be able to go forward and
achieve the success you deserve if you don't take any risks. However, as he explained in our
interview prior to his current successful leadership, he has had numerous failures. According to
Devan Flores, he even started two businesses that provide him with no income, namely a clothing
line and printing. Furthermore, Devan Flores believes that the problems you will experience as a
business leader will help you grow in some way. As I listened to his response, I realized that he
was completely right: failure is a sign of success since it proves that we tried our hardest.
In conclusion, I’ve realized that we should not fear failure, we should take this as our
motivation to do our best and get what we deserved and prayed for. The thought of teamwork also
comes up in my mind because if we don’t have teamwork at all we will not achieve the desired
outcome of our interview.
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Individual Reflection
Krisha Neil Sumugat
Coming up with a business and turning it into reality; building and organizing everything
all on your own are one of those things that is considered as a struggle for a sole proprietor. These
steps or struggles are inevitable in business, most business companies started of as a sole
proprietorship, and therefore I commend our guest interviewee for his hard work in which
influenced and inspired us to do the same and work harder for our goals. Each and every question
asked were answered in a way where it was concise but still has the important message as well as
the sharing of experiences which made the flow of our interview informative and inspiring. As we
transcript the flow and answered of the interviewee as well as our questions, I was able to reflect
and realize how my members asked questions which were constructed well and I was able to see
each and everyone’s desire to learn more about business and handling, by using our time and
opportunity to ask to a entrepreneur itself. I got inspired as a student from the words and
experiences shared by our interviewee which was an owner of a vape shop called Cosmo Blunt.
His agenda and advocacy for his business is not only to gain profit and build a business based on
his interests, hence he was also able to create a business wherein he will be able to help those
people who were just like him before who wanted to quit as a chain-smoker. This idea made me
realize how a business should not only benefit you financially but also benefit you and your society
by helping each other and being the root of change in a social problem.
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Individual Reflection
Vanness Tordecilla
At first, we welcome our guest Mr. Debban Flores, the business owner of Cosmo Blunt
vape shop. We let him know the flow of our interview and of course, we asked for his permission
also if we can have a recorded interview and gladly he said yes.
When we started the interview with the business owner of a Vape Shop named "Cosmo
Blunt" and asked a few questions, honestly I feel motivated when I hear all of his answers. I think
he can be an inspiration for some of us even a non-business person because he is the person that
didn't give up on life no matter how many times he failed. He has a clothing line business named
"Unbothered" and some of his friends are doubting him on this business and suddenly it failed but
he didn't let that slide and come up with this business now called "Cosmo blunt" vape shop, finally
he successfully run this business. He spends almost 2 years trying different businesses until he
succeeded. His idea for this business is very reasonable, he wants to influence other people to quit
smoking cigarettes that harm our health or vape that has nicotine, Mr. Debban Flores's products
are herbal cigarettes that can be helped to your health and our environment.
I'm impressed with him because for me, personally, it's hard when you have a family or
friends that are doubting you with your ability to succeed that's why I feel proud for him because
he proved it to all of those who doubted him.
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Individual Reflection
Lanhz Aggabao
After the interview with Mr. Debban Flores I learned and realized a lot of things about life
and when it comes to what problems should I expect as an inspiring business owner in the future
when I create my own business. First of all, You have to be mentally and physically prepared
because, for you to be able to make your business successful. You really have to work hard and
give a lot of time and efforts on what you are doing. In life you will only be successful at your job
when you connect it with your happiness. The real success in life is when you always do what
makes you happy. As what Mr. Flores said it wasn’t really easy for him when he started his own
business because he created a new product that people still don’t know about. We all know that
when we think of a product that can be our product of our business we only think about popular
ones. Creating new and unpopular products to sell is a very risky thing to do when it comes to the
world of business. But Mr. Flores didn’t give up easily because he really loves what he’s doing
and that helped him endure all the challenges of his business which made me inspired. Because as
a young student I really learned a lot of things from him just from listening to him in the interview.
He made us feel that he’s just giving life advises that will help me prepare from the future. Working
hard while focusing on your dreams is a very huge impact on your career. For now as a student I
should probably just enjoy life while learning a lot of things and focus on my dreams to prepare
myself from the challenges that I will encounter in the future.
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Individual Reflection
Marjorie Bonggato
After the interview with Mr. Debban Flores, the owner of Cosmo Blunt. I have realized
that putting up a business is a risky thing to do, but will be worth it in the end, you should just be
brave and confident in yourself. I learned that in every business, there will be a successful one,
and there are not. You shoul just always try and pursue the goal you want to achieve. Always make
sure that from all of your competitors, even if you just started, always make sure that the quality
of your products is at its best as possible. But actually as a student who own also a small business,
I can super relate to Mr Debban Flores. Having a business is a risk, you should accept the fact that
a business is not that easy to handle especially when you’re alone, all the workloads of a producing,
auditing, marketing, and etc is all up to your hands. You should just have the courage and
consistent to yourself that you can do every challenges that may come to your way. He also
mentioned that handlin earnings in business is hard to manage, and that is true, because base on
my experience, even though i earn quite enough money in my business i end up having nothing in
my savings, and that is the most essential thing you must know to keep your business growing.
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First of all, we are very thankful to God who gave us strength and patience to finalize and
complete this Final requirement interview.
The completion of this final requirement could not have been possible without the guidance
and patience of Prof. Leonardo F. Cada, Jr. our beloved subject teacher.
The Students would also like to thank their friends who helped them and not hesitate to
support and give us courage.
Lastly, the students would like to acknowledge their appreciation and gratitude to the
people who participate and gave us time to provide information for the interview. Without all of
you none of this would be possible.
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