Pearson Higher Nationals in Computing Unit 02: Networking Assignment 01 1 Networking (unit -1) General Guidelines 1. A Cover page or title page – You should always attach a title page to your assignment. Use previous page as your cover sheet and make sure all the details are accurately filled. 2. Attach this brief as the first section of your assignment. 3. All the assignments should be prepared using a word processing software. 4. All the assignments should be printed on A4 sized papers. Use single side printing. 5. Allow 1” for top, bottom , right margins and 1.25” for the left margin of each page. Word Processing Rules 1. 2. 3. 4. The font size should be 12 point, and should be in the style of Time New Roman. Use 1.5 line spacing. Left justify all paragraphs. Ensure that all the headings are consistent in terms of the font size and font style. Use footer function in the word processor to insert Your Name, Subject, Assignment No, and Page Number on each page. 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Student’s Signature: (Provide E-mail ID) Date: (Provide Submission Date) 3 Networking (unit -1) 4 Networking (unit -1) Higher National Diploma in Computing Assignment Brief Student Name /ID Number Unit Number and Title Unit 2: Networking Academic Year 2021/22 Unit Tutor Assignment Title LAN Design & Implementation for SYNTAX SOLUTIONS Issue Date Submission Date IV Name & Date Submission format The submission should be in the form of an individual report written in a concise, formal business style using single spacing and font size 12. You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with research and referenced using Harvard referencing system. Please also provide an end list of references using the Harvard referencing system. The recommended word count is 3,000–3,500 words for the report excluding annexures, although you will not be penalised for exceeding the total word limit. Unit Learning Outcomes: LO1 Examine networking principles and their protocols. LO2 Explain networking devices and operations. LO3 Design efficient networked systems. LO4 Implement and diagnose networked systems. Assignment Brief and Guidance: 5 Networking (unit -1) Scenario SYNTAX SOLUTIONS is a privately owned, well-known Software company located in Colombo. The Management of SYNTAX SOLUTIONS has purchased a 3-story building in the heart of Matara. They are planning to make it one of the state-of-the-art companies in Matara with the latest facilities. It is expected to have nearly 150 employees in Matara branch. Department Number of Users Customer Care 10 Sales and Marketing 20 Finance 25 Legal 5 HR 10 Developers 55 Network Team 5 Server Room Servers +ISP connections Foll ow i ng r equir ements ar e g iv en by the Manag ement. All the departments must be separ ated with uni que subnet and sho uld no t communicate with each o ther unless ther e is a speci al r equir ement . 19 2.16 8.10. 0/24 is giv en and sho uld be use d fo r all the departments except the server room . IPs sho uld assign usi ng DHCP . ERP and CRM Sy stems need to be im plem ented in M atara branch in local serv ers. N umber of s erv ers requir ed for the Server r oom need to be decided by the Netwo rk designer and sho uld be assigned with 10.25 4.1. 0/24 subnet. (Uses static 6 Networking (unit -1) I Ps ) Hig h l ev el of r edundancy is expected in netwo rk design to eliminate single po int o f failures and traffic bottle necks. Sal es and Mar keti ng Team need to access Netwo rk reso urces usi ng WI FI co nnectiv ity . Pr oper methods fo r netw or ki ng monitoring and tr oubl eshooting need to be established. All possible netw or k sec ur ity mechanism s sho uld be im plemented. Assume yo u have been appo inted as the new netwo rk co nsultant o f SYNT AX SOLUTI ONS . P repare a netwo rk architectural design and im plement it with yo ur suggestio ns and recommendatio ns to meet the com pany requirements. (No te: Cl ea rl y state you r a ssump tion s. Y ou a re allow ed to d esign th e n etwo rk a cco rding to you r a ssump tion s, bu t main requi remen ts sho uld n ot b e viol ated) Ac tiv ity 01 D iscuss the benefits and co nstraints o f different netwo rk system types that can be im plemented in the Matara branch and the m ain IEEE Ethernet standards that can be used in above L AN and WLAN design . D iscuss the im po rtance and impact o f netwo rk to po lo gies and netwo rk proto col suites while com paring the main network to po lo gies and netwo rk proto co l suites that are used in netwo rk design using exam ples . Recomm end suitable netwo rk topolo gies and network proto co l suites fo r above scenario and justify yo ur answer with v alid po ints. 7 Networking (unit -1) Ac tiv ity 02 D iscuss the o perating principles o f network dev ices (Ex: Ro uter, Switch, Etc.) and server ty pes that can be used fo r abov e scenario while explo ring different servers that are available in to day’s m arket with their specificatio ns . R ecommend server/ servers fo r the abov e scenario and justify your selectio n with v alid po ints . D iscuss the inter -dependence o f wo rkstatio n hardware with networking so ftware and prov ide exam ples fo r netwo rking so ftware that can be used in abov e netwo rk design. Ac tiv ity 03 P repare a written netwo rk design plan to meet the above mentio ned user requirements including a blueprint drawn using a mo deling too l. ( Ex: M icroso ft Visio , EdrawM ax). Support yo ur answer by pro viding the VL AN and IP subnetting scheme for the above scenario and the list of dev ices, netwo rk com po nents and software used to design the netwo rk for abo ve scenario and while justifying yo ur selectio ns. Test and ev aluate the proposed design to meet the requirem ents and analy se user feedback by using a User feedbac k fo rm . Install and co nfigure Netwo rk services , devices and applications (Ex: VL AN,D HCP , D NS,Pro xy , Web, Etc.) acco rding to the pro posed design to accom plish the user requirements and design a detailed M aintenance schedule for abov e Netwo rk. *N ote: - Scr een s hots of C onfig ur ati on scri pts shoul d be pr esented. Ac tiv ity 04 Im plement a networked system based o n yo ur prepared design with v alid evidence s and recommend po tential future enhancements fo r the networked system with valid justificatio ns to yo ur recommendatio ns. Use critical reflectio n to critically evaluat e the design, plan, co nfiguration, and testing o f yo ur network while justifying with v alid co nclusio ns. 8 Networking (unit -1) D evelo p test cases and co nduct verificatio n (Ex: Ping, extended ping, trace ro ute, telnet, SSH, etc.) to test the abov e Netwo rk and analyse the test results against the expected results. 