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Macbeth Socratic Seminar Prep Questions

Blankity Blankerson
Period 9
Macbeth Socratic Seminar Prep Questions:
Level 3 Question:
In Act 1, Scene 7 of the play, Lady Macbeth eventually convinces Macbeth to kill King Duncan,
but later on, in Act 3, Scene 2 of the play, when Macbeth is discussing how he plans to kill
Banquo, she is scared and tries to convince Macbeth not to do anything. Why do you think Lady
Macbeth’s attitude and opinion toward the decision has suddenly changed?
Level 4 Question:
The witches’ role in the play is to lay out the future, specifically for Macbeth, but his ambition
and the choices he makes also affects his life in the future. In our society today, do you think
our decisions now are solely what determine our future, or do you think our fate is already
predetermined by other factors in our life (wealth, race, gender, etc.)?