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Lucky's FOOD to GO (Final Copy)

Thought Leadership Report
Lucky’s FOOD to GO
Lucky Ann Angara
Submitted by:
Cabig, Adrianne Paule
Castro, Faith Marie
King, Linel Eril
Santos, Russel Froilan
Serafines, Henajane
Tripon, Kurt Cyril
Viesca, Wesley
Submitted to:
Mr. Leonardo F. Cada Jr.
MGT1101 – Sec 12
November 12, 2021
Table of Contents
Overview/ Name of the Business ............................................................................................................ 3
About the Business ....................................................................................................................... 3
Lucky’s FOOD to GO’s Vision and Mission ................................................................................ 3
Company Address and Contact Details ................................................................................................ 3
Date of Virtual or Online Interview ...................................................................................................... 3
Resume of Person Interviewed............................................................................................................... 4
Questionnaire Template ......................................................................................................................... 4
Transcript of the Interview .................................................................................................................... 5
Photo Documentation ........................................................................................................................... 10
Individual Reflection Paper/Personal Plan......................................................................................... 11
References .............................................................................................................................................. 18
Acknowledgment ................................................................................................................................... 18
Appendix/Appendices ............................................................................................................................. 19
Overview/ Name of the Business
A. About the Business
Lucky’s FOOD to GO is a small chicken wings restaurant that serves and delivers HOT,
DELICIOUS, and SAUCY pan-fried wings. The owner of the business is Lucky Ann Angara. It
is a new restaurant that started in March of 2021.
B. Form of Business
It is a sole proprietorship business that belongs to the foodservice industry that aims to satisfy the
customers' wants.
C. Business Tarket Market
The business target market is anyone within the area that loves chicken wings, particularly the
D. Lucky’s FOOD to GO’s Vision and Mission
Lucky’s FOOD to GO is dedicated to offer a high-quality food and service to the people while also
taking care of the employees with dedication and perfection.
To establish a place where a customer will be happy because the happiness of the customers is our
top goal.
Company Address and Contact Details
Lucky’s FOOD to GO is located at Barangay Batican, Infanta, Quezon Province. They can be
reached using their cellphone number 0975180338 or with their telephone number 788-8871. They
also have a Facebook page with the name of Lucky’s FOOD to GO and an Instagram account with
the username luckysfoodtogo.
Date of Virtual or Online Interview
The Online Interview was conducted on November 3, 2021, at 3:00 pm via Zoom Meeting.
Resume of Person Interviewed
In this section, the name, position, contact details, role, responsibilities of the business and
skills of Ms. Angara in the business are indicated.
Name: Lucky Ann Angara
Position in the Business: Owner
Contact Details: Cellphone No. 09475180338
Telephone No. 788-8871
Role and authority in business: Manager
Responsibilities in the business: Plans the goals and objectives of the business as well as guiding
the employees.
Competency and skills as a leader in business: Good leaders are successful at pulling people
together to achieve a common objective by motivating others. Employs interpersonal skills to
understand what motivates people and how to utilize that knowledge to enhance the productivity.
Questionnaire Template
Provided below are the ten questions that the interviewers asked to Ms. Angara.
1. What are the driving forces that pushed you to establish your own business?
2. One thing I enjoy most of my business is:
3. What challenges have you overcome so far in your entrepreneurial journey? (How
did you resolve it?)
4. In hiring your employees, what characteristics do you usually consider?
5. Do you organize team building among your employees?
6. How do you handle the problems that concern your employees?
7. In a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your relationship with your employees?
8. What advises can you give to business owners that will help them establish a good
relationship with their employees?
9. If you are given a chance to change your business, what business would it be? And
10. For the last question, what advice would you like to give to someone who is
planning to start a business?
Transcript of the Interview
In this section, the transcript of the interview is provided. Despite the busy schedule of Ms.
Angara, she finds time to accommodate the interviewers. Provided are the script of the group and
ten questions that the group asked.