9 Networking (unit -1) 10 Networking (unit -1) Grading Rubric Grading Criteria Achieved Feedback LO1 : Examine networking principles and their protocols. P1 Discuss the benefits and constraints of different network types and standards. P2 Explain the impact of network topology, communication and bandwidth requirements. M1 Compare common networking principles and how protocols enable the effectiveness of networked systems. LO2 : Explain networking devices and operations P3 Discuss the operating principles of networking devices and server types. 11 Networking (unit -1) P4 Discuss the inter-dependence of workstation hardware with relevant networking software. M2 Explore a range of server types and justify the selection of a server, considering a given scenario regarding cost and performance optimization. LO 1 & LO2 D1 Critically evaluate the topology protocol selected for a given scenario to demonstrate the efficient utilisation of a networking system. LO3 : Design efficient networked systems P5 Design a networked system to meet a given specification. P6 Test and evaluate the design to meet the requirements and analyze user feedback. M3 12 Networking (unit -1) Install and configure network services and applications on your choice. 13 Networking (unit -1) 14 Networking (unit -1) 15 Networking (unit -1) CONTENTS Activity 01 1. Network System ...................................................................................................... 1.1 Peer-to-Peer ................................................................................................. 1.2 Cloud ........................................................................................................... 1.3 Client Server ................................................................................................ 1.4 Local area network ...................................................................................... 2. Network Topology................................................................................................... 3. Network Protocol ..................................................................................................... 4. IEEE Standards ....................................................................................................... Activity 02 5. Operating Principles and Server Types ................................................................. 6. Servers Types........................................................................................................ Activity 03 and 04 7. Subnetting Scheme .............................................................................................. 8. Feed back Form ................................................................................................... 9. Google Foum ....................................................................................................... 10. Installation of Window Server ............................................................................ i Networking (unit -1) ii Networking (unit -1) iii Networking (unit -1) Activity 01 Network System Network System is a group or System of interconnected computers to share information and distributed processing task. The Connection can be established by using either cable media or wireless media. Each network includes hardware and software that connects computer and devices. Computer network basic of communication in IT. Peer-to-Peer Network In the most basic sense, a peer-to-peer network is a simple network where each computer doubles as a node and a server for the files it holds exclusively. These are like a home network or an office network. However, when P2B networks are installed on the Internet, the size of the network and the available files allow a greater amount of data to be shared. Early P2P networks such as Napster used client software and a central server, while later networks such as GAZA and BitTorrent were partitioned between multiple nodes to free the bandwidth, leaving the central server. Peer-to-peer networks are commonly associated with cyber theft and illegal file-sharing. Today no one enjoys P2P usage or network exclusive dominance. Popular P2P networks include eDonkey, BitTorrent, Gnutella and eMule. (technopedia, 2016) Figure 1:- (p2p network) 1 Networking (unit -1) Advantages of Peer-to-Peer - Software used:-The operating system for building the P2P network already has built-in software. - Resume download:- When downloading any large file and network is discounted then upon reconnection to the network and can resume the download easily - Inexpensive :- Setting up a peer to peer network is inexpensive. - No need for a specialist :- There is not extra network technician needed to handle the working of the network. Any person can operate the computer on the network - New connection :- It is easy to add a new node to the network. Just need extra copper wire or USB cable to attach the node(computer) to the network. Disadvantages of Peer-to-Peer - Slow performance :- If downloading and uploading of files occur simultaneously then the speed of the internet is affected. - No central backup :- All computers have to take individual backup of files and folders. - Controlling virus :- There is no central server to control and monitor the spread of the virus. Virus and Trojan can be easily transmitted over the network. - Limited computers connected :- A limit of 10 or low computers to be connected to the network - Protection of files :- Any computer can access any file on the network 2 Networking (unit -1) Cloud Computing Cloud sells services to anyone on the Internet. A private cloud is a data center that provides services hosted to a limited number of people, with a proprietary network or specific access and access systems. Cloud infrastructure includes the hardware and software components needed to properly implement a cloud computing model. These services are divided into three main categories: 1. Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) 2. Platform as a service (PaaS) 3. Software as a service (SaaS) Figure 2 :- (Cloud Computing) Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloud computing ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES Reduce Infrastructure Costs Moving from cloud to on-premise is not easy Impact to personal Limited control Consolidate the data Vendor lock-in Increase Automation Slower back-up and restores Save on space Internet Reliance Maximize uptime Heavy use of internet reduce the performance Defend against to data lost disaster Table -01 3 Networking (unit -1) Client – Server The client server network is defined as a specific type of online network that consists of a single central computer that acts as a server that runs multiple computers, referred to as clients. By accessing the server, client can access shared files and information stored on the server. A client server model can be implemented on a single computer system, but it is commonly used on a variety of platforms. (Donohoe, 2019) Figure 3 :- Client-Server Advantages and Disadvantages of Client Sever ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES Necessary informations are placed in a single Need a specialized network manager to location maintain the server Data is well protected Lack on the side of robustness Highly Scalable Can be expensive to purchase Easy to manage files Traffic congestion Clients able to access the system Not possible to directly print document or edit any informations on the client hard disk drive Table - 02 4 Networking (unit -1) Local Area Network (LAN) A LAN is a group of computers and devices that are in a specific location, such as a building, office or home. A LAN can be small or large, from a home network with a user to an enterprise network with thousands of users and devices in an office or school Figure-4: Local Area Most Common type of LAN: - Ethernet LAN (Wired connection) - WLAN (Wireless) 1. Ethernet LAN (Wired Connection) Ethernet LAN uses Ethernet cables to connect the devices in a network. In this type of connection, the network installation is wired and the Switches and Routers are configured using the network settings. Involves a hardwired connection to the internet by Ethernet cables (Cat5,Cat6 and so on). Ethernet is more stable and secure and faster than wifi. It is less accessible and expensive. (Still, 2021) Figure 5 :- (Ethernet Cables) 5 Networking (unit -1) 2. WLAN (Wireless) WLAN uses High Frequency Radio Waves as the means of communication over short distance. It does not require traditional network cables to connect the devices. WLAN can contain several types of devices such as Mobile phones, Laptop and tablet computers, Internet audio systems, other internet-enabled home devices. It is commonly used in offices and homes. WLAN is highly flexible, low cost and users are free to move within the coverage range. It is difficult to setup, easy to hack and transmission speed slower than wired network (hightechwhizz, 2019) Advantages of LAN i. Resource Sharing :- Easy to share resource such as hard disk drives, DVD drives and Printers ii. Software Sharing :- Easy to share software (No need to purchase individual license for each and every computer) iii. Convenient Communication :- Users can exchange messages and data in a convenient way iv. Centralized Data :- Data of the users are located at the centralized serve v. Improved Security :-It can be guaranteed to be secure vi. Internet Sharing :- Has the capability to share internet connection among all the LAN users Disadvantages of LAN i. Implementation Cost :- The initial cost involved in setting up the network is quite high ii. Policy Violation :- Unauthorized users can view all the browsing history and downloads of all the connected computers. iii. Maitanance :- Often faces hardware problems and system failure iv. Area Coverage :- usually made to cover up a limited distance (up to 10km). v. Malware Spreading :-Appearance of virus in LAN based on infrastructure is highly dangerous 6 Networking (unit -1) Wide Area Network (WAN) A wide area network is a network that exists over a large-scale geographical area, such as a city, state, or country. Also known as Long Haul Network. WANs are often used by large businesses to connect their office networks; Each office usually has its own local area network. The world largest WAN is internet. Internet connects many smaller local area networks (LAN) metro area networks(MAN).It can be said WAN is a combination of LAN and MAN. (Bradley, 2020) Figure 6 :- (Wide Area Network) Types of WAN technologies i. Packet switching ii. TCP/IP protocol suite iii. Router iv. Overlay network v. Packet over SONET/SDH (PoS) vi. MPLS vii. ATM viii. Frame Relay 7 Networking (unit -1) Advantages and Disadvantages of WAN ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES WAN covers a large geographical area, so Expensive setting up the network networks can be made over long distances Different peripherals can be shared with all the Maintaining a network is a full-time job which computers in the network requires network supervisors and technicians to be employed Everyone on that network can access the same Security is a real issue data Shares software and resources with connecting Need a good firewall to restrict outsiders from workstations. entering and disrupting the network Table :- 03 8 Networking (unit -1) Personal Area Network (PAN) Private Area Network (PAN) is a computer network organized around an individual for personal use only. The PAN is used for data sharing between devices within 10 meters or 33 feet, various digital devices such as smartphones, tablets, printers, computers and other devices within an individual user's environment. Wireless keyboards, Wireless Mice, Smartphones, TV remotes, Wireless printers, Gaming consoles, Bluetooth, Fire-wire, ZigBee, Wibree and wireless USB are some examples for PAN (Jahejo, n.d.) Figure 7 :- (PAN) Advantages and Disadvantages of PAN ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES No extra space, cable and wire requires. PAN can be operated in less range of areas Infrared signals travel only in a straight line Connect to many devices at a time Can only be used for personal area Affordable Cost Slow data transfer Easy to use Interfere with radio signals: Data can Synchronize between different devices Secure Table :- 04 9 Networking (unit -1) Metropolitan Area