Faith Castro: Good afternoon, Ms. Angara! We are the students from Far Eastern University. We
are here to interview you for our Final Requirement in Leadership and Decision Making. Before
we start, we would like to thank you for agreeing to be interviewed today. Thank you for giving
us time to ask you some questions despite your busy schedule. Thank you for also answering the
document we provided to you for your business and your resume. We prepared ten questions for
you to answer today. So, we will start asking you questions and feel free to answer it.
Adrianne Cabig: For our first question, what are the driving forces that pushed you to establish
your own business?
Ms. Angara: The first one is time freedom. I wanted to have a flexible time. The freedom to do
work whenever I want to. I wanted to do everything on my own and be free of the burden of having
to follow certain rules by a higher person. The second one is autonomy. I love how entrepreneurs
become independent. I want to make my own decisions in doing or creating something for the
business. I want to be in charge of my own and in charge in building my own business. The last
one is fame and admiration. I want to be admired. I want to transform my business and create
changes in the industry. I want to become the head of a well-known business that will be
recognized by other people. I want to create something that I can pass to my family. I want to not
only make them proud of me but also hand them something that will help them in the future.
Wesley Viesca: That is right, Ms. Angara. Some of us really wants to have a flexible time and
freedom to do our work on our own time. For the next question, please fill up the following
sentence: one thing I enjoy most of my business is?
Ms. Angara: One thing I enjoy most of my business is that I am always excited and motivated by
winning; whether that be winning over a new or loyal customer or being recognized for a job well
Henajane Serafines: That was a great answer! It is really overwhelming for a business to have
new and loyal customers. Any business will love it. For the third question, what challenges have
you overcome so far in your entrepreneurial journey? How did you resolve it?
Lucky Ann Angara: The most challenging thing that I have overcome is that it's easy for me to
lose focus and start doubting my mission as an entrepreneur. I resolved it by thinking that whenever
I feel like I’m discouraged, I don't give in. I go back to my roots and re-think (or re-analyze) why
I started the business in the first place.
Kurt Tripon: That is really a good thing to do. To always think why you started the business to
help you to be motivated and help you to not give up. For the next question, in hiring your
employees, what characteristics do you usually consider?
Ms. Angara: In hiring employees, I want people who has the potential to stay in my business,
passionate, using their skills into action and someone who gives credit to others.
Russel Santos: In a business it is also crucial to have an employee that is loyal and passionate.
Every entrepreneur really seeks for that kind of people. For our fifth question, do you organize
team building among your employees?
Ms. Angara: Sadly, not yet.
Eril King: For the next question, how do you handle the problems that concern your employees?
Ms. Angara: I pay a great deal of attention to my emotions and how it can influence me. I try so
hard to keep calm and not do some action that I know I will regret. I also try to keep in mind that
having negative emotions will create a lot more conflict. When I am already calm, I will try to talk
to my employees and tell them what concern I have with them. Telling them what is wrong and
what concerns them will make me understand them more and move forward from the problem.
Henajane Serafines: I agree with you, Ms. Angara. To have a positive relationship with your
employees you should first control your emotions before talking with them to avoid making things
much worst. Speaking of relationship with employees, in a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your
relationship with your employees?
Ms. Angara: A perfect 10.
Adrianne Cabig: Wow! You really have a good relationship with your employees. Since you have
a perfect 10 rate for your relationship with your employees, what advises can you give to business
owners that will help them establish a good relationship with their employees?
Ms. Angara: It is important to set up meetings at least once a week or month to talk with the
employees, talk to them openly and make them comfortable, be friendly and when there’s a
problem that concerns them, talk to them right away to solve the conflict.
Russel Santos: That is a great advice. I would surely remember that advises in case I would
establish a business. For the next question, if you are given a chance to change your business, what
business would it be? And why?
Ms. Angara: Advertising because that is my partner's dream.
Wesley Viesca: For the last question, what advice would you like to give to someone who is
planning to start a business?
Ms. Angara: Have a solid business plan. Planning plays a crucial role in any business success. A
business plan is a good place to start defining your skills and weaknesses, what you offer, how it’s
unique and how you plan on growing your offering. What’s more, try to prepare yourself mentally
and practically for anything that could go wrong and how you would deal with it.
Faith Castro: That is a wonderful answer, Ms. Angara. A person that wants to start a business
should have a solid business plan. So that is it, thank you for answering all our ten questions and
giving us your time today.
Kurt Tripon: Thank you, Ms. Angara, for taking the time to meet with us today. It was fascinating
to learn more about the corporate world and your personal experiences in it. By the way, can we
borrow a little bit more of your time for a photo opportunity?
Adrianne Cabig: Thank you for this opportunity!
Wesley Viesca: Thank you, Ms. Angara!
Russel Santos: Thank you!
Eril King: Thank you, Ma’am!
Henajane Serafines: Thank you for giving us your time today!
Ms. Angara: It’s okay. Thank you also for interviewing me. If you have anything that you still
need for your final requirement just tell me.
Faith Castro: We will try to email or message you if we still need anything. Once again, thank
you for giving us your time today and for answering our questions. Have a nice day!
Provided below are the questions of the interviewers and the answers of Ms. Angara from the
interview last November 3, 2021.
1. What are the driving forces that pushed you to establish your own business?
Time freedom: I wanted to have a flexible time. The freedom to do work whenever
I want to. I wanted to do everything on my own and be free of the burden of having to
follow certain rules by a higher person.
Autonomy: I love how entrepreneurs become independent. I want to make my own
decisions in doing or creating something for the business. I want to be in charge of my
own and in charge in building my own business.
Fame and admiration: I want to be admired. I want to transform my business and
create changes in the industry. I want to become the head of a well-known business that
will be recognized by other people. I want to create something that I can pass to my
family. I want to not only make them proud of me but also hand them something that
will help them in the future.
2. One thing I enjoy most of my business is:
I am excited and motivated by winning; whether that be winning over a new or loyal
customer or being recognized for a job well done.
3. What challenges have you overcome so far in your entrepreneurial journey?
(How did you resolve it?)
It's easy to lose focus and start doubting your mission as an entrepreneur. Anytime you
feel like you're discouraged, don't give in. Go back to your roots and re-think (or reanalyze) why you started the business in the first place.
4. In hiring your employees, what characteristics do you usually consider?
Has the potential to stay in the business.
Using their skills into action.
Giving Credit to Others.
5. Do you organize team building among your employees?
6. How do you handle the problems that concern your employees?
I pay a great deal of attention to my emotions and how it can influence me. I try so hard
to keep calm and not do some action that I know I will regret. I also try to keep in mind
that having negative emotions will create a lot more conflict. When I am already calm,
I will try to talk to my employees and tell them what concern I have with them. Telling
them what is wrong and what concerns them will make me understand them more and
move forward from the problem.
7. In a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your relationship with your employees?
A perfect 10.
8. What advises can you give to business owners that will help them establish a
good relationship with their employees?
Set up meetings at least once a week or month to talk with the employees.
Talk to them openly and make them comfortable.
Be friendly.
When there’s a problem that concerns them, talk to them right away to solve the
9. If you are given a chance to change your business, what business would it be?
And why?
Advertising because that is my partner's dream.
10. For the last question, what advice would you like to give to someone who is
planning to start a business?
Have a solid business plan. Planning plays a crucial role in any business success. A
business plan is a good place to start defining your skills and weaknesses, what you
offer, how it’s unique and how you plan on growing your offering. What’s more, try to
prepare yourself mentally and practically for anything that could go wrong and how
you would deal with it.
Photo Documentation
Photo was exactly taken around November 3, 2021, at 3:00pm.
Individual Reflection Paper/Personal Plan
Each member’s individual reflection paper is indicated and compiled in this section. It
highlights each one’s experience, reactions and feedback pertaining to the interactive
communication with Ms. Angara.