Network A metropolitan area network (MAN) is a large computer network that usually covers a city or a large campus. A MAN network is optimal for a larger geographical area than a LAN, from multiple buildings to entire cities. The purpose of the is to provide a long-term connection to the Internet. The primary use of metropolitan networks is a customer with high potential needs in a metropolitan area. A man's aim is to provide the required capacity at a lower cost and higher efficiency than to receive an equivalent service from a local telephone company. Figure 5 :- (man) Commonly, a MAN is small enough that dedicated point-to-point, or backbone, data connections are built between buildings or to a hosted colocation (colo) data center. These backbone connections can use various connection technologies including Ethernet run, leased dark fiber or private fiber, point-to-point WiFi, wireless LAN (WLAN), millimeterwave (MM wave) radio and microwave radio connections or private. 5G networks. (Wright, 2021) 10 Networking (unit -1) Advantages of MAN - Less Expensive :- It is less expensive to connect MAN with WAN Network. MAN provides good efficiency of data. All data on MAN is simply manageable in a centralized way. - Sending Local E-mails :- Users can send local emails fast and free on MAN. - Sending Local E-mails :- Using MAN fiber optics, data speeds can easily reach 1000 Mbps. Files and database transfer rates are fast. - Sharing of the Internet :- By installing MANs, users can share their Internet connection. This way, many users can get the same high-speed internet. - High security :- The MAN has a higher security level than the WAN. Converting - LAN to MAN is easy :- MAN is a combination of two or more LAN networks. So connecting two LAN networks together is the quickest way. This is made possible by the quick configuration of the links. Disadvantages of MAN - Difficult to manage: - As the size and number of LAN network increases it becomes more difficult to manage. This is due to security and additional configuration issues. - Internet Speed Difference: - It does not work on telephone copper wires. Copper wires affect the speed of the MAN, so fiber optics are more expensive. - Hackers attack: - In this network, the risk of attacking hackers is higher compared to LAN. So there may be data leak. High security personnel are required on the MAN. - Technical staff should be set up: - High tech personnel should set up MAN. Technical Personnel Network Administrators and Adjustment. - More wires required: - In MAN, cables are required than in LAN network. You know, this is a combination of two lanes. 11 Networking (unit -1) Campus Area Network Campus Area Network (CAN) is a group of local area networks (LANs) that are interconnected within a defined geographical area, such as school campuses, university campuses, military bases or corporate campuses, and corporate buildings. This Campus Area Network is also known as the Corporate Area Network and the Residential Network or Resnet because it is used only by the residents of the particular premises. The Campus Area Network is a network of interconnected local area networks that are connected by switches and routers to form a single network, such as the CAN. The campus area network covers areas ranging from 1 to 5 km and can be wired or wireless. (Geeksforgeek, 2020) Figure 6 :- (CAN) ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES Economical in the sense that it uses fewer The connection between nodes (computers) is cables, switches, hubs and routers limited in size Sharing of data is easy Maintenance is expensive Use a wireless connection for connecting different departments and buildings Files are transferred with high speed over the network (internet) Internet is used from the same ISP (Internet Service Provider) Table :- 5 12 Networking (unit -1) IEEE Standards IEEE 802 is a family of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) standards for Local Area Networks (LAN), Personal Area Networks (PAN), and Metropolitan Area Networks (MAN). The IEEE 802 LAN / MAN Standards Committee (LMSC) maintains these standards. The IEEE 802 Standards consists of twelve members, numbered 802.1 to 802.12, dedicated to each of LMSC's central committees. IEEE 802 MAN/LAN IEEE 802.1 Higher Layer LAN Protocols Working Groups IEEE 802.2 LLC IEEE 802.3 Ethernet IEEE 802.4 Token bus IEEE 802.5 Token Ring MAC layer IEEE 802.6 MANs (DQDB) IEEE 802.7 Broadband LAN using Coaxial Cable IEEE 802.8 Fibre Optic TAG IEEE 802.9 Integrated Service (ISLAN or isoEthernet) IEEE 802.10 Interoperable LAN Security IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN (WLAN) & Mesh (Wi-Fi certification) IEEE 802.12 100BaseVG IEEE 802.14 Cable modems IEEE 802.15 Wireless PAN IEEE 802.15.1 Bluetooth certification IEEE 802.15.2 IEEE 802.15 and IEEE 802.11 coexistence 13 Networking (unit -1) IEEE 802.15.3 High-Rate wireless PAN (eg. UWB,etc) IEEE 802.15.4 Low-Rate wireless PAN (eg. ZigBee, WirelessHART etc) IEEE 802.15.5 Mesh networking for IEEE 802.15.6 Body area network IEEE 802.15.7 Visible light communication IEEE 802.16 Broadband wireless Access (WiMAX certification) Table 6 :- IEEE standards Recommendation The type of network I used for this Matara; The branch is MAN. (Metropolitan Area Network). The metropolitan area includes large geographical areas such as network cities or school districts. Therefore, the famous software company was based in Colombo. Due to this the network structure of the Matara branch should be merged with the Colombo company. Therefore, the metropolitan area network is good for this company. 