Cabig, Adrianne Paule
Ever since the pandemic started, a lot has changed. Face-to-face classes were suspended,
and online classes came in. There are a lot of barriers that affect communication between teachers
and students and with our fellow students as well. Nonetheless, it did not stop us from doing group
work and having an effective collaboration with other people despite the fact that we still have not
met each other in person.
The interview with Ms. Lucky Ann Angara went well and I can say that she is a good boss
to her employees. The atmosphere was light and not awkward at all. I would like to highlight three
(3) key takeaways from the interview with her that had me thinking and made me realize things I
needed to. First, emotions play a crucial role in maintaining good relationships with other people.
We all have our own baggage, and it is important to acknowledge other people’s emotions too. It
is not all about us. At some point, we need to accept that we also have our own share of mistakes.
Relationships are one of the things that needs to be nurtured and protected. Through this
relationship, may it be with your employees or colleagues, you are able to have a light working
environment and be able to produce a more satisfactory output. A good relationship with the
employee is reflected in how you serve your customers, and no doubt, Ms. Angara does have a
good relationship with her employees because of the satisfied customers that left feedback on their
social media accounts. Good business can also be achieved through good relationships. Second,
being an entrepreneur may seem exciting, but they also have their struggle. Just like students, they
also lose focus and motivation. It is all up to us how we are going to handle it. If we lose interest,
go back to where we started and think of the reason again why we chose this. We all have our
doubts, may it be an entrepreneur or student or just simply being a person, and it is important to
not dwell on it. Keep on believing in ourselves and our capabilities, who knows, we may be as
successful as Ms. Angara in the future. Third and last, planning is important in a business. It is not
made out of pure need for money, out of talent, or out of just the want to have a business, it is a
combination. It needs planning, a good plan. In starting a business, we need to assess everything
– from financial to physical capabilities. It needs deep thinking and analyzing before finally
deciding to start, just like what Ms. Angara did before becoming a successful leader and
entrepreneur. Preparing ourselves for the things that we might encounter in starting or managing
the business because running a business is like a roller coaster ride. Overall, I learned that being
successful in business and as a leader takes time and a lot of effort, we may lose motivation but
look back at where we started and why we started then keep going.
It was hard to find a leader, especially that we are in the middle of a pandemic. Also, people
who are managing a business are busy, they may manage their time, but business is still something
they can just ignore. We are more than grateful that she allowed us to interview her despite her
busy schedule. We had a smooth collaboration with her and a good cooperation from the group.
The interview process was not that complicated though it seems not that formal because of the
setup but we still managed to make it happen successfully. Overall, our group did an excellent
job, and we have good teamwork. Everyone contributed and cooperated.
Leadership and teamwork are related to each other. An effective leader can help foster
teamwork on their team. Henry Ford, who founded Ford Motor Company, shared his secret to
achieve teamwork, “If there is any one secret of success, it lies in the ability to get the other
person’s point of view and see things from that person’s angle as well as from my own.”
Understanding and communication are essential to maintaining a good relationship and being
Castro, Faith Marie
Despite the pandemic and limited resources, we had the time to successfully execute the
interview with Ms. Angara. My reflection essay contains my experience, insights and feedback
regarding our interview with Ms. Angara, an owner of a chicken wings restaurant. The interview
was conducted on November 3, 2021, it is a day where the group and Ms. Angara had a vacant
I anticipate some tension when we begin the interview because aside from meeting Ms.
Angara for the first time, I am not very close with my teammates. To my surprise, everything went
smoothly. The awkwardness that I felt at the start of the interview immediately went away when
we started. I was comfortable with everyone. We are very formal from the beginning of the
interview up until the end. We also have some moments wherein we laugh and smile with each
other while doing the interview. It was a great experience.
I liked the driving forces that pushed Ms. Angara to start her business. I loved how she
described that she wanted to start a business because she is the one that makes the decision, and it
gives her a flexible time. It is an advantage if you are the one that decides for the business. You
will know what benefits your business and what will be possible harm for your business. Aside
from that, no one will dictate or stop you in what you want for your business. Deciding for a
business will also make you independent. And if your decision has an unfavorable outcome, it will
teach you to work harder and come up with a different alternative. It is also beneficial for
entrepreneurs to have flexible time. They have their decision to take extra hours in thinking of
some new things for the business or just chill for a second and unwind. It makes them appreciate
everything in life and what it can offer.
I also liked that Ms. Angara has a great relationship with her employees. Having a great
relationship with your employees benefits your business. If you treat your employees, they will be
happy to serve you, and they will be loyal to you. Employees will also get motivated to work
harder for the business. Also, having a good relationship with them will have lesser conflicts in
the workplace. It will provide employers and employees with a healthy relationship with each
other. It is also crucial to control your emotions if you encounter a problem with our employees.
An employer should be calm when they talk to their employees about any matter that concerns
them. Controlling your own emotion will make you professional. In resolving conflicts, employers
should also say it to the employees as soon as possible to address the concern and have a solution
for it. Having this kind of mindset will make the workplace light and friendly. But in my own
opinion, there still should be a gap between an employer and an employee. They should still have
respect for each other and still, know who has the authority.
Overall, that is everything that I observed, experienced, and learned from the interview. It
was a fantastic experience to participate in this type of activity because I learned a lot. I will
conclude my reflection paper with the quote that says “Don’t sit down and wait for the
opportunities to come. Get up and make them”. It means that aside from waiting for things to
happen, we should get up, work, and make a good opportunity for ourselves.
King, Linel Eril E.
Businesses have success stories and failure stories. Opening a Business takes a lot of
courage, passion, risks, and responsibilities that you will carry along the journey. Successful
Businesses have many inspirations and clever ideas while failure businesses have many lessons.
People such as Ms. Lucky Angara brought us lessons and tips to be successful. The interview with
Ms. Lucky Angara brought us knowledge, experience, and insights into the risks and
responsibilities of opening a business.
Ms. Angara's Interview hit me hard when despite being in the middle of the
crisis, she continued to push through and was able to keep her business stable. Before the
pandemic, I have a business where I sell thrift clothes and sell them on social media but the
pandemic came and I completely stopped and did not ever want to continue again. I was blown
away because some people like Ms. Angara never stopped to continue their business. She
expresses her ideas on how to reduce the possibility of encountering bad lucks that could bring
down a business. She also expresses the crucial steps in starting an important business.
Ms. Angara's response to the interview said that you must have qualities such as Passion,
Flexibility, and Independence. These qualities are the most important items to be a successful
businessman. She explained her standard in choosing an employee. She considers hiring an
employee that has the potential to stay in business, is passionate, resilient, and humble enough to
not take all the credits all by itself. As an owner, keep in mind to be empathetic to your employees.
So be better to ask the employees' concerns and try not to create a negative impact because it will
create more conflict.
Altogether, I learned so much that it was a great experience to be involved in this kind of
activity. A successful company can be achieved with the risks that entrepreneurs are willing to
take on behalf of the company. It will take an appropriate amount of teamwork, cooperation, and
motivation to complete a group task.
Santos, Russel Froilan
Prior to being an accountancy student, my knowledge and understanding on the business
field was quite limited. I'd heard countless business success stories, but I'd never really understood
what it takes to handle such high level of responsibilities that leads the business owners to succeed.
Business is a tough job that has been recognized every time. Management, teamwork, patience,
mental power, and work effectiveness are all required in a firm. Thanks to the interview we
conducted with Ms. Angara, I was able to gain lessons that could help me along my business course
Through the whole interview with Ms. Angara, I could feel that she is a nice person.