14 Networking (unit -1) Network Topology Network topology is the schematic description of the arrangement of the physical and logical components of a communication network. Nodes typically include devices such as switches, routers, and software with switch and router features. Topologies are categorized as either physical network topology, which is the physical signal transmission medium, or logical network topology, which refers to how data travels through the network among devices, independent of the physical connection of the devices. (omnisci, 2021) Physical topology is the geometric representation of all the nodes in a network Bus Topology Figure 7:- (Bus topology) This type of network topology is called bus topology because all computers or servers are connected by a single cable or a backbone. Each workstation sends and receives signals through this single cable; Bus. This is a linear topography. Depending on the type of computer network card, a coaxial cable or an RJ-45 network cable is used to connect them together. (Computer Hope, 2018) 15 Networking (unit -1) Advantages and disadvantages of Bus ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES The bus network is easy to extend and can If a cable encounters any problem the entire include many servers and systems. network will collapse. Cost is cheap Difficult to diagnose a problem with a particular server or system. It is ideal for small network setup and works The effectiveness of bus topology decreases as effectively for LAN. the number or number of nodes increases. Security is not very good as all computers receive the same signal from the common bus. Table :- 08 Ring Topology Figure 8 :- (Ring Topology) The transmission of data takes place by token and data travels in one direction. Every node is connected to two nodes on each side. Nodes are connected in a way that makes a close loop, therefore the name ring topology. 16 Networking (unit -1) Advantages and disadvantages of Ring ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES Because information flows in the same In the ring, information and data are sent direction, speed is better than any other through the source and target, which makes topography it slower The network server does not need to control Since the ring is a closed loop, if any one the connection between workstations node goes down, the entire network will collapse Conflict is minimized because data flow The whole network is connected by wire and connection efficiency are very connection, so the network is completely consistent dependent on these connections Every once in a while there is equal access to resources Table :- 08 Star Topology Figure 9 :- (Star Topology) 17 Networking (unit -1) Advantages and disadvantages of star topology ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGEGES New devices can be easily connected and The capability of the core device is important any device can be easily removed from the as it affects the performance of all connected topography. devices. In the star, the central junction controls and Network cost increases with the number of monitors all activities devices Since each terminal is connected separately In this network, the performance of all other and directly, the problem with one device devices is compromised if the hub junction is does not affect the other network. not capable of supporting that number of devices. Table :- 09 Tree Topology Figure 10 :- (Tree topology) 18 Networking (unit -1) In tree topography, the devices are arranged in a tree style like the branches of a tree. The devices on the lower level are connected to the devices on the next higher level, which resembles a tree-like structure. Tree topography-based networks have a hierarchical structure. At higher levels of the tree, often point-to-point or point-tomultipoint connections are used. Wood topography based networks are not suitable for small networks as they require additional equipment and cables. Advantages of Tree topology - This topology is a combination of bus and star topology - Provides hierarchical and central data arrangement of these topology nodes. - Provides high scalability because leaf nodes can add one or more nodes to a hierarchical chain. - If the one of nodes in the network is damaged or not working other nodes are not affected - Provides easy maintenance and can easily identify faults. - Callable topology. The leaf tips have more edges. - Supported by many hardware and software vendors. - Point-to-point wiring for individual segment. Disadvantages of Tree topology - Very difficult to configure compared to other network topologies. - The length of a section is limited & the range of the section depends on the type of cabling used. - Due to a large number of nodes, the network performance of changes slightly more slowly. - If the first level computer is faulty, the next level system is also problematic. - Requires a higher number of cables compared to star and ring topology. This creates dense network traffic as the data center must travel from the cable. - The backbone appears to be the failure point of the entire segment of the network. - Topologies treatment is more complex. - Increases organizational costs. 19 Networking (unit -1) Mesh Topology Figure 11:- (mesh topology) Mesh topology is the network topology in which all network nodes are individually connected to most other nodes. There is no concept of a central switch, hub or computer, which acts as a focal point for sending messages. it can be divided into two kinds: - Fully connected mesh topology :- All the nodes connected to every other node Partially connected mesh topology :- Does not have all the nodes connected to each other Advantages and disadvantages of Mesh topology ADVANTAGES Each connection can carry its own data load DISADVANTAGES Installation and configuration can be difficult if the connection is high It is robust A fault is easily detected Bulk wiring required The cost of cabling is high in fully connected mesh topology Provides security and privacy Table :- 11 I Recoman Mesh topology for Matara Branch. In this topology, all the nodes are directly or partially connected to each other. Mesh topology makes a point-to-point connection. 20 Networking (unit -1) Hybrid Topology Figure 12 :- (Hybrid topology) Hybrid topology is a type of network topology that uses two or more different network topologies. These topologies include a combination of bus topology, mesh topology, ring topology, star topology and tree topology. Advantages and disadvantages of Hybrid topology ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES Can be modified as per requirement Expensive network type Extremely flexible The design of a hybrid network is very complicated. Very reliable There is a change in hardware to connect topology with another topology. Easily scalable as Hybrid networks are built Architectures are larger in scale so they in a fashion which enables easy integration of require a lot of cables in the installation new hardware components process. Error detecting and troubleshooting are easy Hubs are very costly and need to be Used for creating a large network intelligent enough to work with different architectures. Handles a large volume of traffic 21 Networking (unit -1) Table:- 12 Importance of Network Topologies 1. Influence on the operation of networks The importance and impact of topography on network evolution is enormous and influential. In recent years, studies have found that in the real world of networks, topography is essential because it mediates the effects of changes in local communication. Sometimes this can have an impact on the dynamic behavior of networks. Therefore, topography can be an influential aspect of editing or improving the functionality of networks. 