Talking with her was not an issue as well as a hindrance in this kind of setup, thus the interview
went smoothly. Here are some of the aspects I look up with her leadership. The firmness of her
mind and aspiration, as we all know, handling a business is not an easy task to do, many
people have lost their battle in this journey and what I liked about what Ms. Angara said is to never
think again of the reason why we started doing this. This is not only applicable for business, but
in anything we do. Remembering our passion would give us thoughts heavier than the doubts of
why we should not continue. Having a good relationship with the employees also made a great
impact to the success of her business, treating them good increases productivity as they can
perform their work smoothly as it gives a soothing atmosphere to the workplace due to the
comfortable feeling. It is just like our life, being with a good company of friends having that
someone whom we can lean on, being in the right environment will make our lives easier as we
feel that we could breathe lightly because of the influence they bring. And for the last part, I would
like to focus on her advice to aspiring entrepreneurs, I admire her thoughts of saying that planning
is the most crucial step in business, which can be applied to aspects of life, having an irrational or
unthought plan could lead to failure of all process, and she knows it very well. A well-thought plan
paired with great management would lead to success, knowing your skills and not invalidating
your weakness will make you think of what you need to improve.
To sum it all, when entering a business, one must be prepared to face all the
challenges. The amount of effort and time it will consume is not a joke, but if done properly, all
the hardships will pay off. This was such an amazing opportunity to talk with Ms. Angara as I can
feel that what she said came from all of her experiences that I might use some day.
Serafines, Henajane
Despite the current situation we are in, our group successfully find a successful business
leader namely, Ms. Lucky Angara. Interviewing her is very light and smooth. Even before the
interview, contacting her through Messenger reflected that she can established a good relationship
to others. She is very approachable and kind. We are very grateful that regardless of her busy
schedule, she allowed us to interview her.
From the start, I was wondering on how the interview will go. Good thing is that my
groupmates is not awkward at all, and Ms. Lucky Angara also radiates a light-hearted mood.
Throughout the interview, Ms. Angara answer our questions carefully and easily. It also seems
that her answers are really from the bottom of her heart.
There are two things that I admired on how she runs her business. The first one is how she
appreciates simple things. When we asked her what is the one thing that she enjoy the most, she
immediately answers winning. Winning in the sense of having a new customer or simply by
appreciating her job. It makes me realize that it is important to appreciate little things, especially
when it was a result of your hard work. And the second one is how she values her relationship with
other people may it be professional relationship or her relationship with her partner. She gives
importance on having a good relationship with her employees by being understanding and having
a constant communication to resolve issues and to have a more comfortable working environment.
Moreover, the way she considers what her partner wants if she will be given a chance to change
her business industry. It makes me realize that having a good connection with other people helps
you to grow more and to live in a more comfortable life.
In conclusion, having a successful business can be achieved on the amount of risk the
entrepreneur is ready to take for the business. The amount of effort, time, and responsibilities an
individual is willing to sacrifice to achieve goals. It is also similar in doing a group task. Finishing
a group task needed the right amount of teamwork, cooperation, and willingness.
Tripon, Kurt Cyril
Nowadays, many people are trying to open up different businesses and take a risk for them
to have some source of income. Being an accounting student, it is inevitable not to be hooked on
business-related topics and not curious about them. I have been curious many times about different
things in the business field. Upon being curious, I tried to find answers to my questions and learned
different things. I learned that entrepreneurs are actually very optimistic and ready to take a risk in
order to make their business greater than expected. In addition, I also learned that people in the
business field have different perspectives, ideas, and opinions on everything. Just like Ms. Angara,
an owner of a small chicken wings restaurant with whom we spoke.
In the interview we conducted with her, I learned many things, such as her reasons for
starting up her own business and as well her strategy in doing it. Some of the reasons that push her
to establish her own business are time freedom, and autonomy. Having control of your own time
at work and being your own boss is actually ideal for everyone. However, given the benefit of
being an owner of a business, there is also a counterpart on it, and that is taking all of the risks.