2. Have a good understanding of important networking concepts If User want to know or understand the importance of networking concepts, topography can help user. For many, it is difficult to know how a computer network actually works. Topology is a significant component of network design theory. More or less all real world networks form networks set up over time. By topology, people can build a house or set up a small business computer network. The best feature is that they have good knowledge in bus design and do not want to do so with star design. Topology can provide user with a better understanding and familiarity with leading networking ideas such as broadcasters, hubs and routers. 3. Creates small world property Many networks are proving to be so-called small global property. One of the key priorities of topology in the evolution of network design is that it reduces the degree of division between worlds. Networks have been widely used in recent years. It aims to classify and create complex prototypes found across a range of social, technological and biological diversity systems. The topography of the largest social, technological, and biological networks, such as the WWW or related communication networks, has attracted considerable attention. (Justin, 2021) 22 Networking (unit -1) Impacts of Network Topology 1. LAN stands for Local Area Network, usually a group of computers and network devices connected within a single geographic area or building. By definition, connections must be high-speed and relatively inexpensive (e.g., token ring or Ethernet). Most university departments are in lanes. 2. MAN stands for Metropolitan Area Network, which is usually a large network of multiple buildings within the same city or city. The WAN is an abbreviation for a wide area network that, unlike MAN, is not limited to one geographical area, although it can be limited to the limits of a state regulation. 3. The WAN connects multiple LANs, and it can be controlled by one company (a company or an association) or made available to the public. The technology is fast and reasonably priced. The Internet is an example of a public WAN. 23 Networking (unit -1) Network Protocols A network protocol is a set of established rules that direct how computer network devices from servers and routers to endpoints - communicate, transmit, and receive data regardless of differences in their basic configurations, designs, or standards. To successfully send and receive information, devices on both sides of the communication exchange must adopt and follow ethical conventions. In networking, support for protocols can be configured in software, hardware, or both. (Alissa & Wesley, 2021) There are different types of protocols that support the important and compassionate role of interacting with different devices in the network. These are: 1. TCP 2. FTP 3. HTTP 4. UDP 5. DNS 6. POP3 24 Networking (unit -1) Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) TCP is a communications standard for delivering data and messages through networks. Most commonly used protocols within digital network communications. Organizes data so it can be transmitted between server and client. TCP is part of Internet protocol suite, So its known as TCP/IP Figure 13:- (TCP) Advantages and disadvantages of TCP ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES Can be deployed effectively in all the This model cannot describe new models or practical networking problems new technologies. Allow cross-platform communications To have a centralized TCP / IP domain, it among heterogeneous networks requires a lot of efforts for registration Any individual or organization can use TCP Only TCP and IP worked well in the long / IP suite without any reorganization or run whereas others lost their relevance with permission time Can add networks without disturbing any TCP / IP was designed for WAN. It cannot service with the help of TCP / IP work so efficiently with LAN and PAN It assigns a unique IP address to each TCP / IP fails to represent any other stack computer or system registered on a network (Bluetooth) except TCP / IP suite Almost all the routers can read TCP packets Does not differentiate between the data link and give special service to them and physical barriers. Table:- 13 25 Networking (unit -1) File Transfer Protocol The file transfer protocol enables file sharing between hosts, both local and remote, and runs over TCP. For file transfer, FTP creates two TCP connections: control and data connection. The control link is used to change control information such as commands for recovering passwords and files, and the data link is used to convert the actual file. These two connections run in parallel during the entire file transfer process. There are two types of FTP 1. Active FTP 2. Passive FTP Figure 14 :- (FTP) Advantages and disadvantages of FTP ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES Enables sharing large files and multiple FTP lacks security. Data, usernames, and directories at the same time. passwords are transferred in plain text, making them vulnerable to malicious actors. Recover lost data, and schedule a file FTP lacks encryption capabilities, making it transfer. non-compliant with industry standards. Resume file sharing if it was interrupted. Hard to script jobs Fastest transfer than HTTP. Table :- 14 26 Networking (unit -1) Hyper Text Transfer Protocol HTTP is an application layer protocol used for distributed, collaborative and hypermedia information systems. It runs on the client-server model, where the web browser acts as the client. Data such as text, images and other multimedia files are shared over the World Wide Web using HTTP. As a request and response