Luckily, during our conversation with Ms. Angara, she shared with us how to reduce the possibility
of encountering those issues and discussed one of the crucial steps in starting a business, which is
having a plan, because a business plan allows you to identify your strengths and weaknesses, which
can help the business succeed. By playing your strength right, you will be able to have a better
chance of achieving your objective, and being aware of your weaknesses or limitations will reduce
the chance of encountering a conflict while establishing and operating the business. In addition, a
business plan will help you to keep track of your goals. Thinking of what she says, I realize that
there is no guarantee that you will succeed in the business field, and the chance of accomplishing
your goal is up to you; it is up to how smart, hard, and wise you work and the commitment you
give into it. I also realize that planning is not just important in business but also important in
whatever we are trying to achieve in our life, that if we prepare and work hard on something, we
will surely see the fruit of our efforts in the long run.
In addition, I also learned that giving attention to your emotions needs to be done and
treating your employee right is the best thing to do because having negative emotions will just
make the situation much worse between you and your employees. Another thing that I admire
about Ms. Angara is her perseverance because she was once discouraged and lost focus. Still, she
goes back on track by rethinking and remembering why she started the business.
All in all, being an entrepreneur is not easy for you to survive in the business field; you
should have the courage to take a risk, be prepared, be wise, and more importantly, put your
passion and commitment into what you are doing.
Viesca Jr., Wesley L.
Since we are in an online class set up and our group haven’t met with each other face to
face, I thought that communication in our group would be hard because it might be awkward and
we are still basically strangers to each other. But I stand corrected, it was easy cooperating because
everyone in our group was so active and everyone was able to communicate with each other so
well that we were able to finish most of the work ahead of schedule.
During the interview with Ms. Angara, all I felt was inspiration and admiration for her.
Because since the start of this pandemic I was thinking of opening up a business myself I even had
a business plan already, but I was so afraid failure that I wasn’t able to start the business. That is
why I always look up to entrepreneurs, I admire their bravery and their risk taking amidst the
pandemic. I was envious of Ms. Angara’s driving forces especially the time freedom and
autonomy because life would be so much easier if I also had that. I love how she rated her
relationship with her employees as “A perfect 10” This proves to show that she is promoting a
healthy workplace environment. It also implies that she’s thinking ahead because having a good
relationship with your employees inspires and lessens problems that occurs in the future. Good
relations are a form of strength to your business. I also realized that business is not only about
making money, but entrepreneurs also have their fair share of troubles. Motivation is a crucial part
of having a business, because It’s the one that makes us move to solve problems and making the
business grow. Ms. Angara provided the best advice for loss of motivation; she is right because
the strongest motivation you have is the motivation when you first started.
All in all, I learned a lot of things from Ms. Angara and I had a lot of fun with my
groupmates while doing activity. Being a good leader is a talent but when you lack this skill you
can make up for time and effort to learn.
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ProofHub. https://www.proofhub.com/articles/teamwork-quotes
Pettit, M. (2019, October 30). Time Freedom: How to Achieve Time Freedom - Lucemi Consulting.
Lucemi Consulting: Strategic Business Coaching. https://lucemiconsulting.co.uk/timefreedom/#:~:text=Achieving%20time%20freedom%20makes%20you
Special thanks to Ms. Lucky Ann Angara, the owner of Lucky’s FOOD to GO for accepting
to be interviewed by the interviewers despite the pandemic and her busy schedule. The group
would also like to thank Prof. Leonardo F. Cada Jr. for assisting and providing the group the
needed documents and format for the Final Requirement.
LDM – Approval Form that was signed by Prof. Lonardo F. Cada on October 28, 2021
Leadership and Decision-Making Approval Form
Group Member Names: Adrianne Paule Cabig Section: Sec12
Date: October 28, 2021
Faith Marie Castro
Linel Eril King
Russel Froilan Santos
Henajane Serafines
Kurt Cyril Tripon
Wesley Viesca Jr.
Leader Names
1. Lucky Ann Angara
Lucky’s food to go (Restaurant)
Submitted by: Faith Marie A. Castro
Approved by: (SGD) Prof. Leonardo F. Cada, Jr.