type protocol, the client sends a request to the server, which is processed by the server before sending a reply to the client. HTTP is an unstable protocol, meaning that the connection between the client and the server is only visible to each other. After that, both the client and the server forget about each other. Due to this event, both the client and the server are unable to retain information between requests. Advantages and disadvantages of HTTP ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES Memory usage and CPU usage are low HTTP lacks encryption capabilities, making it less secure. Errors can be reported without closing Too complex for simple data connections Owing to lesser TCP connections, network Only point-to-point communication congestion is reduced Simple for page level data and Simple No reliable exchanges implementation No server resources ate required HTTP requires more power to establish communication and transfer data. Table :- 15 27 Networking (unit -1) User Datagram Protocol (UDP) UDP is an unconnected traffic layer protocol that provides a simple but unreliable messaging service. Unlike TCP, UDP does not include reliability, flow control or error recovery functions. UDP is useful in situations where TCP reliability mechanisms are not required. Retrieving lost data packets is not possible with UDP. Figure 15 :- (UDP) Advantages and disadvantages of UDP ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES Broadcast and multicast connections are In UDP, it's possible that a packet may not possible with UDP be delivered, be delivered twice, or not be delivered at all UDP is faster than TCP Manual disintegration of data packets is needed Table :- 15 28 Networking (unit -1) Domain Name System protocol (DNS) The DNS protocol translates or maps hostname to IP addresses. The DNS operates on the client-server model and uses the database distributed over the name servers hierarchy. Hosts are identified based on their IP addresses, but the IP address is difficult to memorize due to its complexity. IPs are also dynamic, making it very important to map domain names to IP addresses. DNS helps solve this problem by converting websites' domain names to numeric IP addresses. Figure 16 :- (DNS) Advantages and disadvantages of DNS ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES DNS facilitates internet access Could enable hackers to redirect to other Eliminates the need to memorize IP Don't carry information pertaining to the addresses client who initiated it Specially designed for security purpose Pages for phishing data. High Speed internet connection Only helps for new connections No new infrastructure Overheads of updating DNS server Single point of failures Table :- 16 29 Networking (unit -1) Post Office Protocol version 3 (POP3) The post office protocol is also an email protocol. Using this protocol, end users can download emails from the mail server to their own email client. Once the emails are downloaded locally, they can be read without an internet connection. Also, once the emails have been moved inland, they will be removed from the mail server and the space will be free. Unlike IMAP4, POP3 is not designed to deal extensively with messages on the mail server. POP3 is the latest version of the Post Office protocol. Figure 18 :- (POP3) Advantages and disadvantages of POP3 ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES Messages can be read when user is offline E-mail cannot be access from other machines Less storage space is required E-mail attachments may contain viruses Very popular Easy to configure and use Table :- 17 30 Networking (unit -1) Importance of Network Protocol Sometimes referred to as the access method, a protocol used to define the method of exchanging data over a computer network, such as a local area network, the Internet, or the Intranet. The following situations. 31 Networking (unit -1) Activity 02 Operating Principles of Network Devices Computer networking devices are also called data-mediating units and network devices in a computer network. The units that generate the last receiver or data are called hosts or data terminal equipment. Network is the building blocks that facilitate the connection between devices, services and endpoints that use those services. Some networking devices are as follows Hub Figure 19:- (Hub) Hub A hub is a common connection point, also known as a network hub, used to connect devices within a network. It acts as a central connector for all devices connected through the hub. There are several ports in the center. Once a pocket reaches one port, it can be viewed on all segments of the network as a pocket is copied to other ports. There are three type hubs i. Passive Hub: The connection point for wires that helps to make the physical network. ii. Active Hub: Able to monitor the data sent to the connected devices. iii. Intelligent Hub: These hubs have some kinds of management software that help to analyze the problem in the network and resolve them. The important of hub - Hub is used to create small home networks. - It is used for network monitoring. - They are also used in organizations to provide connectivity. - It can be used to create a device that is available thought out of the network. 32 Networking (unit -1) Repeater Figure 20 :- (Wireless Repeater) Repeater In digital communication systems, a repeater is a device that receives a digital signal on an electromagnetic or optical transmission medium and regenerate the signal through the next leg of the medium. Repeaters remove unwanted noise from the incoming signal. Unlike an analog signal, the original digital signal can be clearly perceived and recovered, even if it is weak or distorted. Types of Repeater i. Telephone repeater. ii. Optical communications repeater. iii. Radio repeater. iv. Analog repeater. v. Digital repeater. 33 Networking (unit -1) Router Figure 21 :- (Router) A router is a hardware device designed to receive, analyze, and move incoming packets to another network. It can be used to transfer packets to another network interface, drop them, and perform other network-related actions. Types of router i. Wired Router ii. Wireless router iii. Virtual Router iv. Core Rout v. B-Router vi. Edge Router vii. Subscriber Edge Router viii. Inter-provider Border Router 34 Networking (unit -1) Functions of Router - Create a segment: Routers play an important role in dividing the Internet network in a residency area or business. - Assign IP Address: IP (Internet Protocol) is the most essential element for every computer system because IP address refers to the address assigned to the computer on the network. - Firewall: Firewall provides protection against intruders and malicious users on internal networks. - Share resources: Routers allow multiple users to share resources such as faxes, scanners, printers and file folders on remote drives. Gateway Gateway A gateway is a piece of networking hardware or software used in telecommunications for telecommunications networks that allows data to flow from one unique network to another. Types of gateway Default gateways are computers used to access external networks when another gateway is not specified. Media gateways are used with audio and video transmissions. Payment gateways are secure computers that accept or reject online payments. VoIP gateways are used with Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) communications, such as phone calls made from PCs. 35 Networking (unit -1) Bridge Figure 22 :- (bridge) A network bridge is a device that divides a network into segments. Each segment represent a separate collision domain, so the number of collisions on the network is reduced. Each collision domain has its own separate bandwidth, so a bridge also improves the network performance. Function of bridge - This networking device is used for dividing local area networks into several segments. - In the OSI model, it works under the data link layer - It is used to store the address of MAC in PC used in a network - Used for diminishing the network traffic 36 Networking (unit -1) Switch Figure 23 :- (switch) Switch A switch is a multiboard bridge with a buffer and a design that maximizes its performance (a higher number of ports indicates less traffic) and performance. A switch is a data connection layer device. This makes it very efficient because the switch can perform error checking before forwarding data, which does not forward packets with errors and only selects good packets and sends them to the correct port. How a network switch works The network switch can be used in the following ways: - Edge or access switches: These switches manage incoming or outgoing traffic to the network. Devices such as computers and access points are connected to edge switches. - Assembling or distribution switches: These switches are placed within the preferred middle layer. Edge switches are connected to these, and they can send traffic from switch to switch or to core switches. - Core Switches: These network switches form the backbone of the network. Core switches are aggregation or fringe switches that connect user or device fringe networks data center networks and enterprise LANs to routers. (Burke, 2021) 37 Networking (unit -1) Comparision of Hub, Switch and Router Device Hub Switch Router Layer Physical layer Data link layer Network layer Function To connect a Allow connections Direct data in a network of personal to multiple devices, network computers together, manage ports, they can be joined manage VLAN through a central security settings hub Network type LAN LAN LAN, MAN, WAN Transmission mode Half duplex Half/Full duplex Full duplex Speed 10Mbps 10/100Mbps, 1Gbps 1-100Mbps (wireless); 100Mbps1Gbps(wired) Transmission type Frame flooding, First broadcast, then At Initial Level unicast, multicast or unicast and/or Broadcast then Uni- broadcast multicast depends cast and multicast on the need Port 4/12 ports multi-port, usually 2/4/5/8 ports between 4 and 48 Data Transmission electrical signal or form bits frame & packet packet Table :- 18 Recommandation 38 Networking (unit -1) Server Type There are Several types in server Client Servers In the client/server programming model, a server is a program that awaits and fulfills requests from client programs in the same or other computers. A given application in a computer may function as a client with requests for services from other programs and also as a server of requests from other programs. Mail Servers Almost as ubiquitous and crucial as Web servers, mail servers move and store mail over corporate networks (via LANs and WANs) and across the Internet. Virtual Servers In 2009, the number of virtual servers deployed exceeded the number of physical servers. Today, server virtualization has become near ubiquitous in the data center. From hypervisors to hybrid clouds, ServerWatch looks at the latest virtualization technology trends. Web Servers At its core, a Web server serves static content to a Web browser by loading a file from a disk and serving it across the network to a user’s Web browser. This entire exchange is mediated by the browser and server talking to each other using HTTP. 39 Networking (unit -1) Activity 3 and Activity 4 Figure 24:- (Author Developed) 40 Networking (unit -1) Subnetting Scheme 41 Networking (unit -1) 42 Networking (unit -1) Figure 25 :- (Author Developed) 43 Networking (unit -1) Feedback Form Specify your user type Administrator User Other Is it helpful for you? Yes No It its secure for you? Yes No Rate the connection between various devices within the network Excellent Above Average Average Below Average Poor What you think about this network? Any suggestions for improve the network 44 Networking (unit -1) Google Forum 45 Networking (unit -1) Figure 25:- (Author Developed) 46 Networking (unit -1) Install Window Server Figure 26:- (Author developed) Select the defaults on the language and click Next Figure 27:- (Author developed) Click “Install now” 47 Networking (unit -1) Figure 28:- (Author developed) Select “Window server 2016 Standard Evalution (Desktop Experience)” and Click Next Figure 30:-(Author developed) Consider the license agreement and click the checkbox “I accept the license terms” and click Next. 48 Networking (unit -1) Figure 31:- (Author developed) Select “upgrade” Figure 32:-(Author developed) Click Next 49 Networking (unit -1) Figure 33:- (Author developed) Figure 34:- (Author developed) Create an account with User name and Password and Click Finish. 50 Networking (unit -1) Figure 35:- (Author developed) Wait until Restart Figure 36:-(Author developed) 51 Networking (unit -1) Figure 37:- (Author developed) Figure 38:- (Author developed) Future Enhacement 52 Networking (unit -1)